1st Session of the 45th Legislature (1995)
HOUSE BILL NO. 1830 By: Tyler
An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S.
1991, Sections 1-108, 1-128, 1-140 and 1-152.1,
which relate to definitions of words and phrases;
modifying definitions; amending 47 O.S. 1991,
Sections 2-109, 2-112 and 2-114, which relate to
the responsibilities of the Commissioner and
Department of Public Safety; providing for certain
applications, forms and law summaries; amending 47
O.S. 1991, Sections 6-101, as last amended by
Section 1, Chapter 18, O.S.L. 1994, 6-110, as last
amended by Section 1, Chapter 196, O.S.L. 1994, and
6-309, as last amended by Section 6, Chapter 97,
O.S.L. 1993 (47 O.S. Supp. 1994, Sections 6-101, 6-
110 and 6-309), which relate to issuance of
licenses; providing for certain licenses; amending
47 O.S. 1991, Section 8-103, which relates to
renting a motor vehicle to another; requiring
licensure of certain individuals; amending 47 O.S.
1991, Section 10-104, as amended by Section 1,
Chapter 192, O.S.L. 1993 and 10-106 (47 O.S. Supp.
1994, Section 10-104), which relate to motor
vehicle accidents; requiring exhibiting of certain
licenses; amending 47 O.S. 1991, Section 18-101,
which relates to traffic citation records;
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requiring certain items be furnished to Department
of Public Safety; amending 47 O.S. 1991, Section
180m, which relates to identification device
enforcement; providing for certain statutory
references; amending 47 O.S. 1991, Section 801, as
amended by Section 5, Chapter 314, O.S.L. 1993 (47
O.S. Supp. 1994, Section 801), which relates to
commercial driving training schools; providing for
certain licenses; amending 47 O.S. 1991, Section
1006, which relates to ridesharing; designating
certain individuals as not being commercial
drivers; amending 47 O.S. 1991, Section 1171, which
relates to tour buses; authorizing rule
promulgation; and providing an effective date.
SECTION 1. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 1-108, is
amended to read as follows:
Section 1-108. Commercial chauffeur and chauffeur Operator or
(a) Commercial chauffeur. Every person who operates, drives or
is in actual physical control of a Class A, B or C commercial motor
vehicle while in use as a common carrier of persons or property .
(b) Chauffeur. Every person who is employed by another for the
principal purpose of operating a motor vehicle and every person who
operates a motor vehicle of more than two (2) tons rated capacity
that is required by law to have a commercial tag attached thereto
and every person who operates a school bus transporting school
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children to and from school, as defined in Sections 1-107.1, 1-107.2
and 1-107.3 of this title.
SECTION 2. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 1-128, is
amended to read as follows:
Section 1-128. License to operate a motor vehicle.
A. Any operator's commercial chauffeur's or chauffeur's valid
driver license or any other license or permit to operate a motor
vehicle issued under the laws of this state including:
1. Any any temporary license or instruction permit;
2. The privilege of any person to drive a motor vehicle whether
or not such person holds a valid license;, the lawful possession of
which by a resident of this state shall be evidence that the
resident has been granted the privilege to operate a motor vehicle.
3. B. Any nonresident's operating privilege as defined herein
in Section 1-138 of this title, which is evidenced by the lawful
possession of a valid driver license or permit to operate a motor
vehicle issued under the laws of another state.
SECTION 3. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 1-140, is
amended to read as follows:
Section 1-140. Operator or Driver.
Every person, other than including a commercial chauffeur
operator or chauffeur driver, as defined in Section 1-108 of this
title, who operates, drives or is in actual physical control of a
motor vehicle upon a highway or who is exercising control over or
steering a vehicle being towed by a motor vehicle.
SECTION 4. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 1-152.1, is
amended to read as follows:
Section 1-152.1 Recreational Vehicle.
For the sole purpose of a classified driver's license system the
classification of vehicles as provided in Sections 1-107.1 through
1-107.4 of this title, a recreational vehicle shall be defined as
deemed to be a Class D motor vehicle, provided such vehicle is a
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self-propelled or towed vehicle that is equipped to serve as
temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel
purposes and is used solely as a family or personal conveyance.
SECTION 5. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 2-109, is
amended to read as follows:
Section 2-109. The Commissioner shall prescribe and provide
suitable forms of applications, certificates of title, registration
cards, operators' and chauffeurs' driver licenses and all other
forms requisite or deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of
this act title and any other laws the enforcement and administration
of which are vested in the Department.
SECTION 6. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 2-112, is
amended to read as follows:
Section 2-112. The Department shall examine and determine the
genuineness, regularity and legality of every application for
registration of a vehicle, for a certificate of the title therefor,
and for an operator's or chauffeur's, driver license and any other
application lawfully made to the Department, and may in all cases
make investigation as may be deemed necessary or require additional
information, and shall reject any such application if not satisfied
of the genuineness, regularity or legality thereof or the truth of
any statement contained therein, or for any other reason, when
authorized by law.
SECTION 7. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 2-114, is
amended to read as follows:
Section 2-114. The Department may publish a synopsis or summary
of the laws of this state regulating the operation of vehicles and
may deliver a copy thereof without charge with each original vehicle
registration and with each original operator's or chauffeur's
license to any person.
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SECTION 8. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 6-101, as
last amended by Section 1, Chapter 18, O.S.L. 1994 (47 O.S. Supp.
1994, Section 6-101), is amended to read as follows:
Section 6-101. A. No person, except those hereinafter
expressly exempted in Section 6-102 of this title, shall operate any
motor vehicle upon a highway in this state unless such person has a
valid Oklahoma driver license for the class of vehicle being
operated under the provisions of this title. No person shall be
permitted to possess more than one valid license at any time.
B. 1. No person shall operate a Class A commercial motor
vehicle unless such person is eighteen (18) years of age or older
and holds a valid Class A commercial license. Any person holding a
valid Class A commercial license shall be permitted to operate motor
vehicles in Classes A, B, C and D, except as provided for in
paragraph 4 of this subsection;
2. No person shall operate a Class B commercial motor vehicle
unless such person is eighteen (18) years of age or older and holds
a valid Class B commercial license. Any person holding a valid
Class B commercial license shall be permitted to operate motor
vehicles in Classes B, C and D, except as provided for in paragraph
4 of this subsection;
3. No person shall operate a Class C commercial motor vehicle
unless such person is eighteen (18) years of age or older and holds
a valid Class C commercial license. Any person holding a valid
Class C commercial license shall be permitted to operate motor
vehicles in Classes C and D, except as provided for in paragraph 4
of this subsection;
4. No person under twenty-one (21) years of age shall be
licensed to operate any motor vehicle which is required to be
placarded for hazardous materials pursuant to 49 C.F.R., Part 172,
subpart F; provided, the Department of Public Safety shall provide
by rule promulgated pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act,
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Section 250 et seq. of Title 75 of the Oklahoma Statutes, that a
person under twenty-one (21) years of age may be licensed to
a. a farm vehicle, or
b. if such person is the operator of or employed by the
operator of a farm retail outlet, any vehicle,
which is required to be placarded for hazardous materials pursuant
to 49 C.F.R., Part 172, subpart F, if such licensure will not result
in the loss of federal funds to the State of Oklahoma pursuant to
federal law or regulation; and
5. No person shall operate a Class D motor vehicle unless such
person is sixteen (16) years of age or older and holds a valid Class
D license, except as provided for in Section 6-105 of this title.
Any person holding a valid Class D license shall be permitted to
operate motor vehicles in Class D only.
C. No person shall operate a motorcycle, motor-driven cycle or
a motorized bicycle without having a valid Class A, B, C or D
license with a motorcycle endorsement.
D. Any person issued a classified driver's driver license
pursuant to this section may exercise the privilege thereby granted
upon all streets and highways in this state.
E. D. No person shall operate a motorcycle, motor-driven cycle
or a motorized bicycle without having a valid Class A, B, C or D
license with a motorcycle endorsement. Except as otherwise may be
provided for by law, any new applicant for an original classified
driver license shall be required to successfully complete a written
examination, vision examination and driving examination for a
motorcycle as prescribed by the Department of Public Safety to be
eligible for a motorcycle endorsement thereon.
F. E. Except as otherwise may be provided for by law, any
holder of an person who lawfully possesses a valid Oklahoma
commercial chauffeur, chauffeur or operator driver's driver license
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which is eligible for renewal who applies for a Class A, B, C or D
license shall be required to successfully complete a written
examination, vision examination and driving examination for a
motorcycle as prescribed by the Department to be eligible for a
motorcycle endorsement thereon; provided, however, the Department
may waive all such examinations upon being furnished satisfactory
proof that the applicant has regularly operated a motorcycle, motor-
driven cycle or motorized bicycle for a minimum of two (2) years
immediately preceding the application.
G. F. Any person eighteen (18) years of age or older may apply
for a restricted Class A, B or C commercial license. The
Department, after the applicant has passed all parts of the
examination for and has been issued a Class D license and has
successfully passed all parts of the examination for a Class A, B or
C commercial license other than the driving test, may issue to the
applicant a restricted driver's driver license which shall entitle
the applicant having such license in his immediate possession to
operate a Class A, B or C commercial motor vehicle upon the public
highways solely for the purpose of behind-the-wheel training in
accordance with rules promulgated by the Department.
This restricted driver's driver license shall be issued for the
same period as all other licenses; provided, such restricted license
may be suspended, revoked, canceled or denied at the discretion of
the Department for violation of the restrictions, for failing to
give the required or correct information on the application or for
violation of any traffic laws of this state pertaining to the
operation of a motor vehicle. Except as otherwise provided, the
holder lawful possessor of such restricted license who has been
issued such restricted license for a minimum of thirty (30) days may
have the restriction requiring an accompanying driver removed by
satisfactorily completing a driver's examination; provided, the
removal of such restriction shall not authorize the operation of a
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Class A, B or C commercial motor vehicle if such operation is
otherwise prohibited by law. The Department shall cause such
examination to be conducted not more than three times during the
first six (6) months after date of issuance of said restricted
license and not more than one time every three (3) months thereafter
upon request of the holder lawful possessor thereof.
H. G. The fee charged for a successful examination shall be
assessed in accordance with the following schedule:
Class A Commercial License $25.00
Class B Commercial License $15.00
Class C Commercial License $15.00
Class D License $ 4.00
Motorcycle Examination $ 4.00
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1104 of this title,
all monies collected from the examination fees charged for Class A,
B and C Commercial Licenses commercial licenses pursuant to the
provisions of this subsection shall be deposited in the General
Revenue Fund of this state.
I. H. The fee charged for an examination other than a
successful examination shall be Four Dollars ($4.00) for any license
classification. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1104 of
this title, all monies collected from such examination fees pursuant
to the provisions of this subsection shall be deposited in the
General Revenue Fund of the state.
J. I. In addition to any fee charged for a successful
examination pursuant to the provisions of subsection H G of this
section, the fee charged for the issuance or renewal of an Oklahoma
license shall be in accordance with the following schedule:
Class A Commercial License $35.00
Class B Commercial License $35.00
Class C Commercial License $25.00
Class D License $15.00
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K. J. All original and renewal classified driver licenses shall
expire four (4) years from the last day of the month in which the
license was issued.
L. K. Any person sixty-two (62) years of age or older during
the calendar year of issuance or renewal of a Class D license or
motorcycle endorsement shall be charged the following prorated fee:
Age 62 $11.25
Age 63 $ 7.50
Age 64 $ 3.75
Age 65 -0-
M. L. The Oklahoma Department of Public Safety and the Oklahoma
Tax Commission are authorized to promulgate rules for the issuance
and for the renewal of driver's driver licenses authorized to be
issued pursuant to the provisions of Sections 6-101 through 6-309 of
this title. Applications, upon forms approved by the Department of
Public Safety, for such licenses shall be handled by the motor
license agents, provided that the Department of Public Safety is
authorized to assume these duties in any county of this state. Each
motor license agent accepting applications for such drivers' driver
licenses shall receive Two Dollars ($2.00) to be deducted from the
total collected for each license or renewal application accepted.
The two-dollar fee received by the motor license agent shall be used
for operating expenses.
N. M. For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1994, and for each
fiscal year thereafter, notwithstanding the provisions of Section
1104 of this title and subsection M L of this section and except as
provided in subsection H G of this section, the first Sixty Thousand
Dollars ($60,000.00) of all monies collected pursuant to this
section shall be paid by the Oklahoma Tax Commission to the State
Treasurer to be deposited in the General Revenue Fund of the State
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O. N. The next Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) of
monies collected pursuant to this section shall be paid by the
Oklahoma Tax Commission to the State Treasurer to be deposited each
fiscal year under the provisions of this section to the credit of
the Department of Public Safety Revolving Fund for the purpose of
the Statewide Law Enforcement Communications System. All other
monies collected in excess of Five Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars
($560,000.00) each fiscal year shall be apportioned as provided in
Section 1104 of this title, except as provided in subsection M L of
this section.
P. O. If funds are appropriated for purposes specified by this
subsection, the Department of Public Safety may implement a
procedure whereby images displayed on licenses issued pursuant to
the provisions of Sections 6-101 through 6-309 of this title can be
maintained by the Department to create photographs which may be used
only by a law enforcement agency for purposes of criminal
investigations, missing person investigations, or any law
enforcement purpose which is deemed necessary by the Commissioner of
Public Safety. The computer system acquired for this purpose must
conform to industry standards for interoperability and open
architecture. The Department of Public Safety may promulgate rules
to implement the provisions of this subsection.
SECTION 9. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 6-110, as
last amended by Section 1, Chapter 196, O.S.L. 1994 (47 O.S. Supp.
1994, Section 6-110), is amended to read as follows:
Section 6-110. A. 1. The Department of Public Safety shall
examine every applicant for an original Class A, B, C or D license
and for any endorsements thereon, except as otherwise provided in
Sections 6-101 through 6-309 of this title or as provided in
subsection D of this section. Such examination shall include a test
of the applicant's eyesight, his ability to read and understand
highway signs regulating, warning and directing traffic, his
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knowledge of the traffic laws of this state, and shall include an
actual demonstration of ability to exercise ordinary and reasonable
control in the operation of a motor vehicle. The actual
demonstration shall be conducted in the type of motor vehicle for
the class of driver's driver license being applied for. Any
licensee seeking to apply for a driver's driver license of another
class which is not covered by his current driver's driver license
shall be considered an applicant for an original license for that
2. The Department of Public Safety shall have the authority to
waive the requirement of the actual demonstration of the motor
vehicle for those applicants who surrender a valid unexpired
driver's driver license issued by any state for the same type or
types of vehicles, provided that the applicant's driving record
meets the standards set by the Department of Public Safety.
3. All applicants requiring a hazardous materials endorsement
shall be required to successfully complete the examination for the
renewal of such endorsement.
4. The Department of Public Safety must shall give the complete
examination as provided for in this section within thirty (30) days
from the date the application is received, and the examination shall
be given at a location within one hundred (100) miles of the
residence of the applicant.
B. Any person holding a valid Oklahoma commercial chauffeur,
chauffeur or operator driver's Class D license and applying for a
Class A, B or C commercial license shall be required to successfully
complete all testing as required for an original applicant for the
specified class; provided, however, the Department may, by rule,
waive the driving test requirement.
C. Except as provided in subsection F E of Section 6-101 of
this title, any person holding a valid Oklahoma Class A, B or C
commercial chauffeur, chauffeur or operator driver's license shall,
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upon time for renewal thereof, be entitled to a Class D license
without any type of testing or examination, except for any
endorsements thereon as otherwise provided for by Section 6-110.1 of
this title.
D. Under the direction of the Department of Public Safety, any
certified driver education instructor may administer the written
portion of the Oklahoma driving examination as required for a driver
education course or Class D license. The required driving skills
portion of the Oklahoma driving examination may be given by such
certified driver education instructor to a student who has
successfully completed one of the following:
1. A prescribed secondary school driver education course, as
defined by Section 19-113 et seq. of Title 70 of the Oklahoma
2. A driver education course, certified by the Department of
Public Safety, from a parochial, private or other nonpublic
secondary school; or
3. A commercial driver training course, as defined by Sections
801 through 808 of this title.
SECTION 10. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 6-309, as
last amended by Section 6, Chapter 97, O.S.L. 1993 (47 O.S. Supp.
1994, Section 6-309), is amended to read as follows:
Section 6-309. A. Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
a holder of an unexpired any person who lawfully possesses a valid
Oklahoma commercial chauffeur's license, chauffeur's license or
operator's Class A, B or C commercial license shall be entitled to
operate a Class D motor vehicle or motorcycle, motor-driven cycle or
motorized bicycle in accordance with the driver's driver license
granted and the endorsements thereon until the expiration of said
license, except for any period of time in which said driver's the
license has been canceled, suspended or revoked.
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B. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the holder of a
valid Oklahoma commercial chauffeur's license or chauffeur's license
which expires on or after April 1, 1992, shall not be e ntitled to
operate a Class A, B or C commercial motor vehicle under the
authority of such license on or after April 1, 1992.
C. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Department
of Public Safety may require that the holder of a valid Oklahoma
commercial chauffeur's license or chauffeur's license which expires
on or after January 1, 1991, or a person applying for an original
Class A, B or C license after January 1, 1991, complete all required
parts of the examination for a Class A, B or C license a s a
condition for renewal or issuance of a Class A, B or C license.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Department of Public
Safety may require that the holder of a valid Oklahoma commercial
chauffeur's license or chauffeur's license, which expires on or
after April 1, 1992, complete all required parts of the examination
for a Class A, B or C license prior to April 1, 1992. The fee for a
successful examination shall be as provided in subsection H of
Section 6-101 of this title.
D. A holder of a commercial chauffeur's or chauffeur's license
who has successfully completed the examination for a Class A, B or C
license as required by this section shall be issued a Class A, B or
C license upon:
1. Expiration of his commercial chauffeur's license or
chauffeur's license on or before April 1, 1992, whichever occurs
2. Completion of any other requirements of the Oklahoma Vehicle
License and Registration Act, Section 1101 et seq. of this title;
3. Payment of the fee as provided in subsection H of Section 6-
101 of this title and payment of the appropriate fee for replacement
or renewal as applicable.
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SECTION 11. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 8-103, is
amended to read as follows:
Section 8-103. (a) A. No person shall rent a motor vehicle to
any other person unless the latter person to whom the vehicle is to
be rented is then duly licensed to operate a motor vehicle as
required under this act or, in the case of a nonresident, then duly
licensed under the laws of the state or country of his residence
except a nonresident whose home state or country does not require
that an operator be licensed.
(b) B. No person shall rent a motor vehicle to another until he
has inspected the operator's or chauffeur's driver license of the
person to whom the vehicle is to be rented and compared and verified
the signature thereon with the signature of such person written in
his presence.
(c) C. Every person renting a motor vehicle to another shall
keep a record of the registration number of the motor vehicle so
rented, the name and address and driver license number of the person
to whom the vehicle is rented, the number of the license of said
latter person and the date and place when and where said license was
issued. Such record shall be open to inspection by any police
officer or officer or employee of the Department.
SECTION 12. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 10 -104, as
amended by Section 1, Chapter 192, O.S.L. 1993 (47 O.S. Supp. 1994,
Section 10-104), is amended to read as follows:
Section 10-104. A. The driver of any vehicle involved in an
accident resulting in injury to or death of any person or damage to
any vehicle which is driven or attended by any person shall give his
correct name, address and registration number of the vehicle he is
driving, and shall upon request exhibit his operator's or
chauffeur's driver license and his security verification form, as
defined in Section 7-600 of this title, to the person struck or the
driver or occupant of or person attending any vehicle collided with,
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and shall render to any person injured in such accident reasonable
assistance, including the carrying, or the making of arrangements
for the carrying, of such person to a physician, surgeon or hospital
for medical or surgical treatment if it is apparent that such
treatment is necessary or if such carrying is requested by the
injured person. Any driver who provides information required by
this section which is intentionally inaccurate shall be subject to
the provisions of Section 10-103 of this title.
B. Any driver of any vehicle involved in an accident who is
cited for any traffic offense where said accident resulted in the
immediate death of any person shall submit to drug and alcohol
testing as soon as practicable after such accident occurs. T he
traffic offense violation shall constitute probable cause for
purposes of Section 752 of this title and the procedures found in
Section 752 of this title shall be followed to determine the
presence of alcohol or controlled dangerous substances within the
driver's blood system.
SECTION 13. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 10 -106, is
amended to read as follows:
Section 10-106. The driver of any vehicle involved in an
accident resulting only in damage to fixtures or other property
legally upon or adjacent to a highway shall take reasonable steps to
locate and notify the owner or person in charge of such property of
such fact and of his the driver's name and address and of the
registration number of the vehicle he is driving being driven and
shall upon request and if available exhibit his operator's or
chauffeur's a driver license and his security verification form, as
defined in Section 7-600 of this title, and shall make report of
such accident when and as required in Section 10-108 hereof of this
SECTION 14. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 18 -101, is
amended to read as follows:
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Section 18-101. (a) A. Every magistrate or judge of a court
shall keep or cause to be kept a record of every traffic complaint,
traffic citation or other legal form of traffic charge deposited
with or presented to said court or its traffic-violations bureau,
and shall keep a record of every official action by said court or
its traffic-violations bureau in reference thereto, including but
not limited to a record of every conviction, forfeiture of bail,
judgment of acquittal and the amount of fine or forfeiture resulting
from every said traffic complaint or citation deposited with or
presented to said court or traffic-violations bureau.
(b) B. Within ten (10) days after the conviction or forfeiture
of bail of a person upon a charge of violating any provision of this
act title or other law regulating the operation of vehicles on
highways every said magistrate of the court or clerk of the court of
record, in which such conviction was had or bail was forfeited shall
prepare and immediately forward to the Department an abstract of the
record of said court covering the case in which said person was so
convicted or forfeited bail, which abstract must be certified by the
person so required to prepare the same to be true and correct. A
report need not be made of any conviction involving the illegal
parking or standing of a vehicle. A magistrate of a municipal court
shall not make such a report of a conviction involving speeding if
the speed limit is not exceeded by more than ten (10) miles per
(c) C. Said abstract must be made upon a form furnished by the
Department and shall include the:
1. The name and, address of the party charged, the and driver
license number, if any, of his operator's or chauffeur's license,
the of the person charged;
2. The registration number of the vehicle involved, the; and
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3. The nature of the offense, the date of hearing, the plea,
the judgment, or whether bail forfeited and the amount of the fine
or forfeiture as the case may be.
(d) D. Every court of record shall also forward a like report
to the Department upon the conviction of any person of manslaughter
or other felony in the commission of which a vehicle was used.
(e) E. The failure, refusal or neglect of any such judicial
officer to comply with any of the requirements of this section shall
constitute misconduct in office and shall be ground for removal
SECTION 15. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 180m, is
amended to read as follows:
Section 180m. Duties of State and Local Officers: In addition
to all other duties as provided by law, it is hereby declared to be,
and shall be the duty of all sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, district
attorneys, enforcement officers appointed by the Corporation
Commission of the State of Oklahoma, and all highway patrolmen
within the State of Oklahoma, to:
1. To enforce the provisions of this act. Sections 180 through
180m of this title;
2. To apprehend and detain any motor vehicle or vehicles and
driver or chauffeur operator and their aids aides who are operating
any motor vehicle, upon or along the Highways highways of this
state, without the specific identification plate so attached thereto
as provided herein, for a reasonable length of time, for the purpose
of investigating and determining whether such vehicle is being
operated in violation of any of the provisions of this act Sections
180 through 180m of this title; and to
3. To make arrests for the violation of the provisions of this
act Sections 180 through 180m of this title, without the necessity
of procuring a warrant; and to
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4. To sign the necessary complaint and to cause the violator or
violators to be promptly arraigned before a court of competent
jurisdiction for trial and to;
5. To aid and assist in the prosecution of the violator or
violators in the name of the State of Oklahoma to the end that this
law shall be enforced:;
(a) It shall be the further duty of the arresting officer to
6. To report all such arrests for violations of Sections 180
through 180m of this title to the Corporation Commission of Oklahoma
within ten (10) days after making such arrest and to furnish such
information concerning same as the Commission may request.
(b) It shall be the further duty of the officers herein, at; and
7. At the request of the Corporation Commission, to seize and
confiscate any and all certificates of registration and
identification plates and to forward the same to the Corporation
Commission for cancellation.
SECTION 16. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 801, as
amended by Section 5, Chapter 314, O.S.L. 1993 (47 O.S. Supp. 1994,
Section 801), is amended to read as follows:
Section 801. As used in this act Section 801 et seq. of this
(A) "Commercial driver training school" or "school" means a
business enterprise conducted by an individual, association,
partnership, or corporation, for the education and training of
persons, either practically or theoretically, or both, to operate or
drive motor vehicles and/or to prepare an applicant for an
examination given by the state for a classified driver's driver
license including a restricted Class D license for persons fifteen
and one-half (15 1/2) years old as defined in Section 6 -105 of this
title, and charging a consideration or tuition for such services.
(B) "Instructor" means any person, whether acting for himself
as operator of a commercial driver training school or for any such
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school for compensation, who teaches, conducts classes of, gives
demonstrations to, or supervises practice of persons learning to
operate or drive motor vehicles or preparing to take an examination
for a classified driver's driver license including a restricted
Class D license for persons fifteen and one-half (15 1/2) years old
as defined in Section 6-105 of this title, and any person who
supervises the work of any other such instructor.
(C) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Public Safety.
SECTION 17. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 1006, is
amended to read as follows:
Section 1006. The driver in a ridesharing arrangement shall not
be deemed a chauffeur commercial operator or driver nor shall he be
deemed to be transporting persons for compensation under the driver
licensing provisions of Title 47 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
SECTION 18. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 1991, Section 1171, is
amended to read as follows:
Section 1171. A. As used in this section, "tour bus" means an
intercity bus or buses owned, leased or operated to transport
passengers by charter or special service as defined by the
Interstate Commerce Commission who are assembled into a travel group
through a sale to each individual passenger of a ticket covering a
comprehensive trip from any point within the State of Oklahoma with
visits to places of established interest and a return in conjunction
with packages offered by travel agencies or professional tour
operators. The term "tour bus" shall not include regular route
passenger service.
B. It shall be unlawful for the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation
Department or any other agency of the state to discriminate in any
way against a company, corporation, partnership or sole
proprietorship operating tour buses on an intrastate or interstate
basis in this state.
Req. No. 6191 Page 20
C. Upon application, the Marketing Services Division of the
Department of Tourism and Recreation shall issue a permit to any
applicant for a tour bus permit in the State of Oklahoma. The fee
for such permit shall be Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per year for each
tour bus company. The fee shall be paid to the Marketing Services
Division and said fees shall be deposited by the State Treasurer in
the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department Revolving Fund.
D. Prior to the issuance of any such permit, all tour bus
operators must file with the Marketing Services Division of the
Department of Tourism and Recreation proof of compliance with all
insurance requirements and safety standards required by the State of
E. The public policy of this state, as declared by the
Legislature, is to encourage tour bus operations within the state
and to simplify permit application procedures for providers of tour
bus services. Rules and regulations adopted by the Oklahoma Tourism
and Recreation Commission shall implement the stated public policy
and also protect the public's interest by mandating that tour bus
operators shall conduct their operations in accordance with all
applicable laws of the state, and all applicable rules established
by the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Commission.
F. No person shall operate a tour bus as a carrier of persons
or property unless such person holds a valid commercial chauffeur's
driver license.
G. No tour bus shall be operated on the public highways of the
state that does not comply with safety criteria established by state
law or by rule promulgated by the Department of Public Safety. No
tour bus shall be operated by any person who is intoxicated or under
the influence of alcohol or under the influence of amphetamines,
stimulants, controlled dangerous substances, or other drugs. Any
tour bus which fails to meet safety criteria, or which is operated
by a person under the influence of alcohol, amphetamines,
Req. No. 6191 Page 21
stimulants, controlled dangerous substances, or other drugs shall be
denied continued use of the public highways of the state.
H. No tour bus operator shall conduct any operations in this
state until after such tour bus operator shall have filed with the
Marketing Services Division of the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation
Department a liability insurance policy or bond covering public
liability and property damage, issued by an insurance or bonding
company or insurance carrier authorized to do business in this state
and shall be in such sum and amount as fixed by rules as approved by
the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Commission; and such liability
and property damage insurance policy or bond shall bind the obligor
thereunder to make compensation for injuries to, or death of,
persons, and loss or damage to property, resulting from the
operation of any such tour bus for which such carrier is legally
Providing further that such tour bus operator shall maintain all
insurance required by state law and the rules of the Oklahoma
Tourism and Recreation Commission during the operation of such tour
bus and that the failure for any cause to maintain such coverage in
full force and effect shall immediately, without any notice from the
Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Commission, suspend the rights of
the tour bus operator to operate such tour bus until proper
insurance is provided.
Any tour bus operator engaged in interstate operations shall
comply with all provisions of this section; however, valid
Interstate Commerce Commission certification shall be recognized in
lieu of a liability insurance policy or bond and safety inspection
by an Oklahoma Department of Public Safety authorized inspection.
I. Every owner of any tour bus operated within this state, such
agents, employees and every other person who violates or fails to
comply with or procures, aids or abets in the violation of any
provision of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
Req. No. 6191 Page 22
Upon conviction in a criminal court of competent jurisdiction, such
misdemeanor is punishable by a fine not exceeding One Thousand
Dollars ($1,000.00).
J. The Department of Public Safety shall be responsible for
enforcement of this section, and monthly, shall notify the Marketing
Services Division of the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department
of any citations issued for violations of this section.
K. The Marketing Services Division of the Oklahoma Tourism and
Recreation Department may enter into an agreement with any person or
corporation located within or without the state for transmission of
tour bus permits by way of a facsimile machine or other device if
the Department determines that such agreement is in the best
interests of the state.
L. The Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Commission may adopt
such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to administer the
provisions of this section. The Department may prescribe an
application form for the permit and such other forms as it deems
SECTION 19. This act shall become effective November 1, 1995.
45-1-6191 LAC