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1st Session of the 49th Legislature (2003)
HOUSE BILL HB1813: Benge
An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S.
2001, Sections 7-600, 7-601, 7-601.1, 7-602 and 7-
609, which relate to the Compulsory Insurance Law;
modifying definition; modifying security
requirements; providing for security based on an
operator’s security verification; providing for
operator’s security verification for more than one
vehicle; providing required warning; modifying proof
of insurance requirements; and providing an effective
. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 2001, Section 7-600, is
amended to read as follows:
Section 7-600. As used in Section 7-600 et seq. of this title:
1. "Owner's policy". An owner's policy of liability insurance:
a. shall designate by explicit description or by
appropriate reference all vehicles with respect to
which coverage is thereby to be granted,
b. shall insure the person named therein and insure any
other person, except as provided in subparagraph c of
this paragraph, using an insured vehicle with the
express or implied permission of the named insured,
against loss from the liability imposed by law for
damages arising out of the ownership, maintenance,
operation or use of such vehicle,
c. may provide for exclusions from coverage in accordance
with existing laws, and
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d. shall be issued by an authorized carrier providing
coverage in accordance with Section 7-204 of this
title, and
e. shall only be applicable if the insurance policy
covers other types of insurance not required by the
Compulsory Insurance Law, such as collision,
comprehensive or uninsured motorist coverage.
2. "Operator's policy". An operator's policy of liability
insurance shall insure the named person against loss from the
liability imposed upon the named person by law for damages arising
out of the operation or use by the named person of any motor vehicle
not owned by the named person, subject to the same limits of
liability required in an owner's policy.
3. "Security". Security means:
a. a policy or bond meeting the requirements of Section
7-204 of this title,
b. a deposit of cash or securities having the equivalency
of limits required under Section 7-204 of this title
as acceptable limits for a policy or bond,
c. self-insurance, pursuant to the provisions of Section
7-503 of this title, having the equivalency of limits
required under Section 7-204 of this title as
acceptable limits for a policy or bond, or
d. for vehicles registered pursuant to the provisions of
Section 1127 of this title, a policy or bond meeting
or exceeding the requirements of Section 7-204 of this
title; provided, the policy or bond may be issued by
an insurance company or surety company authorized to
do business in the state of residence or domicile of
the member of the Armed Forces and the motor license
agent or other registering agency shall accept the
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security verification form issued by such insurance
company or surety company.
4. "Compulsory Insurance Law". Compulsory Insurance Law is the
law requiring liability insurance in conjunction with the operation
of a motor vehicle in this state as found in Section 7-600 et seq.
of this title.
5. "Security verification form". A security verification form
is a form, approved by the Insurance Commissioner, verifying the
existence of security required by the Compulsory Insurance Law of
the State of Oklahoma.
. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 2001, Section 7-601, is
amended to read as follows:
Section 7-601. A. Until January 1, 1983, every owner of a
motor vehicle registered in this state, other than a licensed used
motor vehicle dealer, shall, at all times, maintain in force with
respect to such vehicle security for the payment of loss resulting
from the liability imposed by law for bodily injury, death and
property damage sustained by any person arising out of the
ownership, maintenance, operation or use of the vehicle. As used
herein, "security" means:
1. A policy or bond meeting the requirements of Section 7-204
of this title;
2. A deposit of cash or securities having the equivalency of
limits required under Section 7-204 of this title as acceptable
limits for a policy or bond; or
3. Self-insurance, pursuant to the provisions of Section 7-503
of this title, having the equivalency of limits required under
Section 7-204 of this title as acceptable limits for a policy or
B. On and after January 1, 1983, every owner of a motor vehicle
registered in this state, other than a licensed used motor vehicle
dealer, shall, at all times, maintain in force with respect to such
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vehicle security for the payment of loss resulting from the
liability imposed by law for bodily injury, death and property
damage sustained by any person arising out of the ownership,
maintenance, operation or use of the vehicle. Every person, while
operating or using a motor vehicle registered in this state which is
not owned by such person, shall maintain in force security for the
payment of loss resulting from the liability imposed by law for
bodily injury, death or property damage sustained by any person
arising out of the operation or use of the vehicle, unless such
security has been provided by the owner in accordance with this
section which does not exclude said person from coverage.
C. 1. On and after September 1, 1993, unless otherwise
provided by law, no motor vehicle shall be operated in this state
unless there is in effect with respect to such vehicle the operator
security for the payment of loss resulting from the liability
imposed by law for bodily injury, death and property damage
sustained by any person arising out of the ownership, maintenance,
operation or use of the vehicle. Every person, while operating or
using a motor vehicle in this state which is not owned by such
person, shall maintain in force security for the payment of loss
resulting from the liability imposed by law for bodily injury, death
or property damage sustained by any person arising out of the
operation or use of the a vehicle, unless provided such security has
been may be provided by the owner of the vehicle in accordance with
this section an owner’s policy, as defined by Section 7-600 of this
title, which does not exclude said person the operator from
coverage. Proof of such security shall be carried in the vehicle at
all times and shall be produced for inspection upon request by any
law enforcement officer or representative of the Department and, in
case of collision, such proof shall be shown upon request of any
person affected by the collision.
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2. B. The nonresident owner operator of a motor vehicle not
registered in this state may give proof of financial responsibility
by providing proof of compliance with the financial responsibility
laws of the state in which the vehicle is registered or by filing
with the Department a certificate of an insurance company authorized
to transact insurance in the state in which the vehicle is
registered, or if such nonresident does not own a motor vehicle,
then in the state in which the insured resides, provided such
certificate otherwise conforms to the provisions of this article,
and the Department shall accept the same upon condition that said
insurance company complies with the following provisions with
respect to the policy so certified:
a. the
1. The insurance company shall execute a power of attorney
authorizing the Department to accept service on its behalf or notice
of process in any action arising out of a motor vehicle accident in
this state,; and
b. the
2. The insurance company shall agree in writing that such
policies shall be deemed to conform with the laws of this state
relating to the terms of motor vehicle liability policies issued in
this state.
3. C. The provisions of this subsection section shall apply to
nonresident owners and operators of vehicles that are not registered
in this state only if the state in which the vehicle is registered
requires compulsory liability insurance. In such cases, compliance
with the requirements of the law of the state of registration shall
be deemed compliance with the laws of this state.
. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 2001, Section 7-601.1, is
amended to read as follows:
Section 7-601.1 A. Every carrier, upon issuing an owner's
policy authorized pursuant to Section 7-600 of this title, a renewal
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thereof, or a binder, shall supply a security verification form in
duplicate to an owner for each insured vehicle on a form approved by
the Insurance Commissioner.
1. The owner's security verification form shall contain the
following minimum information:
a. the name and address of the carrier,
b. the name and address of the agent or office where the
existence of security may be verified, if other than
the carrier,
c. the name of the named insured,
d. a notice that an owner's liability insurance policy
has been issued pursuant to the Compulsory Insurance
Law of this state,
e. the year of manufacture, make and at least the last
three (3) digits of the vehicle identification number
of each insured motor vehicle,
f. the inclusive dates the motor vehicle liability
insurance is in effect, and
g. a warning to the owner that state law:
(1) requires a current copy of the owner's security
verification form must be surrendered to the
motor license agent or other registering agency
upon application or renewal for a motor vehicle
license plate,
(2) requires the other copy of the owner's security
verification form to be carried in the motor
vehicle at all times, and produced by any driver
of the vehicle upon request for inspection by any
peace officer or representative of the Department
of Public Safety. In case of a collision, the
security verification form shall be shown upon
request of any person affected by the collision.
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The security verification form shall not include the address of the
named insured.
2. The owner's security verification form shall contain the
following statement: "Examine policy exclusions carefully. This
form does not constitute any part of your insurance policy."
3. When a carrier issues an owner's policy providing blanket
liability coverage for a fleet of motor vehicles, the year of
manufacture, make and at least the last three (3) digits of the
vehicle identification number specified in subparagraph e of
paragraph 1 of this subsection may be deleted. The security
verification form shall bear the term "Fleet Coverage" and otherwise
meet the provisions of Section 7-600 et seq. of this title.
4. In the event the effective dates within an owner's policy
exceed one (1) year, the carrier shall furnish the owner a copy of
the owner's security verification form at least annually in addition
to the time of issuance or renewal in order for the owner to submit
such copy for motor vehicle registration purposes.
5. In the event an owner's policy also provides liability
coverage which meets the requirements of an operator's policy, the
carrier may also issue to each person entitled thereto an operator's
security verification form as provided in this section.
B. Every carrier, upon issuing an operator's policy, a renewal
thereof, or a binder, may shall issue to the insured person a
written operator's security verification form forms of a size which
may conveniently be carried upon the person for as many vehicles as
the insured person operates, containing the following minimum
1. The name and address of the carrier;
2. The name and address of the person or office where an
inquiry may be made to verify the existence of security;
3. The name of the named insured;
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4. A notice that in accordance with the Compulsory Insurance
Law of this state, liability coverage has been issued for the named
5. A statement reflecting the form may be carried in lieu of
an owner's form pursuant to the Compulsory Insurance Law while
operating a motor vehicle. Such that such form shall be produced
upon request of any peace officer or representative of the
Department of Public Safety. In case of a collision, the form shall
be shown upon request of a person affected by a collision with a
vehicle operated by the insured; and
6. The inclusive dates of liability coverage; and
7. A warning to the operator that state law requires that a
current copy of the security verification form of the owner of the
vehicle must be surrendered to the motor license agent or other
registering agency upon application or renewal for a motor vehicle
license plate.
C. A carrier may provide any additional information consistent
with the Compulsory Insurance Law of this state in an owner's or
operator's security verification form, but shall not be required to
list the actual amounts of liability coverage thereon. The security
verification form shall not constitute nor be construed as any part
of an insurance policy, renewal or binder.
. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 2001, Section 7-602, is
amended to read as follows:
Section 7-602. A. 1. The owner operator of a motor vehicle
registered in this state shall carry in such vehicle at all times a
current owner's security verification form listing the vehicle or an
equivalent form which has been issued by the Department of Public
Safety and shall produce such form upon request for inspection by
any law enforcement officer or representative of the Department and,
in case of a collision, the form shall be shown upon request to any
person affected by the collision.
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2. Every person registering a motor vehicle in this state,
except a motor vehicle which is not being used upon the public
highways or public streets, or a manufactured home while on a
permanent foundation, at the time of registration of such vehicle,
shall certify the existence of security with respect to such vehicle
by surrendering to a motor license agent or other registering agency
a current owner's security verification form or an equivalent form
issued by the Department. A motor license agent or other
registering agency shall require the surrender of such form prior to
processing an application for registration or renewal.
3. Fleet vehicles operating under the authority of the
Corporation Commission, the Federal Highway Administration, or
vehicles registered pursuant to the provisions of Section 1120 of
this title, shall certify the existence of security with respect to
such vehicle at the time of registration by submitting one of the
a. a current owner’s security verification form verifying
the existence of security as required by Section 7-600
et seq. of this title, or
b. a permit number verified by the Oklahoma Tax
Commission indicating the existence of a current
liability insurance policy. Provided, in the event
the Tax Commission is unable to verify the existence
of such insurance as provided herein in a prompt and
timely fashion, the Tax Commission may accept a
current single state registration form issued by the
Corporation Commission or any other regulating entity
with which the Corporation Commission has entered into
a reciprocal compact or agreement regarding the
regulation of motor vehicles engaged in interstate or
foreign commerce upon and over the public highways.
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4. The following shall not be required to carry an owner's or
operator's security verification form or an equivalent form from the
Department during operation of the vehicle and shall not be required
to surrender such form for vehicle registration purposes:
a. any vehicle owned or leased by the federal or state
government, or any agency or political subdivision
b. any vehicle bearing the name, symbol, or logo of a
business, corporation or utility on the exterior and
which is in compliance with the provisions of Sections
7-600 through 7-610 of this title according to records
of the Department of Public Safety which reflect a
deposit, bond, self-insurance, or fleet policy,
c. fleet vehicles maintaining current vehicle liability
insurance as required by the Corporation Commission or
any other regulating entity,
d. any licensed taxicab, and
e. any vehicle owned by a licensed used motor vehicle
5. Any person who knowingly issues or promulgates false or
fraudulent information in connection with either an owner's or
operator's security verification form or an equivalent form which
has been issued by the Department shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and upon conviction shall be subject to a fine not exceeding Five
Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or imprisonment for not more than six (6)
months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
B. Each motor license agent is authorized to charge a fee of
One Dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) to each person to whom the agent
issues a certificate of registration and who is required to
surrender proof of financial responsibility pursuant to the
provisions of Sections 7-600 through 7-609 of this title. The fee
may be retained by the agent as compensation for services in
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processing the proof of financial responsibility and for processing
the driver's license information, insurance verification
information, and other additional information furnished to the agent
pursuant to Section 1112 of this title, if such agent does not
receive the maximum compensation as authorized by law.
. AMENDATORY 47 O.S. 2001, Section 7-609, is
amended to read as follows:
Section 7-609. A. Whenever any owner operator fails to timely
furnish proof of insurance or fails to timely respond as required by
subsection D of Section 7-608 of this title, the Department of
Public Safety shall suspend the person's driving privilege and the
registration of any motor vehicle registered in the name of such
person as owner which is not covered by security. The suspension
shall be effective immediately upon the lapse of the thirty-day
response period in subsection D of Section 7-608 of this title. The
suspension shall remain in effect until payment is made of the fees
provided for in Section 6-212 of this title and proof of insurance
is presented to the Department; provided, if the person is not an
owner of any motor vehicle or is not subject to the Compulsory
Insurance Law of this state or provides proof the vehicle person was
insured prior to the suspension date, then proof of insurance and
payment of the processing and reinstatement fee shall not be
required and the Department shall vacate the suspension of the
person's driving privilege.
B. Any person whose driving privilege and registration have
been suspended pursuant to the provisions of subsection A of this
section shall surrender to the Department his or her driver license
and the license plate of any motor vehicle registered in his or her
name and not covered by security within thirty (30) days from the
date of the suspension. Any owner failing to surrender his or her
driver license or license plate or plates to the Department within
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such time shall pay a fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) which shall be
in addition to the fees provided for in Section 6-212 of this title.
C. Whenever any person's driving privilege or registration of
any motor vehicle is suspended pursuant to this section according to
the records of the Department, the Department may accordingly notify
any peace officer of the suspension.
D. Any peace officer who has been notified that a person's
driving privilege or registration of a motor vehicle is currently
under suspension according to the records of the Department may,
upon observing the person or motor vehicle anywhere upon a public
street, highway, roadway, turnpike, or public parking lot, within
this state, forthwith stop the person or motor vehicle and seize the
person's driver license or license plate or both.
E. No person shall have a property interest in a driver
license, vehicle registration, or vehicle license plate issued
pursuant to the laws of this state and it shall be the duty of every
person whose driving privilege or motor vehicle registration has
been suspended to forthwith surrender such driver license or license
plate or both upon the request of any peace officer or
representative of the Department.
F. Any person upon a public street, highway, roadway, turnpike,
or public parking lot, within this state, who willfully refuses to
surrender possession of a driver license or license plate after
being informed by a peace officer or representative of the
Department that his or her driving privilege or motor vehicle
registration is currently under suspension according to the records
of the Department, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by
imprisonment in the county jail for not more than ten (10) days or a
fine not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by both such
fine and imprisonment.
G. Any driver license or license plate surrendered to or seized
by a peace officer pursuant to this section shall be submitted to a
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representative of the Department in a manner and with a form or
method approved by the Department.
H. The Department shall deposit fees collected pursuant to
subsection B of this section in a special account of the Department
maintained with the office of the State Treasurer. The State
Treasurer shall credit these fees to this special account to be
distributed as hereinafter provided.
I. The Department shall identify the name of the employing law
enforcement agency from which a suspended driver license or license
plate has been received pursuant to this section, and determine that
the fee required by subsection B of this section has been paid. The
Department shall reimburse the law enforcement agency so identified
the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for each driver license and
the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for each vehicle license
plate from the special account.
J. Any unencumbered monies remaining in the special account at
the close of each calendar month shall be transferred by the
Department to the General Revenue Fund of the State Treasury.
K. The State of Oklahoma, the departments and agencies thereof,
including the Department of Public Safety, all political
subdivisions, and the officers and employees of each, shall not be
held legally liable in any suit in law or in equity for any
erroneous entry of a suspension upon the records of the Department,
nor for the enforcement of the provisions of the Compulsory
Insurance Law, Section 7-600 et seq. of this title, performed in
good faith.
. This act shall become effective November 1, 2003.
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