FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024
Experientia Docet
Experience Teaches
4 A Message from President Mahoney
5 A Message from Chancellor García
6 Order of Exercises
8 The Platform Party
Commencement speakers, guests, faculty, administrators and
students who will be seated on the stage during the ceremony
10 Honorary Degree Recipients
13 Faculty Marshals
14 Faculty Emeritus/Emerita
Distinguished faculty who have retired from the University
16 Hood Recipients
Students who have been selected to represent all the degree
candidates from their respective colleges
26 About San Francisco State University
Historical and present-day information about the University
28 Academic Regalia
An explanation of the markings and colors on robes and hoods
30 Graduating Classes
Order within each class: Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral
70 Audience Notes
Information about photographs, first aid and other services
72 Oracle Park Map
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To Our Gators on Their Commencement Day,
After years of hard work, meeting challenges large and small and
creating many fun memories, today marks an important milestone in
your life — your transition from students to alumni. This evening, we
gather as a community to celebrate you and acknowledge the friends
and family who supported you on this important and life-changing
Class of 2024, you leave San Francisco State University with skills
and knowledge which will benefit you, your families and your
communities for a lifetime. I hope you have felt the joy of learning
and the satisfaction of accomplishment. The degrees you have earned,
the knowledge you have gained, the skills you have developed and the
friends you have made at San Francisco State will endure long into the
future. I know you will represent our University proudly, just as we
take pride in your accomplishments.
Throughout the history of our University, graduates have
demonstrated a desire to make a positive impact in their communities.
I hope that you too have been inspired to help shape a better, more
kind and just future for all. You are now among the nearly 300,000
SF State alumni who are making a difference in the Bay Area, across
the state and nation, and around the world.
It is my distinct honor to congratulate you and to celebrate you today
as SF State graduates!
Lynn Mahoney, Ph.D.
Dear Class of 2024,
Please accept my warmest and most heartfelt congratulations on
achieving a truly momentous goal in your life. Just a few short years
ago, you set your sights on earning a degree. Now, that goal is a reality.
I hope you feel a well-earned sense of pride.
Even as numerous forces upended our world, you held firmly onto
your dreams and persisted in your studies through challenges
none of us could have foreseen or imagined. By necessity, you have
developed and honed attributes that will benefit you for a lifetime.
Your resilience and adaptability will become career strengths. Your
creativity and resourcefulness will define you. Your courage and
determination are, in my eyes, already legendary.
Moving forward, you will face new opportunities with the potential
for great success. I am sure that you will excel because you have the
knowledge, skills and connections gained through your California
State University education.
Your personal and educational transformation was aided by faculty,
who trained you to look at the world with a critical eye and an open
mind. Their efforts were supported by the work of your counselors,
advisers, librarians, tutors and coaches who created an encouraging
environment for you to succeed. All the while, your family, friends,
colleagues and loved ones kept you motivated and saw you through
your academic journey.
Your accomplishment today fills all of them — all of us — with pride.
The word we use to commemorate an earned university degree is
commencement.” This is, of course, deliberate. Today is not an end,
but rather a beginning. And as you continue on your lifes journey,
may your hard work and sacrifices pay dividends far beyond today’s
celebration, both in your life and in the lives of those around you.
Congratulations, California State University Class of 2024! I look
forward to all that you will accomplish.
Mildred García, Ed.D.
Maya Diaz, B.A., Music
Delaney Sade Dorsey, B.A., Biology
Lynn Mahoney, President
Ersa, President, Associated Students
Accepted by Lori S. White, President, DePauw University
Presented by Lynn Mahoney, President with
Darlene Yee-Melichar, Faculty Trustee, Board of Trustees, The California State University
Presented by Lynn Mahoney, President with
Wenda Fong, Chair, Board of Trustees, The California State University
Presented by Lynn Mahoney, President with
Wenda Fong, Chair, Board of Trustees, The California State University
Amy Sueyoshi, Provost and Vice President, Academic Aairs and The Academic Deans
Eddison Jintalan Contreras, B.A., Social Work, College of Health & Social Sciences
Genesis Sorrick, M.A., Philosophy, College of Liberal & Creative Arts
Lynn Mahoney, President and Amy Sueyoshi, Provost and
Vice President, Academic Aairs
The Gator Journey
Lynn Mahoney
President, San Francisco State University
Wenda Fong
Chair, Board of Trustees, The California State University
Yammilette Rodriguez, D.P.A.
Trustee, Board of Trustees, The California State University
Darlene Yee-Melichar
Faculty Trustee, Board of Trustees, The California State University
Benjamin Bratt
Honorary Degree Recipient
Walter Riley
Honorary Degree Recipient
Lori S. White
President, DePauw University
Accepting the Honorary Degree for Joseph L. White
Amy Sueyoshi
Provost and Vice President, Academic Aairs
Michael A. Goldman
Chair, Academic Senate
President, Associated Students
Je Jackanicz
Vice President, University Advancement
Jamillah Moore
Vice President, Student Aairs and Enrollment Management
Je Wilson
Vice President and Chief Financial Ocer, Administration and Finance
Eugene Sivadas
Dean, Lam Family College of Business
Cynthia Grutzik
Dean, Graduate College of Education
Grace Yoo
Dean, College of Ethnic Studies
Andreana Clay
Dean, College of Health & Social Sciences
Ifeoma Kiddoe Nwankwo
Dean, College of Liberal & Creative Arts
Alex Hwu
Dean, College of Professional & Global Education
Carmen Domingo
Dean, College of Science & Engineering
Sophie Clavier
Dean, Graduate Studies and Career Development
Miguel Á. Hernández
Associate Vice President, Student Life and Dean of Students
Carleen Mandolfo
Associate Provost, Faculty Aairs and Professional Development
Deborah C. Masters
University Librarian
Lori Beth Way
Vice Provost, Academic Planning and Dean, Undergraduate Education
2024 Undergraduate Hoods
2024 Graduate Hoods
Medal, in 2019.
Benjamin Bratt
Actor and Activist
an Francisco native Benjamin Bratt is an award-winning actor
and producer whose career in both television and lm spans
nearly 40 years. Raised by a strong, Indigenous single mother
from Peru, his family was part of the American Indian Occupation
of Alcatraz Island in 1969, an event which ignited the Red Power
movement for self-determination. His mother Eldy Bratt raised her
children part-time on the island over the 18-month occupation, a
decision that inspired a lifetime of activism and commitment to
community for his mother and her ve children.
Bratt is a proud graduate of the San Francisco
Unied School District. A Lowell High School
alumnus, he credits his mentor Jack Anderson for
his introduction to acting. He graduated from the
University of California, Santa Barbara in 1986
with a BFA in Theatre and then pursued an MFA
at the American Conservatory Theatre (ACT) in
San Francisco. Plucked from starving student
status during his second year to star in a TV pilot,
he returned to ACT to receive his MFA and
quickly established the Bratt Family Diversity
Award, an annual scholarship given to the most
promising students of color within the program.
Television audiences perhaps best recognize Bratt
from his Emmy-nominated role as detective Rey
Curtis on NBC’s long-running drama “Law &
Order,” or as Sofia Vergaras ne’er-do-well ex-
husband Javier on “Modern Family,” or currently
on “Poker Face” alongside actress Natasha Lyonne.
A veteran of nearly 30 lms, Bratt’s varied career
includes the critically acclaimed lms “Piñero,”
“Traff ic,” “Blood In, Blood Out,” “Doctor
Strange,” “The Inf iltrator” and “Miss
Congeniality,” among many others. Bratt also
voiced the supervillain El Macho in “Despicable
Me 2,” as well as the famed musician Ernesto de la
Cruz in Pixar’s Academy Award-winning film
“Coco,” which won for Best Animated Feature
and Best Original Song.
Bratt is also the co-founder of 5 Stick Films, a
production company aimed at making lms intent
on creating a social impact. Founded alongside
partners Alpita Patel and his brother Peter Bratt,
the team produced “La Mission.” The f ilm,
written and directed by Peter, won NAACP and
GLAAD award nominations and two Imagen
awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor.
The team’s documentary feature “Dolores,” about
the work of labor and civil rights leader Dolores
Huerta, won a Peabody and the Audience Award
at the San Francisco International Film Festival.
The Emmy-nominated lm aired on PBS in 2018.
Bratt honors his mother, recognizing that her
activism, love and strength were instrumental in
shaping his awareness around social justice work.
Bratt remains tied to the Indigenous community
of the San Francisco Bay Area and is a huge
supporter of the Friendship House Village SF
project. He remains a longtime supporter of the
American Indian College Fund, Amazon Watch,
the Natural Resources Defense Council, San
Francisco’s BAYCAT, the Missional Cultural
Center, Good Samaritan SRC and many other
Walter Riley
Lawyer, Civil Rights Activist and Organizer
alter Riley is an Oakland lawyer whose practice areas
include police misconduct, civil rights and criminal
defense. Riley serves as a board member of the Coalition
for Police Accountability and chair of Deep Medicine Circle.
Growing up in the
Jim Crow South,
Riley became an
activist at a young age.
He served as president of the young-adult
chapter of the Durham, North Carolina,
NAACP and organized voter registration drives,
lunch counter sit-ins, job campaigns
and campaigns to desegregate public
accommodations, schools and businesses. He
became a Congress for Racial Equality field
secretary for North Carolina and the Southern
region of the United States.
He moved to San Francisco in 1965 and attended
San Francisco State College. He was active in the
1968 student strike at SF State, participating in
the campaign for ethnic studies and the Black
Student Union and serving as vice chair of
Students for a Democratic Society. After leaving
college in 1968, he led the organization of a rank-
and-file Black caucus among San Francisco
Muni bus drivers. He was active in the labor and
anti-war movements, working with the Black
Panther Party and other community groups.
He earned his undergraduate degree from Wayne
State University in 1977 and a law degree from
Golden Gate University in 1980. He continues
to work for social, political and economic justice
for all people. Riley was the lead attorney for the
“Black Friday 14,” #BlackLivesMatter protesters
who disrupted Bay Area Rapid Transit service
the day after Thanksgiving in 2014. He also
represented other #BlackLivesMatters protesters,
including those demonstrating against the police
murder of George Floyd.
Riley has been recognized over the years by
numerous organizations and received the
California Black Lawyers Association President’s
Award, National Lawyers Guild San Francisco
Chapter Champion of Justice award, National
Lawyers Guild Law for the People Award and
East Bay Sanctuary Covenant Award. He has
been honored in the U.S. Congressional Record
by Rep. Barbara Lee and in the California
Assembly by Assemblywoman Jackie Goldberg.
The Oakland City Council proclaimed April 27,
2013 as Walter Riley Day, and he received a Black
Panther Commemoration Committee Award.
oseph L. White is a pioneering psychologist known to many as
“the godfather of Black psychology.” He was also a trailblazer
in ethnic studies and other programs that would serve students
of color and low-income students for years to come. He was a
teacher, a mentor and an administrator at several universities,
spending much of his career at the University of California, Irvine
He moved to San Francisco after high school,
earning bachelor’s and master’s degrees from San
Francisco State College. In 1961, he became the
rst African American to earn a Ph.D. in Clinical
Psychology from Michigan State University,
making him one of only ve African Americans
in the nation to hold a doctorate in Psychology
at that time.
White joined the Psychology Department at
California State University, Long Beach,
where he co-founded the Educational
OpportunityProgram (EOP). The program
expanded statewide, providing supportive
pathways for disadvantaged students to study at
CSU campuses. Since its inception, EOP has
helped more than 300,000 minority students
achieve college degrees and go on to professional
White returned to SF State in 1968 as a professor
of Psychology and became a tireless ally to
students of color. He was dean of Undergraduate
Studies during the 1968 – 1969 student strike
and helped launch the Black Studies Program
(now the Africana Studies Department), the rst
of its kind at an American four-year college.
At the height of the civil rights movement, White
emerged as a powerful voice for change,
challenging psychologists to better understand
the unique experiences of ethnic minorities. In
1968, he helped found the Association of Black
Psychologists, and his seminal 1970 article in
Ebony magazine, “Toward a Black Psychology,”
introduced Black perspectives to mainstream
psychology. His books include “The Psychology
of Blacks: An African American Perspective” and
“Black Man Emerging: Facing the Past and
Seizing the Future in America.”
UCI recruited White successfully to teach in the
Comparative Culture program and serve as
director of the Black Studies Program. He also
held appointments in the School of Social
Sciences and the Department of Psychiatry &
Human Behavior. He taught there for 25 years,
inspiring and mentoring countless students.
He has been recognized many times for his work,
including receiving a citation of Achievement in
Psychology and Community Service from
President Bill Clinton in 1994 and the
Presidential Citation from the American
Psychological Association in 2015. In 2008, he
was honored as SF State’s Alumnus of the Year.
He passed away in 2017 and was posthumously
awarded SF State’s highest honor, the President’s
Joseph L. White (A.B., ’54; M.S., ’58)
Psychologist, Educator, Champion of Diversity
Michael Bar, Economics
Robert Bonner, Management
Snow X. Han, Finance
Sungha Jang, Marketing
Lena Yang, Accounting
Sybil Yang, Hospitality and
Tourism Management
Mary Requa, Special Education
Jude Wolf, Special Education
Robert Keith Collins, American
Indian Studies
Michelle Toney, Metro Success Academy
Sheldon Gen, Public Administration
Gretchen George, Family, Interiors,
Nutrition and Apparel
M. Ernita Joaquin,
Public Administration
Carole Kulik, Nursing
Molly McManus, Child and
Adolescent Development
Linda M. Platas, Child and
Adolescent Development
Jennifer Shea, Public Aairs
and Civic Engagement
Rebecca Toporek, Counseling
JD Beltran, Design
Marc Dollinger, Jewish Studies
Frederik H. Green, Chinese
Vicki Hoskins, Theatre and Dance
Laura Moorhead, Journalism
Adrienne Cool, Physics and Astronomy
Anandamayee Majumdar, Mathematics
Jonathon Stillman, Biology
Vance Vredenburg, Biology
Yiyi Wang, Engineering
These distinguished members of the San Francisco State University faculty are retiring this
year. Their contributions to the eld of education, to their areas of scholarship and to the
life and vigor of this institution are gratefully acknowledged.
John Barsotti
Professor, Broadcast and Electronic
Communication Arts
James Warren Boyd
Lecturer, English and
Communication Studies
Nan Alamilla Boyd
Professor, Women and Gender Studies
Thomas Adam Burke
Professor, Holistic Health Studies
David Chao
Professor, Information Systems
Maxine Cherno
Professor, Creative Writing
Marguerite Conrad
Assistant Professor, Elementary Education
Wei Ming Dariotis
Professor, Asian American Studies
Brigitte Davila
Lecturer, Latina/Latino Studies
Steve Dickison
Lecturer, Creative Writing
Timothy D’Orazio
Professor, Engineering
Marie Drennan
Associate Professor, Broadcast and
Electronic Communication Arts
Connie Marie Gaglio
Associate Professor, Management
Anne Galjour
Lecturer, Creative Writing
Sugie Goen-Salter
Professor, English Language
and Literature
Georey Green
Professor, English Language
and Literature
Lawrence Francis Xavier Hanley
Professor, English Language
and Literature
Ellen Hines
Professor, Geography
Larry Horvath
Professor, Secondary Education
William Hsu
Professor, Computer Science
Nasser Jalali
Lecturer, Design
Alan Jung
Professor, Finance
Catherine Kudlick
Professor, History
Judith Kysh
Professor, Secondary Education,
Jean-Pierre Langlois
Professor, Mathematics
Herb Meiberger
Lecturer, Finance, Accounting
Joel Nicholson
Professor, International Business
Victoria Quijano
Lecturer, Public Health
Nancy “Sami” Reist
Professor, Broadcast and Electronic
Communication Arts
Charles Rope
Lecturer, Communication Studies
Sandra Rosen
Professor, Special Education
Randolph Rutsky
Professor, Cinema
Mary Scott
Professor, Humanities and
Comparative World Literature
Jerald Shapiro
Professor, Social Work
Yuji Shibuya
Lecturer, Decision Sciences, Finance
Mary Soliday
Professor, English Language
and Literature
Dean Suzuki
Professor, Music
Sheila R. Tully
Lecturer, Women and Gender Studies,
Liberal Studies
Anna-Lisa Van Der Valk
Lecturer, Equity, Leadership Studies
and Instructional Technologies
Larry Vitale
Lecturer, Nursing
Rhonnie Washington
Professor, Theatre Arts
Karen Wiederholt
Lecturer, Tutoring and
Academic Support Center
Chin (James) Wong
Professor, Computer Science
Roger Woodward
Professor, Music
David Xiques
Professor, Music
B.A., Social Work
College of Health & Social Sciences
Eddison Jintalan Contreras’ social work journey was shaped by his own
personal experiences of adversities and witnessing systemic inequities in
dierent systems that he worked in. He is an Air Force veteran from a
Filipino immigrant household and a member of the LGBTQ+ community.
As a young airman, he worked under the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy
during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He felt the tension between embracing
his true self and serving the country. While working at a large health care
provider, Contreras saw all forms of oppression embedded within our
health care system. All these fueled Contreras’ passion for social justice and
inspired his educational goals.
During his tenure at SF State, Contreras contributed to both the campus
and broader community. He assumed leadership roles within Social Work
Advocates for Visions of Empowerment (SWAVE), was the SF State
representative to the 23Strong Council — comprising 23 accredited social
work programs across California — and was a founding member of the
University chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success.
Notably engaged in policy advocacy, Contreras led legislative teams during
the annual National Association of Social Workers’ legislative lobby days
in Sacramento. He also supported policy initiatives addressing police
brutality in the Antioch community. Currently, he is doing a capstone
project exploring the correlation between recidivism rates and the mental
health diversion program at the Contra Costa Public Defender's Oce,
where he serves as an intern.
Contreras is graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work magna cum
laude. After graduation, Contreras aspires to pursue a Master of Social
Work. His goal is to become a licensed social worker specializing in holistic
methodologies for mental health care within marginalized communities.
Additionally, he’ll continue engaging in macro-level and political social
work initiatives contributing to systemic change and advocacy.
The following students, who have achieved outstanding academic records at San Francisco
State University, have been selected to represent the students of their respective colleges.
On behalf of their classmates, they have received the symbolic investiture of the hood.
B.A., Africana Studies
College of Ethnic Studies
Jazz Monique Hudson, an Oakland native with over 15 years of expertise
in youth development, educational arts, social justice and organizational
change, epitomizes resilience and commitment to societal transformation.
Despite the challenges she faced early in her life as a former foster youth and
teenage mother, Hudson has overcome them and is now dedicating her life
to being an advocate, artist and educator.
For example, Hudson was involved with organizations like the National
Black Women’s Justice Institute, Black Youth Project 100 (where she
was a founding member) and the Guardian Scholars Program. She
was also a program director and founding member of the EMERGE
Reentry Program, which focuses on supporting young women of color
reintegrating into society after incarceration and academic pushout.
Additionally, Hudson was a former victim advocate for the San Francisco
District Attorney and has had residencies, workshops and performances at
universities like UC Berkeley and Princeton.
Serendipitously, her son’s 17th birthday coincides with the SF State 2024
Commencement, which Hudson says is a reminder of the strength and
resilience found in the journey of motherhood. After graduation, she plans
to pursue SF State’s Pre-Health Professions Post-Baccalaureate Certicate
program, which will help her take the next step toward pursuing a career in
health care as an osteopathic doctor specializing in allergy and immunology.
B.S., Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Graduate College of Education
Devora Jimenez Domingo, originally from Guatemala, moved to the
United States at a young age. Witnessing her Latinx community’s struggles
due to language barriers, Jimenez Domingo has dedicated her work to
assisting those with limited English prociency, especially after recognizing
the privilege she had being trilingual in English, Spanish and Mayan.
To support her community, Jimenez Domingo enrolled at SF State to
pursue a degree in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences with minors
in Education and Special Education. During her time at SF State, she has
actively contributed to the Gray Matter Lab, facilitating language therapy
for Spanish speakers and promoting inclusivity in educational settings.
Jimenez Domingo also held leadership roles in various student clubs,
2024 Baccalaureate Hood Recipients (continued)
advocating for cultural and linguistic diversity within the eld of speech
pathology. Now preparing for graduate school to become a licensed speech
pathologist, she aims to serve marginalized communities, particularly Black,
Indigenous and People of Color, by ensuring their identities and linguistic
backgrounds are acknowledged and respected in standardized testing and
therapeutic practices.
B.A., International Relations/Political Science
College of Liberal & Creative Arts
In 2019, Zen Lewis’ journey to SF State began with her emigration from
Serbia with the vision of achieving the American dream. As an 18-year-old
in a new country with no nancial support, she faced daunting challenges
with housing and food insecurity, while attempting to find full-time
employment with limited English uency and work experience.
Today, Lewis is graduating with a double major in International Relations
and Political Science with the highest honors, accompanied by Sigma
Iota Rho and Pi Sigma Alpha societal honors. She represents the will and
determination of young immigrant women who hail from war-torn nations
to forge a new path, both for themselves and their home countries, so that
those wars never occur again.
Lewis is a force of nature who speaks three languages, works full time in
the wedding industry and serves as managing editor of the International
Relations Journal. While earning the Migration and Refugee Studies
certicate, she has demonstrated an exemplary work ethic, enthusiasm for
global politics and resilience in the face of obstacles.
As president of the International Relations Student Association, Lewis
has been a driving force, encouraging her fellow students and others in her
community to get involved in domestic and international politics. She has
represented SF State at Model United Nations and Model European Union
conferences, where she received the Outstanding Head of Government
Award. Lewis won the David Jenkins Scholarship for Political Activism for
her impactful advocacy of student rights in a political uprising. She used her
senior thesis to expand the discussion and analysis of new regime changes,
using Serbia as a case study. O campus, she has organized pop-up events
for local artists and fundraisers for nonprots.
After graduation, Lewis plans to seek a full-time position in San Francisco
municipal government and pursue a law degree.
2024 Baccalaureate Hood Recipients (continued)
B.S., Business Administration (Decision Sciences/Finance)
Lam Family College of Business
Meliza Matute is a rst-generation Salvadoran American student. Her
parents came to the U.S. with very little money but impressed on her the
importance of hard work and education. Those would be the keys to a
successful life, they told her. Growing up in East Palo Alto, she became
acutely aware of the dierences in the level of safety, quality of education
and scarcity of resources between her town and its auent neighbors
Menlo Park and Palo Alto. Thanks to a school transfer program, Matute
experienced rsthand just how stark the dierences were, lling her with a
desire for a more equitable world.
Later, Matute moved to Tracy and was committed to attending SF State
despite the distance. She traveled six hours a day on public transportation
to complete her degree. She started out as a Finance major to increase her
nancial literacy. By her second year, she decided to also major in Decision
Sciences. She graduates with a 3.94 GPA.
Outside of the SF State classroom, Matute spent her time educating young
people about decision sciences. She volunteered with incoming high school
freshmen, showing them the real world application of math in business
and how companies use math to make business decisions. She also worked
as a student instructor/facilitator for the “Operations Management
Supplemental Instruction” course, to deepen student understanding of
dicult concepts.
Matute’s education and experience at SF State inspired her to choose a
career that will benet the common good. Knowing that one’s strength
reects that of their community, she aspires to use her nancial and data
analysis skills to better her community.
B.A., Mathematics (Mathematics for Teaching)
College of Science & Engineering
Childhood experiences with mathematics, particularly those with her
grandfather, made a lasting impact on Loan Tran. Her family emigrated
from Vietnam. Growing up, she’d stay with her grandparents while her
parents worked. Her grandfather taught her math and made worksheets
for her. She’d happily memorize multiplication tables and enjoyed playing
strategy games like Connect Four. Surrounded by so much math, she
naturally gravitated towards STEM at SF State. In addition to majoring in
2024 Baccalaureate Hood Recipients (continued)
Mathematics, she completed a minor in Computer Science. She is the rst
in her family to graduate from college.
Tran conducted original research as an undergraduate even though she
initially didn’t know anything about math research. In 2022, she participated
in the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Undergraduate Program.
She set out to answer neuroscience-motivated math questions related to
discrete math, geometry and computational algebra. For her academic
achievements, Tran was awarded the C.Y. Chow Memorial Scholarship, the
Pamela Fong Scholarship in Mathematics, the David Meredith and Friends
Scholarship and the Halmos Scholarship.
Interested in education, Tran volunteered as a tutor at Mastery Learning
Hour and helped students with elementary school to high school-level
math. She was also proudly a student assistant in the Department
of Mathematics office. As her first “real” job, she enjoyed building
relationships with professors and using her problem-solving skills in a new
setting. Working there for two years, she even wrote the operations guide
for other student assistants.
Next, Tran will pursue a Ph.D. to further explore her eld and conduct
more research. However, she still has an interest in a possible career as a
high school math teacher.
The following students, who have achieved outstanding academic records at San Francisco
State University, have been selected to represent the students of their respective colleges.
On behalf of their classmates, they have received the symbolic investiture of the hood.
M.A., Education (Secondary Education)
Graduate College of Education
Joanna Huang has had a full circle moment: She’s now teaching at the same
school district she graduated from.
At age 13, Huang moved from China to San Francisco, graduating from
Francisco Middle School and Washington High School, part of the San
Francisco Unied School District (SFUSD). That’s where she participated
in English Learner programs, nding solidarity and community among
immigrants from around the world. After earning a degree in Managerial
Economics with a minor in Education from UC Davis, Huang received her
single-subject credential in Math from SF State in 2022.
Huang is now back at SFUSD for a dierent reason: She’s in her second
year of teaching seventh grade at James Denman Middle School. This
school has served as the site for her eld research study, which looked at
math participation among seventh graders. The study was partly inspired
by her experience getting her credentials at SF State, which allowed her to
see that students who do not feel condent in mathematics can experience
greater engagement, condence, fun and learning through groupwork.
M.A., Ethnic Studies
College of Ethnic Studies
Sabreen Imtair is a seasoned organizer and a prominent gure in the activist
community. Throughout her time at SF State, she has also demonstrated
being a dedicated scholar in the College of Ethnic Studies.
For example, Imtair serves as a youth organizer with the Arab Resource and
Organizing Center, actively participating in movements such as the K–12
ethnic studies campaign. Over the past six months, she also played a pivotal
2024 Graduate Hood Recipients (continued)
role in organizing, mobilizing and fostering community engagement in
support of ceasere in Palestine.
Hailing from a Palestinian family with Bay Area roots, Imtair is a proud
product of the region’s public school system and holds the distinction of
being the rst in her family to attain a college degree. Her graduate thesis
delves into the intricacies of community mobilization and organization
within the Arab and Muslim communities in the Bay Area.
Lam Family College of Business
Son Hai Nguyen earned an undergraduate degree in Economics from the
National Economic University in Vietnam and gained extensive experience
working in the banking industry as a nancial analyst and corporate credit
manager. In 2017, she relocated to the Bay Area from Vietnam with her
spouse and their two young children. Wanting to continue her education,
she enrolled in City College of San Francisco (CCSF) and completed an
associate’s degree in Finance while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. She served as a
member of CCSF’s Associated Students. Later, she decided to pursue an
MBA at SF State.
She is “the top-performing student,” according to one of her professors
at SF State. Another said she was “extremely prepared, positive and
a cheerleader for her classmates.” Her classmates commented on her
dedication to her studies, often studying without pause. Nguyen would
often take on more than her share of responsibilities during group projects.
She provided feedback to teammates to help ensure that their work was of
the highest quality.
Throughout her MBA studies, Nguyen actively participated in various
activities. In 2023, she joined the Lam Family College of Business Student
Ambassador Program. Almost immediately she became a leader among
the other ambassadors. She organized and co-hosted events specically
tailored to graduate students, creating an inclusive community with plenty
of opportunities for networking.
Nguyen participated in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
Program at SF State, where she served as an IRS-certied volunteer tax
preparer and quality reviewer, assisting individuals with low incomes on
their tax returns. Additionally, she was a research/teaching assistant for
Management Professor Smita Trivedi and volunteered at the college’s
Women’s Emerging Leadership Forum. She has actively supported and
engaged in activities of the San Francisco Chapter of the Association
for Corporate Growth (ACG), fostering connections, collaboration and
investment between Vietnamese and American businesses.
M.S., Chemistry (Biochemistry)
College of Science & Engineering
Su Ozcan wants to develop new treatments without side eects. It’s a
passion that stems from her early exposure to her grandfather’s battle
with cancer. As an undergraduate in Turkey, she explored innovative
therapies and gained two years of professional experience working with
pharmaceutical companies. With women being relegated to the background
and the value placed on science decreasing in her country, Ozcan decided to
leave Turkey and pursue her academic goals in the United States.
As an international student at SF State, Ozcan focused on groundbreaking
research in enzymology and medicinal chemistry to develop a novel side
effect-free treatment for tuberculosis. She published these discoveries
in scientic journals. She demonstrated her commitment to making a
positive impact beyond the lab by serving as a teaching associate for two
years. Accolades for her academic performance and commitment to science
include the Henry Bertin Jr. Scholarship, the Agents of Change Build
Merck Scholarship, the Bill Plachy TA (teaching assistant) Award and the
CSU Trustees Award.
After SF State, Ozcan’s next step is to begin a Chemistry Ph.D. program
at the University of Southern California, where she’s already been oered
a graduate fellowship. Looking ahead, Ozcan is excited to continue her
quest to develop new therapeutics and treatment strategies that will make
an impact. She is eager to translate her academic research into practical
applications and hopes to eventually establish a pharmaceutical company.
Beyond medicine, she aspires to continue being a teacher and create
educational opportunities for underprivileged children. She also hopes to
provide nancial and moral support for others, especially women in science.
College of Health & Social Sciences
Monique Scott decided to pursue a Master of Public Health (MPH)
degree at SF State after seeing structural and systemic health disparities
aect her community. She began her career as a social worker, caregiver
and care coordinator, assisting people navigating governmental and
nonprot assistance programs and managing medical conditions. During
2024 Graduate Hood Recipients (continued)
2024 Graduate Hood Recipients (continued)
the pandemic, she became a resource navigator and case manager for
individuals exposed to COVID-19. Seeing how disparities impacted
marginalized residents, she wanted to make a larger impact. She became
interested in the social determinants of health and how prevention
programs could more eectively help communities.
At SF State, she explored her passion for research with the Health Equity
Institute. Her assessment of participation of food establishments in
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs (SNAP) in urban university
settings signicantly inuenced a statewide campaign to enhance access
to SNAP benefits at CSU campuses. She also published research on
navigating nutrition inequities among pregnant and postpartum mothers
and children in BIPOC communities. The Oakland native’s projects also
included studies on how urban agriculture can use mutual aid practices
and how built environment contributes to the adverse health outcomes of
environmental injustices.
While at SF State, she was a Climate Action Fellow, a Graduate Equity
Fellow and a President’s Leadership Fellow. She authored, published and
presented her research at multiple local and national conferences. She also
participated in the University’s Earth Week 2024.
After graduation, she will continue learning and applying her skills in
research, writing and coordination to address health equity in the Bay Area.
She plans to continue participating in strategies for community and policy-
level interventions for marginalized communities of color. She is grateful
for the SF State connections that contributed to her accomplishments.
M.A., Philosophy
College of Liberal & Creative Arts
In September 2020, amidst the chaos of COVID-19, the eerie orange sky
from raging wildres and the protests against police brutality, Genesis
Sorrick gave birth to her rst child. Bringing a human into the world during
this time was incredibly daunting. Sorrick responded with her characteristic
strength, integrity and clear-sighted optimism. Inspired to understand the
world better and envision a brighter future for her daughter, she decided to
return to college and complete her B.A. in Philosophy at SF State.
Later, during Sorrick’s first semester as a Philosophy grad student at
SF State, she began to experience excruciating pain and debilitating
neurological symptoms. Nevertheless, she refused to let desperation
consume her. She channeled her energy into understanding her experience
and found solace in her academic studies. She excelled in her courses,
2024 Graduate Hood Recipients (continued)
writing brilliant research papers, contributing insightfully to discussions
and the life of the department, working conscientiously as a teaching
assistant and maintaining a 4.0 grade-point average. Living with chronic
pain led Sorrick to her M.A. thesis: a remarkably original, meticulously
researched and highly persuasive account of medical gaslighting.
“Philosophy allowed me to ground myself in something other than my
pain and focus on envisioning a better world for my daughters,” she says.
Sorrick’s journey has been shaped by additional obstacles. She is a Mexican-
born woman and the rst in her family to complete a college degree. Also, as
a member of the LGBTQ+ community, she came out to friends and family
in high school in a primarily right-wing, conservative town. Rather than
dissuade her from pursuing her dreams, these experiences helped Sorrick
develop the strength and tenacity she has needed to thrive at SF State, raise
her children and live with chronic pain. She is a remarkable person, with
a strong commitment to enacting positive change, both as a philosopher
and a mother.
or 125 years, San Francisco State University has distinguished itself as a vibrant center
of scholarship, innovation and community engagement. Though it began as a school
for local educators, today its more than 293,000 graduates are leaders in science,
business, public service, journalism and the arts — virtually every sphere of activity —
around the globe.
FOUNDED IN 1899 by an act of the California
legislature, the San Francisco State Normal
School was created to ll the city’s acute need for
well-trained, experienced teachers. The school’s
rst location was a rented two-story building
atop Nob Hill. The rst graduating class — the
class of 1901 — consisted of three dozen
students, all women. Within a decade the normal
school earned a solid reputation for its high-
caliber graduates, innovative teaching methods
and emphasis on practical experience. In the
1920s, the school began oering the bachelor of
arts degree. When the Great Depression sharply
curtailed the need for new teachers, the school
expanded its programs to include a full liberal
arts curriculum. In 1935, it became San Francisco
State College. Its f irst master’s degree, in
education, was oered in 1949.
years following World War II. To accommodate
growing demand, the college moved in 1954 to
its present campus near Lake Merced, which
now encompasses more than 140 acres. To bring
intellectual cohesion to its evolving curriculum,
San Francisco State developed the General
Education program — a nationally known
model requiring all students to take a unied
core set of courses. In 1961, the college joined
what would become the 23-campus California
State University system and in 1974 was renamed
San Francisco State University.
student body of more than 23,000. The
University offers numerous degrees and
certications: bachelor’s degrees in 76 academic
areas with an additional 40 areas of concentration;
master’s degrees in 63 academic areas with an
additional 32 areas of concentration; a Doctor of
Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership, a
Ph.D. in Education with a concentration in
Special Education; a Clinical Doctorate of
Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) jointly with University
of California, San Francisco; 13 credential
programs and 54 certificate programs. While
justiably renowned as a teaching university, SF
State is also associated with outstanding research
and scholarly activity in the arts, sciences,
business, health, humanities and many other
disciplines. The University attracts world-class
faculty as well as extensive grants and contracts
for cutting-edge research.
Lake Merced campus, as well. In Marin County,
the University’s Estuary & Ocean Science Center
trains the next generation of marine scientists
while monitoring the health of the Bay and its
tidal marshes, eelgrass meadows and beaches.
Located in the forests near the North Yuba
River, the Sierra Nevada Field Campus gives
students an immersive opportunity for learning
about biological diversity, geosciences, hydrology,
astronomy and more. And SF State’s College of
Professional & Global Education oers a variety
of continuing education courses, academic credit
certif icates and professional development
certificates designed to advance careers and
expand opportunities.
THE UNIVERSITY also reaches out through
its long-standing commitment to community
service. Hands-on learning and engaged
citizenship have been hallmarks of an SF State
education since its rst president, Frederic Burk,
chose Experientia Docet — Experience Teaches
— as the school’s motto. Acting on the principle
that learning cannot be isolated from the world
in which it is applied, the University partners
with the community through many of its classes
and a wide range of centers and institutes,
including the Health Equity Institute, the
Marian Wright Edelman Institute, the Veteran
Documentary Corps and the Paul K. Longmore
Institute on Disability. SF State’s Institute for
Civic and Community Engagement was
launched to connect students, sta and faculty
members with service opportunities that
strengthen both their skills and the surrounding
AS A RESULT of these efforts, SF State’s
leadership as a values-driven institution is widely
recognized. SF State’s proudest achievement,
however, remains the thousands of graduates
who are putting the skills, insights and ideals
nurtured at the University to work. New
graduates will further the impact of these legions
of accomplished alumni by putting their passion
into action wherever they go — making the
world a better place in the process.
PARTICIPATION IN toda y’s 123rd
Commencement exercise links our graduates and
faculty with scholastic antiquity. Many of the
rituals seen at this ceremony stem from the
European Middle Ages when the church was the
center of learning. At that time, academic gowns
were a common form of dress retained by the
clergy when the laity adopted more modern
styles. The early European universities were
founded by the church, and students, being
clerics, were obliged to always wear the prescribed
wear special robes of royal purple, one of the
University’s ocial colors. The gown worn at the
Commencement ceremony is indicative of the
degree being awarded. Bachelor’s gowns have
pointed sleeves; master’s gowns have oblong
sleeves cut square at the end, with wrist openings;
and doctoral gowns have bell-shaped sleeves with
three velvet bands (symbolizing the third and
highest academic degree) and velvet facings to
the front. All gowns are designed to be worn
closed, unlike many of their European
ALL STUDENTS awarded bachelor’s degrees
wear a mortarboard cap, also of royal purple. On
entering the stadium, the tassel is positioned to
the right of the cap. During the ceremony, at the
moment of graduation, the tassel is moved to the
left of the cap, signifying conferral of the
bachelor’s degree. Students receiving master’s
degrees also wear a purple mortarboard, but with
the tassel already positioned on the left of the
cap. Students being awarded a doctoral degree
wear a black velvet tam.
THE SIZE AND SHAPE of the academic hood
and the width of its velvet edging also help to
identify the level of the degree that the wearer has
earned. Hoods designating the bachelor’s degree
(worn here today only by the students chosen to
represent their colleges) are 36 inches; those for
the master’s degree are 42 inches; those for the
doctoral degree are 48 inches and include a cape,
visible at the side. The shell of the hood is lined
with the ocial color, or colors, of the college or
university conferring the degree. SF State’s are
purple and gold. More than one color is often
displayed in V-shaped stripes, known as chevrons.
The color of the hood’s velvet border indicates
the field or discipline in which the degree is
granted. SF State’s master’s degree hoods are
edged in the following colors:
....................Drab (light brown)
Education ............................... Light blue
Ethnic Studies ...........................Crimson
Health & Social Sciences ................ Gold
Liberal & Creative Arts ................ White
Nursing .......................................Apricot
Public Health ..............................Salmon
Science & Engineering.................... Gold
OUR FACULTY have earned degrees at top
universities around the nation and the world. As
they process into the stadium, their regalia make
for a colorful display. The linings of their hoods
(and sometimes the color of their gowns) identify
the institutions from which they earned their
degrees. Leading the Platform Party in the
ceremony today is the chair of the Academic
Senate, Professor Michael A. Goldman, who
carries the University mace, an ancient symbol of
order and authority in both the civic and
academic worlds.
Candidates for graduation
with honors
Skylar Loren Abellera
Risa Adachi
Ella Joyce Alcantar
Reem Zaid Algahmi
Yasmine Abdulwahab
Noor Fahd Alhakim
Zoey Allen
Lillian Rae Amaral
Juan Carlos
Ava Nicole Austin
Samantha Elizabeth Bacher
Kaylynn Renee Barley
Haley Nichole Bates
Eva Batres
Jenna Michaella Mojica
Precious Gian Bautista
Samantha Midori Beaman
Jennifer Alondra Beltran
Sara Benchohra
Delilah Soulouman Bender
Brandon Devon Benton
Bella Sultani Benzaken
Ava Michelle Bierly
Sabrena Binti Mohd Jefri
Laura Bonomi
Eleanor Jane Boone
Morgan Elizabeth Bright
Adhila Kanzul Bukhari
Lyric Eve Burch
Mark Nathan Gemenes
Madison C Burrington
Tatiana Paolina Cabral
Yongchan Cai
Timothy Joseph Camaclang
Christian L Camano
Chloe Caneday
Noemi Cardenas
Rocio Cardoso
Jason Cardoza
Class of May | August 2024
Sarah Elizabeth Castro
Estefania Cervera
Anjali Anisha Chandra
Una Ella Chang
Matilda Chao
Ariana Genesis Chavez
Jacob Chinn
Angel Chouk
Siena Gabrielle Choy
Mia Christine
Harlene G Chua
Alexa Lynna Contreras
Evelyn Marie Contreras
Raquel Veronica Corrales
Hugo Yvan Cruz
Nerissa Beltran Cruz
Mikaela Diane Nicolas
Dominick J D'Anna
Bryson Andrew Davis
Alexander Z. Denis
Theodore Aaron Olmsted
Delaney Sade Dorsey
Elizabeth Kay Ekern
Oliver Eliastinoco
Elbridge Enriquez
Jonah Joy Enriquez
Madeline Louise Eshbach
Marisa Esparza
Jessica Josephine Etges
Tristan Erich Fabiunke
Katarina Marie Fink
Catherine Ashley Flores
Grace Nicole Fong
Ulani Fonseca
Darian Franco
Ashley Fryslie
Izabella Garcia
Xavier Garza
Kyndra Sharene Gedney
Tori Michelle Gehr
Nicole Arenzana Germino
Yi Xuan Goh
Virginia Hoo Gonzalez
Lily A. Gutierrez
Pricila Guzman-Serrano
Leela Amin Hadwan
Savannah Nicole Haley
Andrew Oliver Elvin Harris
Daisy Belen
Hernandez Garcia
Ashlee Lauren Higginbotham
Sanaz Chloe Homayounieh
Alvin Huang
James William Ink
Claire Mae Isola
Princess Miltonah Khadijah
Jorge Avelino Jimenez
Kristin May Joe
Jackson Taylor Jones
Alexia Celeste Juarez
Roxana Juarez
Sirena Renee Kaempf
Nyree Sabrina Kaloustian
Camelia Khalili
Elijah Kyung Ah Kim
James John Kobylt
Jessa Laboissonniere
Adellah Lasarow
Swe Tamara Leonard
Loretta Vivian Leung
Yuye Li
Irene Liang
Victor Liang
Charlotte Ann Hua-Mei
Lizeth Margarita Lionetti
Daumoney On Yee Liu
Ben Lohrentz
Claudia Azucena
Ruthie Rosalyn Lopez
Cassandra Abigail Lopez
Alexander Low Fung
Sylvina Jose Lozano
Laura Ludovico
Irelynn Maclennan
Lesliebeth Guadalupe
Julia Alexandria Manzano
Gisselle Andrea Marroquin
Anahi Guadalupe Martinez
Isabel Nic-Teha Martinez
Jayne Consuelo Martinez
Julia Mcevily
Talia Nichelle Meeks
Krystle Anne Merluza
Gage Campbell Mettler
Aldo Ariel Montes
Samantha Grace Morales
Amelia Inez Morrison
Aidan Murtagh
May Thanzin Myint
Ryan Blaine Neer
Nancy Nguyen
Rebecca Thienan Nguyen
Leticia Nicolini Luna
Ashley Love Nortman
Brendan Shea O'Brien
Heidy Octaviano
Adam Okwudiafor Johnson
Athena Kelly Ada O'Neill
Itzel Anahi Osuna - Tapia
Rhoel Paulo Natividad
Masten Peters
Justin Van Pham
Alexandra Pilker
Samuel Lee Pollard
Sydney Jean Powers
Merica Ann Prater
Lucero Daniela Preciado
Jennifer Quiroz Pineda
Jessica Lynn Rakstins
Gemma Graciell
Ramos Galvan
Andrea Karina Ramosromero
Ethan Rappeport
Alyssa Marie Raygoza
Julian Nathaniel Riga
Nina Rodenko
Julianne Gonzales Rodriguez
Yazmin Celeste Rodriguez
Krystal Rodriguez- Martinez
Precious Joy Romano
Amaya Melissa Romero
Emily Rong
Elka Krueger Saaf
Favian Felipe
Samaniego Madrigal
Beatriz Moitinho Santana
Reyna Seline Santos
Ashima Sareen
Phoebe Anne Schultz
Neha Tabussum Rani Shamim
Skylar Kennedy Shapiro
Peter Jerome Sherman
Cliona Evelyn Shirey
Ashley Renee Singerman
Mariana Soares
Angel E Starfire
Jason Hing Su
Vidha Kiran Sunuwar
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Kaitlyn Crawford Sutherland
Nickolas Scott Suttie
Ho Yiu Tam
Christy Cheuk Yan Tang
Elijah Tang
Kiren Kaur Tatla
Reem Negasi Temelso Baraki
Loretta Mai Ting
En Xuan Toh
Ryland Matthew Tom
Romina Tongol
Nhi Tran
Isabella Yen Tropiec
Rebecca Truong
Jacqueline Vasquez
Loreli Aubrey Hidalgo Versosa
Simona Plamenova
Matthew Mikhail Vickers
Ryan Wallace
Junnan Wang
Jingyi Wei
Tiffany C. Wong
Jonathan Zihaou Wu
Joelle Yoo-Jung Yang
David Ye
Raine Yenlinn
Charlotte Zhou
Taylor Aboussie
Kaelen Ray Acampado
Tyler Robert Aguallo
Troy Micheal Alexander
Madison L Algarin
Grace Christine Ali
Aya Leor Allan-Colacicco
Katherine Violet Alm
Adrian U. Andres
Shalia Adonna Armas
Aisha Asif
Kendall Monique Aubrey
Vanessa Avila
Michon Barnes
Elizabeth Behrens
Daria Belkin
Victoria Aloe Bell
Rebecca Amy Bergmanis
Leonor Gladys Bright
Emri Bullock
Alexa Camarena
Mason Olivia Canelis
Paetyn Jonelle Caracci
Leah Marin Carlson
Charlotte Marie Castagna
Michaela Castillo
Avygaile Nichole C. Catanyag
Brandon Pacheco Cendana
Arlene Monique Chairez
Sam Chan
Ashley Erica Chipman
Jasmine L Chow
Lucas Christopher Chu
Yolanda Rocio Cisneros
Eddison Jintalan Contreras
Lisette Cortez
Scott Timothy Cotter
Hana Coughlin
Jack Clayton-Louie Dales
Joshua Eli Davis
Faith Taylor De La Pena
Alice Demers
Connor Cruz William Diaz
Faith Donithan
Onnika Elizabeth Dunkerley
Mark Anthony Elias
Krista Mae Relosimon
Daisy Fajardo Samayoa
Zoe Joanna Fejes
Peter Bowen Feng
Samantha Ferro
Kyle Finelli-Bass
Autumn Dawn Fitzgerald
Jacqueline Savannah Fletcher
Phoenix Zane Fontes
Tova Forsen
John Michael Fox
Emily Patricia Fraye
Emmett Gaiman
Anthony Estefano Garcia
Harry Ross Gretton Gardiner
Yves Kevin Gibbons
Alexander James Edson
Dalia Isabella Gomez
Daniel Alexander Gonzalez
Isamar Gonzalez Ruiz
Dahlia Lucinda Grabowski
Alivia Marie Maile Graham
Gabrielle Rochelle Greenblatt
Liliana Leofanti Guerrero
Margaret Louise Manansala
Sebastian William Hahn
Ian P Hayes
Adriana Sarai Hernandez
Evelyn Hernandez
Aleesa Lanae Higginbotham
Deyonce Daaiyah Hill
Linda Fayka Husary
Duy Huynh
Daniela Ibarra
Dina Ibrahim
Madison Paris Ivy
Giovanni Jaime
Tania Jiroudi
Lyla Ries Jones
Nadya Juarez
Steven Jay Jue
Christian Raymond Kayhan
Andrew Killigrew
Felix Lee King
Sebastjan Kinney
Casey Elizabeth Knight
Marissa Ann Korn
James Daniel Kreiss
Jamie T Kuhn
Brianna Jasmine Laffoon
Sterling Smith Lauritzen
Breanna C Lawscha
Nicole Le
Svea Bjerkhoel Leventon
Zen Isidora Lewis
Qiao Li
Kailyn Marie Lindaman
Jade Celeste Lollis
Alicia Elizabeth Long
Haley Patricia Long
Jesus Maria De La Cruz
Lopez Carreno
Isabel Marina
Lopez- Montoya
Sherelie Louella Lum
William Kevin Luong
Fuyao Aixinjueluo Lyon
Connor Dean Maclennan
Amber Hope Mansfield
Hannah Ysabel Sidamon
Pia Isabel Mariano
Elyssa Vianne Mariscal
Liliana Martin Romo
Paulina Martinez-Villanueva
Samantha Narvaez Marucut
Aidaly Matancillas
Faye Juniper Mayer
Alicia Mayora Olivares
Christopher Melgar
Marina Anna Mikaili
Cameron Angel J Milligan
Ashley Magaly Miranda
Alma Modena
Christian Michael Moreno
Rachel Issa Muqattash
Jaala Jakaya Murphy
Makena Malia-Miyo Nakaji
Jasnie Nileshni Nath
Deric Ng
Lizeth Danielle
Ochoa Escobedo
Brianna Guadalupe Pacheco
Kent Alfred Samera Palma
Alexandria Rose Parcasio
Ashley Pascual
Andy Amelie Perez
Lydia Gia Perez
Joseph Petrosyan
Leslie Portillo
Alma Karely Pulido Rodriguez
Piper N Rea
Robert G Reynolds
Jacqueline Samantha Rin
Yna Asuncion Robelo
Chloe E Robinson
Arianna Rodriguez
Cristina Rodriguez
Estefany Romero
Erik Christian Rosales
Nicolas Julian Sanchez
Grace Scerni
Cassidy Anne Schneider
Maya Evelyn Schraeder
Vida Katherine Sharp
Maya Chanelle Shaw
Citlaly Itzel Silva Hernandez
Reeves Silver
Ashley Smith
Delaney Grace Snyder
Christopher Han Spitzka
Mara Faith Talleda
April Yoko Tamada
Khanh Duy Tao
Nawal Tarin
Nevaeh Seaaira Tillman
Shawntel Therese Arante Tilos
Lucien Lacombe Tomlinson
Maria Rose Torres
Vanessa Torres
Rebeca Trabachini
Mason Tran
Shawn Kelly Uy
Esther Cristina Vargas
Ana Maria Adeser
Francesca Villagracia
Millicent Nebria Villanueva
William Wallace Watson
Jason Williams
Madeleine E Wilson-Witte
Olivia Wisely
Samantha (Tsz Ue) Yan
Sheridan Paige Zamalloa
Rania Zeidan
Genesis Abigail Zetino
Mason Lucas Abunda
Alondra Aburto Reyes
Jordyn Elizabeth Aghili
Dalila Celeste Aguilar
Monica Ysabelle Alcala
Bethel Mohammed Ali
Noah Allen
Noha Sharaf Alnawfi
Carlos Geovanni Alvarez
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Mario Samuel Alvarez Chavez
Yoselin Sebastiana Alvarez
Kayan Amani-Taleshi
Maritza Maria Jose Ambriz
Jocelyn Anaya Figueroa
Javier Gavino Angel-Lazaro
Heather Elaine Aren'T
Juan Carlos Arredondo
Diego Angelo Ascencio-Bueno
Aubrey Cabreza Ash
Pinar Ashkar
Jacob Daniel Atiga
Luz Michelle Avalos Ramirez
Nondas Avdalas
Michelle Elise Ayala
Nadia Ayala
Teddy Rose Baker
Maya Baltinester
Chloe Elizabeth Balzer
Ethan Michael Baumert
Nanda O Bean
Rebecca Bean
Mary Kate Ferrer Beck
Eliska Bednarova
Alysia Marie Bennett
Andrew Michael Borowiec
Rainesha M. A. Brister
Madison Paige Brown
Luke John Bushey
Gabriel A Caceres
Ana Karen Camacho Sanchez
William Aaron Cantaderio
Pippyn Jeanne Carney
Malakai Caro
Samantha Carrillo
Brianna Cruz Casillas Chavez
Vanessa Rose Cassandras
Daniel E Castaneda Garcia
Heidy Castillo
Jacqueline Cerna
Alexa Naian
Ceron De La Barrera
Melina Isabella Chamorro
Alma Chay Jocol
Keyu Chen
Seokkyu Kenneth Choe
Jose J Cital
Olivia Graciela Clarke
Madison Brooke Claude
Andria Clays
Sophia Louise Cobb
Shanelle L Cockrell
Brenden Collett-Grether
Ta'Nhya Cooks
Rogelio Jose Cruz Cardiel
Nancy Tien Cu
Matthew Nicholas Dacosta
Joshua Antonio Davis
Maggie Mendoza De Guzman
Adrian Santos De Leon
Maya Liliana Diaz
Lily Isabella Dutton
Jade Eiler
Marjan Elaha
Dana Mohammad Eraiqat
Kenneth Gabriel Erfe
Natalie Estrada
Behnaz Krishma Faizi
Niyah Linda Fambro
Jiale Feng
Arturo Nicolas Fernandez
Cristina Marie Fouts
Edna Cristina Da Silva
Angelyn Tan Fronteras
Sirong Fu
Moriah Leigh Galindo
Eric Garcia
Garcia Hermenegildo
Izabell Gardetto
Jonathan Rey Garibay
Katherine Ivon
Garibay Gonzalez
Jacqueline Gau
Ramil James Torrevilla
Melissa Gibin
Emma Gilbert
Bryn Analiese Gillelen
Serena Raquel Gomez
Maria Fernanda
Gomez Castro
Maria De San Juan Gonzalez
Brandi Lee Green
Maria Pilar Guerrero
Lilian Gutierrez
Carl David Hans
Dulce Lori Hart
Faith Evelyn Hassan
Nicholas Hawkins
Mirian Virginia Hernandez
Kylie Grace Hieter
John Phillip Dietsch Hire
Otis Hixon
Tiffany Manzhi Huang
Makaela Kathryn Hudcovic
Sheikh Hamshim Hussain
Alex T Huynh
Devon Ryan Jackson
Brianna Raelynn-Nicole
Yesenia Jauregui
Alondra Carmen-Maria
Carolina Elizabeth Jimenez
Evelyn Jo
Keegan Wayne Jones
Esha Kadakia
Kylyn Kinnee
Zachary Kiser
Selena Frederica D Knight
Ryosuke Christopher Kojima
John Koutsoyanopulos
Kianna Drew Santaferraro
Netty La
Christian Tayag Lacap
Zachariah John Javier Lacson
Kalaia Alani Lapena
Kevin C Lauck
Devon Veronica Lee
Jungmin Lee
Lior Lev-Ran
Baowa Li
Queena Li
Ying Li
James Eugene Lipsett
Gi Chun Liu
Sarah M Lojacono
Denisse Mercedes Lopez
Derian Ramses Lopez
Patricia Lopez
Elise Luna
Catherine Sierra Lundy
Isabella Danielle Macapinlac
Victoria Mach
Camille Alexandrea Macias
Quiller Ceillidh Lachlanina
Kaitlyn Leigh Maddux
Erik Malagon-Leon
Geramie Maravilla
Sophi Carol Marsaw-Nevarez
Bryan Martinez
Eduardo Gregorio Martinez
Mia Amor Martinez
William Jose Martinez, Jr.
Katherine Raquel
Martinez Sanchez
Valerie Mata
Nava Mavandadi
Kristin Celene Mcgee-Morley
Maya Mcguire
Brooke Mcneill
Annelis Medina
Nancy Esperanza Medina
Claudia Leticia
Mendez Chavez
Alexandra Mendoza
Weedernita Mervil
John Misheff
Deja Alexis Montez
Darragh Giovanni Galtieri
Fatima Morales
Sarah Virginia Mosher
Xitali Naranjo
Maria Isabel Nava
Marlin Astrid
Navidad Hernández
Emilia Nazario
Joshua Charles Nero
Frzam Nezami
Ximena Nieves
Jack Riley Norton
Sarah C O'Brien
James Joseph Olson
Solomon Gregory Orr
Nazli Saadet Ozturk
August Joseph Pagano
Elayna Margaret Parkhurst
Melanie Parra Guerrero
Tulsi Bhavesh Patel
Danielle L Phillips
Jason Alexander
Pichardo Hernandez
Jessie Oriyomi Pierce-Walker
Ivan Martin Pineda
Steven Paul Ploog
Emily Ann Podzunas
Manuel Preciado
Trevor James Prunty
Antonio Paolo Pietro Quilici
Serafin Roman Quiroz
Marrione Kaye Rabara
Marielle Anais Ramirez
Maribel Ramirez Valencia
Zoe E Ray
Amanda Michelle Recendez
Neo Sagum Reodica
Andrea Resendiz
Christian Ivan Melanio
Monyka Montejano Rico
Sabrina Marie Carrasco
Vanessa Chrisanta Rios
Kendrick Alexis Rivas Garcia
Stephanie Irene Rivera
Jocelyn Rodriguez
Cesar Azdar Rueda
Celeste Maria
Safie Menendez
Hailey Marcedes Salha
Lizbeth Santizo Salguero
Raymond Nathaniel Saravia
Jonathan Carlo Capili Saromo
Minami Sato
Sema Meltem Saydam
Eden Sayyad
Alexander K Scott
Zoe X. Sekigahama
Addison Shepherd
Christian Quizon Silva
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Scott Daniel Slater
Casey Joseph Snell
Isabella Mei Socias
Parth Solanki
Angeli Rose Soller Solanzo
Justin Srader
Samantha Noelle Stainbrook
Hannah Roxanne Stapleton
Oualid Tali
Brianna Tancioco
Elisha Durrell Taylor
Kelli Terada
Julia Michelle Tharp
Rica Aisha Thomas Antoniotti
Noalani Naomi Timmerman
Lauryn M Tincher
Rosa Gisela Tingley
Jordan Tirona
Dora Jasminy Tobar Batres
Alex Robert Torres
Ethan Michael Trowbridge
Abbie Elizabeth Tucker
Ileana Michele
Umanzor Carcamo
Alyssa Marie Varela
Amanda Vashakidze
Ofelia M. Vasquez Perez
Jesse Magaly
Vasquez Rodriguez
Naya Alexander
Vasquez Zuniga
Sandra Velasquez
Sean Edward Verner
Tatiana Villalba Garzon
Maureen Y.E. Villanueva
Etana Eva Volpe
Juni Vu
Zachary Colton Outerbridge
Jacob Watkins
Cyril Estrada Welle
Maxwell Wilke
Ryan Kathleen Williams
Ellyse Precious Wilson
Rebecca Cadence Wilson
Hailey Madisson Wiltse
Yihao Ye
Maile Karla Yoshida
Maddie Young
Michelle Yu
Toby Yung
Juliana Zepeda-Lopez
Kuangming Zhu
Muyun Zhu
Rita W Zulu
Darin Abad
Angel Faith Abaunza
Jordan Abbott
Noun Abdelaziz
Hanan Abdo Abdella
Aram Merghani Abdelrasool
Helen Ibrahim Abdullah
Nicholas Tyler Abe
Trisha Nicole Abelardo
Madeline R Abramsohn
Johnathan James Abrolat
John Alvy Abucay
Lara Abushareefh
Brittany Joyce Accetturo
Trinity Rose Crisostomo
Noel Acosta
Brooke Rochelle
Adams Starcher
Soana Christina Afu
Rita Francis Aga
Esli Abril Agripino Rodriguez
Alyssa Aguilar
Andralyn Aguilar
Lexa Angelina Aguilar
Rodolfo Angel Aguilar
Jennifer Diana Aguilar Perez
Mariela Aguilera
Athena Channel Aguirre
Sleiman Majdi Al Ahmadieh
Tabarek Mohammed
Al Daeene
Donia Khalid Al Tamimi
Lyazid Alaoui El Hassani
Orlando Alas
Elizabeth Albarran
Lourdes Alcala-Guerrero
Maria Del Carmen
Aldana Barringer
Camille Jade Aleman
Darling Ivonne Aleman
Anna Satoko Alexander
Kayla Alfaro
Monica Alfaro
Gabrielle L Alfonso
Matthew R Ali
William Stacy Allen
Christian Almaguer
Christopher Almazan
Michael Andrew Alonso
Criseyda Altamirano
Gianna Nicole Altieri
Angeles Rebecca
Alva Villatoro
Dangelo Fernando Alvarado
Samantha Nicole Alvarado
Kelli Simone Alvarenga
Alexis Alvarez
Gustavo Alvarez
Isabel Alejandra Alvarez
Israel Alvarez
Karina Alvarez
Miguel Alvarez
Ariana L. Amanoni
Tereza Amaya Paiz
Karim Usama Amin
Anand Anderson
Riley Anderson
Ulises Ángel Juárez
Naziur Annan
Elaha Ansari
Jose Antonio Anzoátegui
Avery Jade Apellanes
Krystle Marie Figuracion
Nyxa Lita Aquino-Thomas
Giovanni Julio Aragon
Julieta Aranda
Nicholas Michael Arauz
Brandon Thomas G Arce
Arman Matthew Archouniani
Lexxia Arellano
Dianne Brigitte Argueta
Gabriela Ivana Arias
Lizette Marisol Arias
Alejandro Armenta
Isabella Jade Armstrong
Arianna Arroyo-Cuevas
Melany Artiaga
Ian Dominic Devera Artificio
Egypt Chantea Asaeli
Bradley Hiroyuki Asai
Alexander Edward Asquith
Anshi Emeth Aucar
Shacho Finn Aumaeshiro
Talavou Natron Aumavae
Emely Alexandra Avalos
Steven Joesph Fidel Avalos
Tiffany Mercedes
Avellan Cortez
Faviola Bajo
Erika Joyce Polinar Balakid
Andre Talan Baldomero
Christine Joy Bernardez
Samantha Jacqueline
Baltazar Godinez
Cassandra Barajas
Saira N Barajas
Michelle Ju Won Bark
Yassmar Everardo
Barragan Castro
Erika Carmen Barrera
Anabel Barron
Alexandra Lee Bartas
Isabella Mia Bates
Kennedy Bates
Charmaine Kate Bautista
Vianey Becerril
Donovan Beckford
Samantha Bedolla
Scott Allen Bell
Dianna Lisseth Benavides
Brianna Benitez Vazquez
Angel Benjamin
Laura Benjaminsen
Wongelawit Tekeste Berhane
Rashaad Bess
Amy Burke Bessette
Pamela Betances
Yarely Betancourt
Katrina Marie Bey
Kiarah Bey
Mariyam Taeulavo Bey
Rajan Singh Bhatia
Alexander Joseph Bierwagen
Alan G Bilbao
Nicole Adrienne Catindig
Michael A Blake
Naomi Louise Blunt
Destin Bocog
Nadine M Bohorquez
Leonardo Jesus Bolanos-
Ausha Imani Bolds
Andrea Mikaela Bonilla
Alexander Jeremiah Borges
Samia Bouarour
Sarah Bowen
Sierra Katherine Bradford-
Ashley Jasmin Bramer
Brenda C Bray
Emma Bridges
Kennedy Raye Brock
Alyssa Noel Broman
Brian Mathew Brothers
Kenya Iona Brown
Michael Larue Brown
Sterling Bryant
Allysa Sarah Morgan Buick
Sharina Angeli
Bumanglag Aquino
Kassandra Burciaga
Bryce Taylor Burton-Wright
Stanislav Bystrichenko
Marc-Anthony Cadenaz
Roselle Mandapat Cainglet
Brittney Jaymes Calabro
Bryan Alan Calderon
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Neema S Esfandiari
Melissa Jazmin Espana
Jasmine Esparza
Javier Antonio Espinal-Perez
Nicole Lauren Espino
Endy Junior
Espinoza Fernandez
Jose Israel Espinoza Madrigal
Mistica Yarely
Espinoza Orozco
Shawnlou Aragon Espique
Melissa Esquer
Issac Anthony Estrada
Douglas Alexander Estupinian
Kaitlyn Brianna E. Evangelista
Antoine Evans
Chynah Shailynn Evans
Garrett Evans
Cole Evets
Nezam M Fakhouri
Jaelyn Paige Faraone
Elmer Diego Alejandro
Farfan Monzon
Adam John Farrell
Olympia Fellers
Leilah Jene Ferguson
Diana Stefany Fernandez
Justin Matthew Robles Ferrer
Marissa Fields
Teisina Wellington Fifita
Miranda Noemi Figueroa
Virginia Anay Figueroa
Jason Christopher Flagg
Dexter Mingus Flatley
Morgan Elizabeth Fleming
Colin Joseph Flynn
Erin Ford
Valeria Consuelo Fornes
Gabrial Davina Forrester
Wyatt Forsyth
Javonte Darnell Francis
Iraya Diwa Marasigan
Rachael Freebourn
Julia Francesca Fumo
Sophia Ann Gabay
Giorgia Gabriele
Elizabette Nicole Galan
Kayla Esguerra Galapon
Alex Galindo
Gabriel Alexander Gallegos
Christopher Reid Gamboa
Marissa Kaylee Gamino Pagel
Samantha Lizbeth Gaona
Brandon Lloyd Garcia
Erick Raul Garcia
Gabriella Cecilia Garcia
Genesis Fil Garcia
Julia Dayao
Laura Sofia
De Jesus Santiago
Lesley Alexa De La Barrera
Emmy Renee De La Cruz
Adrian De La Rosa
Alaina Deja Leianni Cervania
De Los Reyes
Ricardo De Melo Matos
Aliyah Joy De Vivero
Skylar Orion Deanda-Grey
Jillian Del Rosario
Genevie Kimoden Dela Cruz
Myra Frida Deleon
Kenia Delgado-Cruz
Dominique Danielle Delucca
Bejna Demirkol
Ashley Nicole Denardi
Louis Charles Denson
Elizabeth Rose Corrine
Giulia Di Salvo
Alexis Zaragoza Diaz
Charlie Diaz
Ricardo Diaz
Victoria Diaz
Emilio Diaz-Robles
Alexandra Dieden
Gabriele Thomas Dippery
Gianna Criselle-Akers Dolor
Khyle Daphnie Domingo
Taja Dominique
Bridget Colleen Donk
Neil Francis Donovan
Isabella Nicco Dorado
Emmanuella Dorsaint
Ishita Sanjev Doshi
Antoinette A Douglas
Mikaela Douglass
Kasey Downing
Joli Brandon Drevitch
Seth Forest Dring
Jocelyn I Dulanto
Allison Viktoria Dungo
Christabel Dy
Vanessa Ashley Dyson
William Eagle
Christiana Lea Ebeyer
Moshylena Edwards
Terran Shamari Edwards
Olamma Maria Eke
Barbara Elenbaas
Gabriella Noelle Elias
Robin Jenean Elias
Rawan Elmouzayen
Wesam Escalante
Alyssa Escalera
Bianca Escamilla
Karime Escoboza Magallanes
Springer Gale Chorpash
Melissa Lauren Christensen
Stanley Chu
Josselin F Chun Macario
Clarissa Lizet Cisneros
Zoe Nicolette Cisneros
Ariah Teanna Cisowski
Chandler Edwin Clark
Elliot Simpson Clark
Melencio Libardo Claros
Mckenna Clausman
Samantha J Clements
Cortnie Makenna Clyburn
Noe Calixto Cocoletzi
Stephanie Michelle
Collin Vicente
Eyrika Shaye Collins
Kylie Jayne Collins
Jalina Monique Colon
Xavier Vincent Ibay Coloyan
Kathryn Constantino
Margarita Contreras
Ramon Contreras
Victoria Cooks
Quiana Cooper
Pearl Blue Corbett
Adrian Joseph
Mason Correa
Brisa Cortes
Yuliana Paulette
Deanna Jenelle Coss
Kendall Elizabeth Cossano
Lizeth Berenice Covarrubias
Diana Fernanda Coyotzi
Sanaa Leigh Critchlow
Roua Jennifer Croitor
Riley Cruse
Rachell Anne Cruzat
Isabelia Cruz-Garcia
Daisy M Cuautle Yahuitl
Emily Julietta Curiel
Mackenzie Dalferes
Jaden Rajiv Dalton
Kelly Quynh Dam
Kam Damavandi
Isabelle Ciara Daniel
Andrew Huy Dao
Caitlin Michelle Darke
Donya Sarah Yafa Darvish
Myles Dasilva
Anuj Amit Davé
Marguerite Theresa Davie
Natalie Jimena Davila Solis
Dawson Davis
Diego Davis
Jordan Patrick Davis
Kelly Anne Day
Melisa Calvillo
Oscar Calvo
Iyanna R Campbell
Andrea Nicole Campos
Christian David Campos
Fatima Hodet Campos
Haley Grace Canaletti
Danae Cano
Edson Isaias Cano Rosas
Gloria M Carbajal
Luis Rodolfo Cardenas
Griselda Cardenas Cardenas
Ana Karyme
Cardenas Martinez
Elizabeth Cardenas Torres
Christopher Michael Carey
Brenden Joseph Carini
Chris Caro
Angie Rojas Ramirez Carr
Angela Carrillo Cabrera
Amari Brooke Carter
Edwin Hadai Casanova Castro
Lilibeth Castaneda
Nicole Castaneda
Jessica Venessa Castanon
Eric Castellanos
Luis Carlo Castillo
Tatiana Angelina
Castillo Castaneda
Lluvia Fernanda Castillo Rico
Margarita Castro
Jocelyn Castro-Diaz
Diego Robert Cazares
Angel Alexis Ceja
Carol Cervantes
Emily Isis Cervantes
April Junghee Cha
Craig Michael Chadwick
Sebastian Nevaeh
Harsimran Chana
Shania Chand
Carolyn Le Chau
Andrew Chavez
Bryan Osvaldo Chavez
James Chavis
Tyler M. Chavis
Jeremy Charle
Melody Jane Chen
Zhiyin Chen
Kaila Danielle Cherry
Ben Vamsi Chettipally
Charley Andreana Chew
Jennifer Noelle Chickering
Matthew Ching
Pasutorn Chinwanno
Jacky Chiu
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Kassandra Marie Garcia
Monique Mia Garcia
Nichol I Garcia
Paulina Garcia
Stepheny Garcia
Tiare Adela Garcia
Alan Garcia Cruz
Yareli Alexandra
Garcia Morales
Marisol Garcia-Gonzalez
Cole Carmen Garner
Shawna Garrand
Gillian Elisabeth Gash
Kymber Simone Gastinell
Zeta Ann Mateo Gaston
Rishav Gautam
Deandre Malik Geddins
Justin Leonard Gee
Andrea Renee Genis
Paul Gennesson
Ramon Cecil Geslani
Rene Kendley Giamanco
Michael Neal Gini
Jacob Axl Adrian Girouard
Ruby Rose Gizzi
Anthony Isaiah Gomez
Christian Thomas Gomez
Elsa Isela Gomez
Joshua Emmanuel Gomez
Josue Estanley Gomez
Mayra Janet Gomez
Dalina Sophia Gonzales
Alexandra Gonzalez
Jesse Anthony Gonzalez
Valeria Gonzalez
Julio Armando
Gonzalez Ponce
Ross P. Goodwin
Ashley Gore
Kazuta Goto
Melissa Gotz
Lundyn Renee Graham
David Andre Gray
Taylor Ashley Greene
Evan Michael Gregory
Aziah Symaria Griffin
Cole Griffo
Abigail Marie Gritsch
Jordyn Dana Guerra
Alexandra Marie Guerrero
Cindy Guerrero Zavala
Adrian Alexander Guitron
Kimberly Guizar Rodriguez
Mark A Gundran
Christopher Rodrigo Gutierrez
Iciss Dominique Gutierrez
Jaqueline Quirina Gutierrez
Kevin Alexis Gutierrez
Molly M Gutierrez
Nicole Marie Gutierrez
Paola Gutierrez
Vianey Gutierrez
Valeria Gutierrez Gutierrez
Karla Annabelle
Nikki Hachey
Sean Hadley
Nadiah Hadwan
Tana Shay Hall
Alaa Hammed
Jenna Elizabeth Handley
Victoria Marie Hangs
Jamie Rock Hanley
Lesley Anne Hansen
Schyler Makenzie Hanzas
Sawera Haq
Ruri Haraoka
Alexis Harkins
Caleb Emmanuel Harlon
Jourdyn Harlow
Reece Emily Harmon
Brandon Christopher Harris
Victor Stanley Harris
Julia Marie Hartnett
Jonathan Michael Hartung
Brianna Nicole Harvey
Sagal Abdi Hassan
Donovan Hasson
Nora Hayani
Vanessa Hayes
Benjamin Joseph Heagler
Elias Kai Hegeman
Nikolai Heinen
Rithik Hemanth
Courtney Jean Nicole Henry
Malikiya Henry
Yensiv Her
Allison Camille Herbert
Andreina V Heredia
Giannamari Villar Hermogeno
Brittany Nicole Hernandez
Christian Hernandez
Darleene Angel Hernandez
Edgardo Hernandez
Elizabeth Hernandez
Estefani Erlinda Hernandez
Gabriela Lizette Hernandez
Jason Andres Hernandez
Leonor A Hernandez
Nathan Lucas Hernandez
Zuleyma Hernandez
Jessica Vanessa
Hernandez Quintanilla
Natalie Hernandez Ramos
Jose Herrera Murga
Rex T. Hesner
Caitlyn N Heu
Danielle Megan Plazo Hicban
Princess Kaye Adachi Cinco
Isaiah Higgins-Areas
William Higuera
Jalen Darrick Hines
Bailey Linda Hintz
Timothy Ho
Grace Lynne Hoff
Emma Hogan
Emerald Lela Holdman
Jacquelyn Holguin
Jessica Lorraine Holland
Dominick Holmes
Jordan Christopher Hong
Kapewa William Rodrigues
Leanna Shaleen Hopper
Kristopher Aaron Horne
Forest L Horner
Elijah Horta
Hannah Ashley Hoskins
Danielle Janeen Hottinger
Grayson George Hubbard
Jazz Monique Hudson
Natalie Huezo
Kyra Imani Hughes
Madeline Hunter
Gavin Husein
Ibrahim Sabir Hussein
Khai V Huynh
Daniel Xavier Ibarra
Mariella Valdez Ilagan
Eehza Imran
Ayaanna Rahi Ireland
Kolomona Ryan Mikaela De
Guzman Irvine
Donovan M Jackson
Catalina Marysol Jacobo
Stephanie Jacques
Ada Jacques-Leahy
Ivan Xavier Jaimes-Carrillo
Nichelle Vivian-Allyse James
Jessica Jo-Anne Jasso
Eduardo Jauregui
Makender Jean-Philippe
Alexis Jimenez
Andrea Jimenez
Jacquelyn Jimenez
Natalie Jimenez
Crist Davis Jimenez Cortes
Jeffery Jesse Jimenez-Perez
Brooke Elizabeth Johnson
Donavon La Garrett Johnson
Ethan Robert Johnson
Kierra Monae Johnson
Keith Christian Jones
Paige Ann Jones
Sunthipab Siribounthong
Wahai Jong
Jacynta N Jordan
Leah B Juarez
Brithany Juarez Jaramillo
Ann P. Junio
Marie Kawarai
Arutun Harout Kechedjian
Andrew James Kelly
William Edward Kelly
Kijika Kai Gyashi Keiko
Samantha Keovongkoth
Kayla Nicole Kerstetter
Alireza Keshmiri
Averi Gabriella Kessee
Aimal Khan
Zeeshan Khan
Bryan James Killeen
Benny Kim
Daniel Ikaika Kim
Laura Ann King
Kaitlyn Jane Kipp
Nickolas Thomas Klein
Clara Urania Knight
Rachel Dreail Knoop
Alana Kochieva
Cameron Desiree Korving
Ashley Koss
Nathan Robert Kravitz
Thaddeus Krusinski
Amey Kulkarni
Stephanie Kum
Shane Shalvin Kumar
Nathaniel George Kwan
Camille Marie La Haye
Yasmine Lee Labrew
Aaron Will Lacy
Leyi Lai
Jonathan Laird
Max Fu Chang Lam
Stephanie Chau Lam
Seanna Lea Lanagan
Natalie Caroline Landeros
James Timothy Lang
Sophia Charlotte Larsen
Juliann Nai Lathung
Konnie Lawhorn
Hilario E Lazaro
Sophia Lazzarotto
Kinh-Luan Ngo Le
Toskeyshi L Leach
Demani Lee
Olivia Brooklyn Lee
Jenner Daniel Lemoine
La'Shauria Dakauhnra Marie
Jason Leung
Ruby Arianna Levine
Jada Diana Elizabeth Lewis
Tyler Simone Lewis
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
David Liang
Yongcong Liang
Zhiqing Liang
Bill Liao
Nestor Ramon Liborio-Lugos
Daniel Christopher Licea
Yuhong Lin
Nayeli Linares
Lawrence Michael Lincoln
Christiana Marie Liwag
Alice Logutenkova
Marissa Kay Lomax
Jazmin Lomeli
Kassandra Lomeli
Gannon F Long
Melody Long
Emily Grace Longenecker
Madalyn Jayne Loperena
Asia Rose Lopez
Daniela Alexandra Lopez
Jeremy E Lopez
Julian Lopez
Marc Anthony Lopez
Paulina Elise Lopez
Sandy Karina Lopez
Trent William Lopez
Yaneli Guadalupe Lopez
Jorge A Lopez Colunga
Pong Lor
Beatriz Lorenzo Henderson
Nadia Jean Love
Taylor J Love
Shonnique Loyd
Adrian Lozano
Isaak Lugo
Arielle Torio Lugtu
Efren Alexis Luna
Kate Alyssa Luna
Valerie Luna-Franco
Terry Luo
Kennedy Claire Luty
Langdon Luu
Christy Hong Ly
Nhi N Ly
Jalen Rick Mabana
Anne Jellie Macatlang
Karlo Macco
Brian Macias
Maria Macias
Monzerrat Macias
Michelle Macias-Gutierrez
Madeleine Marie
Andrea Madrid
Matthew Albert Maduli
Jeykel Isaac Mairena
Shahyar Majlessi
Veronica Aguilar Malabanan
Yesenia Malagon
Abel Abraham Maldonado
Dominic Maldonado
Martin Maldonado
Melanie Jolene Maldonado
Jacob Christian Mallari
Lilyanne Mingarine Mallari
Regine Marie Mallorca
Feven Tekalign Mamo
Christine Bedard Mana
Sirvan Manhoobi
Fergie Marie Manio
Hannah Aleena Manzo
Joshua Marcia
Alyssa Danieli Malabag
Alba Rocio Marino Quintero
Gerald Marquez
Lucia Guadalupe Marquez
Parryon Thomas Marshall
Abril Martinez
Daniela Martinez
Deonna Alexis Martinez
Erick Martinez
Hannah Elizabeth Martinez
Jannet Martinez
Madison Isabelle Martinez
Salvador Azul Martinez
Daniela Anahy
Martinez Gutierrez
Polet Martinez Luna
Miriam Jessica
Martinez Ramirez
Isabella Esperanza
Dafne Dzoara Mata
Alisha Leslie Mauga
Veronica M Maund
Diego Cardenas Maurer
Brianna May
Alma Coloma Mba Ela
Emma Mccarthy
Wyatt James Mccullough
Nicholas Wade Mccurdy
Donald Mcfarland
Luca Maurice Mcgrath
Shelby Simone Mcintyre
Camilla Marie Mckeith
Tamara Nicole Lynn Mears
Aileen Medina
Daniela Medina
Erei C Medina
Olmar Medina-Campos
Cynthia Medrano
Gilberto Palomo Medrano
Gilad Meiri
Maite Estefania
Mejia Cervantes
Ruby Mejia Volantin
Isabella Beatriz Melendez
Jasmine Melendez
Alex Melgoza
Brenda Jamilette Mendez
Yeily Juvissa Mendez De Leon
Alyssa Renee Mendoza
Katerin Estefani Mendoza
Katrina Delos Reyes Mendoza
Lisa Estephani Mendoza
Dorian Lizbeth Mendoza Sosa
Catherine Elizabeth
Sasha Alexa Menjivar
Satish P.D. Menon
Alfredo Steven Mercado
Alyssa Fouts Mercado
Candice Merin
Sam Simon Mewhinney
Peter Benjamin Mhina
Gina Laverne Milanovich
Joseph Andre Miles
Breanna Leonora Miller
Dakota Patrick Miller
Jessica Ann Miller
Matthew Miranda
Libny M. Miranda Vasquez
Mia Misasi
Nigeena Sakina Mohsini
Jianna Cardiel Mojas
Herbert Mauricio Molina
Dina Choukri Moncada
Thomas Lee Montenegro
Katherine Michelle
Ashley Montoya
Giovanna Maria Montoya
Dante Ross Moody
Ibory Elizabeth Moore
Sergio Mora
Aj Morales
Elizabeth Morales
Ivette Morales
Patrick Morales
Misael Isai Morales Garcia
Luisa Paulina
Morales Sagrero
Samantha Alexandra Moran
Paulina Tatiana
Moreira Altamirano
Brittany Gisselly Moreira Vera
Anthony James Morelan
Eleni Athanasia Morfidis
Holly Morfin-Villalvazo
Kai Morgan
Matthew-Lee Morgan
Victoria Lynn Morgan
Monet Iman Morton
Stephanie Alisa Morton
Montel Seguisabal Mosuela
Manuel Ricardo Muldoon
Karla Vanessa Muniz
Kelly Munoz
Maria Bernice Gallardo
Maritza Morelia Munoz
Yesenia Ingrid Munoz
Noroama Murillo Martinez
Jessica Erica Murrietta
Rafael M Musni
Fares Muthana
Carlton Mwalili
Vernon Arjun Naidu
Alexandra Anaid Naito
Navid Nakhai
Fabiola M Naranjo
Ximena Jessell
Nava Rodriguez
Jeffrey Navarrete
Suzana Esmeralda Navarro
Ellioth Smith Navarro Barrios
Maya Nazzal
Jada Tamia Nealy
Grady Blas Neilan
Malia Nelson
Willie Nelson
Noelle Tiare Nelson Guerrero
Carla Neri-Tlazola
Nathaniel Glen Newman
Samantha Kelly Ka Man Ng
Michael Ngo
Mike Hoa Nguyen
Tony Long Nguyen
Tyler Thanh Nguyen
Amanda Moon Nix
Minwoo Noh
Carl Sha Norgren
Jacqueline Alice Norton
Jason Phillippe Noval
Marisa Novotarski
Rhiannon Kathleen Nowlin
Tina Ngalula Ntambwe
Andrea Nunez-Estrada
Stephanie Nuno
Eric John Nyeste
Jerin Jonah Oca
Frank Ochoa
Tanya Ochoa
Cara Nicole O'Flaherty
Manaka Marie Okazaki
Kemji Chiebuka Okorie
Bijan Omari
Heather Orell
Isela Orendain
Anthony Zayas Orozco
Carmen Jasmine Orozco
Vianet Denise Orozco Ortiz
America Evelin Ortega Cruz
Victoria Ortega Vazquez
Belinda Ortiz
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Victoria Maria Ortiz
Jose Manuel Ortiz Hernandez
Kimberly Sabina Ortman
Janeisha N Osawe
Kassandra Mora Osuna
Sesilia Asi Otuhiva
Azaleah Paez
Wesley Page
Alejandro Palacios
Jocelyn Palacios
Faith Ann Palileo
Adam Allan Paniagua
Nicole Pappas
Cameron Josh Paran
Jonah Soongil Park
Julia Mi-Yeon Park
Brenna Elyse Parra
Jenna Mae Pascual
Rishika Patel
Shivani Patel
Deonjenae Latay Patterson
Jason Stuart Paukei
Jake Michael Paxton
Maria Jose Payan Diaz
Christopher A. Payez
Ryan James Pearce
Cameron Cruz Pena
Aldrin Niko Francisco Peralta
Jamie Peralta
Joseph Hawkins Peralta
Ariel Aurora Peraza
Noemi Elizabeth Perdomo
Blanca Diane Perez
Daniela Abigail Perez
Daniela Guadalupe Perez
Eduardo Perez
Gabriela Nicole Perez
Jasmin Perez
Julio Cesar Perez
Luis Sebastian Perez
Maria Jacqueline Perez
Matthew Isaiah Perez
Patrick Lee Perez
Rachel Lee Perez
Yesica Perez Cabrera
Merrilee Perez Ibarra
Adira Perkins
Angelica Antuanette Perkins
Codellia Rose
Francesco Pezzi
Jonathan S Phaophongsavath
Priscilla Phillippi
Kenya Rasheeda Pierce
Schekina Evangeline
Meiya Arnette Pike
Andrew Kyle Pimentel
Samantha Faith Pimentel
Tiffany Briana Pineda
Rylan Joseph Pizzuto
Ashley Annette
Pocasangre Salguero
Andrés Miguel Ponce
Olivia Ponce
Yulissa Ponce
Cristian Neftali Ponce Chavez
Giana Faith Pooni
Marcelo Segundo Potosí
Jayla Alice Powell
Devyn Sycamore Powers
Keomony Prak-Austin
Ishaan Pratap
Ashley Nicole Preston
Cherry Marie Primus
Mia Propersi
Symone Pryor
Laura Raquel Pulido
Elias Marwan Qare
Matthew Quan
Emilio Quintana Del Carpio
Tirza Camila Quintanilla
Yesenia Arely
Quintanilla Gomez
Quintero Bustamante
Michael Adam Radcliffe
Rahman Raheel
Jill Ralston
Arissa Isela Ramirez
Claudia Alejandra Ramirez
Daniela Citlalli Ramirez
Hugo Ramirez
Juana Ramirez
Leslie Ramirez
Malerie Christine Ramirez
Michael Ramirez
Emily Ramirez De Lira
Brenda Gabriela
Biridiana P Ramos
Patrick Luis Ramos
Gissell Ramos Aguilar
Noel Rangel
Katrina Ranae Rascon
Cooper James Rasmus
Vanessa Madalyn Rasmussen
Malia Azul Rawlings
Andes Octavio
Regalado Talavera
Roberto Andres Revelo
Dalaneo' Dwight Revels
Alberto Reyes
Aloisa Reyes
Aurora Emilia Reyes
Paolo Antonio Richards
Corban Patrick Ricketts
John Patrick Riddle
Micheal D Riggs
Hannah Rose Rincon
Brianda Senara Rios
Steven Joseph Rissotto
Erasmo A Rivas
Isela Mildred Rivas
Jacob Ivan Rivas
Leslie Rivas
Devon Ruth Rivera
Kristy Samantha Rivera
Tatianna Denise Rivera
Yoseli Amairami Rivera
Kathya Esmeralda
Rizo Morales
Jackson Alan Robb
Mandy Mason Roberts
Faith Page Robertson
Natalie Marie Rocha
Alah Ayanna Rodriguez
Carlos Rene Rodriguez
Consuelo Alejandra Rodriguez
Esteban David Rodriguez
Itzeline Rodriguez
Julieana Rodriguez
Julio Jacob Rodriguez
Melissa Rodriguez
Stephanie Gabriella Rodriguez
Aileen Saturnina
Rodriguez Cifuentes
Erykah Rodriguez Freire
Melina Rodriguez Rios
Lander Rodriguez-Salvador
Jamie Michelle Rogers
Astrid Julissa Rojas Cortes
Ulises Roldan
Shelby Marianne Roloff
Alexis Danae Roman
Angelicia Najwa Romero
Jade R Ronquillo
Jesus Rosales
Tawnia Leigh Rose
Caleb Ziah Rounds
Priscilla Ann Rubio
William Ryan Ruddock
Alexander Ruiz
Arnoldo Ruiz
Christopher Joseph Russell
Axel Ruvalcaba
Katherine Anne Ryan
Christopher David Saavedra
Paola Montseratt
Saavedra Ramirez
Alma Maria Sabla
San Youan Saelee
Jacob Sean Sahagun
Permdeep Singh Saini
Niambi Ashanti Saint Louis
Brianna Saiza
Rooha Sajjad
Adam Saken
Layla Salahuddin
Samuel Christian Salas
Christopher Daniel Salazar
Elijah Cain Salazar
Ethan Thomas Salazar
Michael Adam Salazar
Abdullah Saleh
Danielle Millan Salinas
Kiara Raquel Saloma
Aliyah Villagracia San Juan
Abigail Sanchez
Jimmy Sanchez
Love Sanchez
Nayla Estela Sanchez
Jose Manuel
Sanchez Aldana Iniguez
Francisco Gerardo
Sanchez Donez
Hipolita N Sanchez Hernandez
Sheridan Edward Sanders
Eric Sandoval
Makayla Rene Sandoval
Noralyn Sangalang
Loree Anne Santos
Nathaly Santoyo
Albert R Sasser
Evelyn Sassus
Liliana Valentina Sautto
Nathan Robert Saxton
Richard Henry Schiff
Jonathan Asher
Finn Schwarck
Emily Flora Schwartz
Samuel Schwartz
Trenton Storms Schwartz
Charles Dean Scott
Mya Elizabeth Scott
Sabine Lucile Scott
Noelle Sky Paz Sczesny
Anese Nicole Searcy
Ashley L. Sebihi
Ameneh Sedighi
Isaiah Enrique Selva
Maritza Isabelle Serna
Cindy Serrano Mendieta
Joy Seydel
Al Meezan Shaikh
Brandon David Sharp
Amiah Shaw
Lyrik Azteka Shears
Briton Shepherd
Gabriel Sherr
Billie Ann Shoemaker
Jan Sikorski
Kamarya Love Singh
Krishan Singh
Mariah Alessandra Sipe
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Tristen Alexander Sitz
Madison Lynn Smiley
Christopher Smith
Jack Ryan Smith
Jerry Eugene Smith
Shannon Hobart Smith
Thelma Smith
Duane Marcel Smith, Sr.
Audrey S Smithson Lewis
Sharnell Smothers
Brett Coleman Smylie
Sarah Smyth
Elizabeth Winslow Snedaker
Chloe Karen So
Julie Christina Soeganda
Giselle Soliz
Eden Solomon
Alyssa Kassandra Soto
Juan Soto
Miriam Soto
Scarlette S Soto
Paulina Soto Bringas
Rafael Soto Ruiz
Leann Souvannasing
Ella Jane Spandorf
Nicolau A Sparer
Katherine Comey Sprague
Zackery Garhard Stehr
Rachel M Stennet
Cameron Nicole Stephen
Autumn Claire Stern
Elizabeth Rebecca Sun
Hongbo Sun
Kyla Elise Sutro
Trinity Rae Sutton
Alexander Wolfgang Swenson
Katherine Melissa
Szarata Navas
Jacqueline D Szwed
Samantha Tagaloa
Ashanti Asya Taijeron
Marianna Galang Tamayo
Ruihao Tan
Songzhi Tao
Mauricio Tapia
Angelina M Tarquinio
Josiah Gene Mumau Taylor
Andrea Guadalupe Tellez
Sarina Juliana Temple
Ethan Scott Tennell
Armando E Terrazas
Kevin Thaw
Jared Thielemann
Eriana Nicole Thomas
Jaquay Q Thomas
Mele Salome Thomas
Jimmy Thongseng
Emma Jean Thrift
Kevyn Tinoco
Kimberly Tobanche
Samuel Cross Toby
Anne Tolentino
Kaitlyn Vi-Van Ton-Nu
Maia Lie Tonoukouin
Henrry Torres
Kailey Torres
Miranda Marie Torres
Sandy Torres
Sonia Yolanda Torres
Mariela Toxqui-Jimarez
Nathan Huy Doan Tran
Victoria Thanh-Truc Tran
Taylor N Tringali
Regina Belle Villostas Trinidad
Ryan Michael Truby
Edward Vinshenso Trujeque
Kevin Nguyen Truong
Yuma Tsuchiya
Waseroma Turagacava
Ivanni Turner
Ibrahim Abdul-Haqq Twist
Isa Abdur-Rasheed Twist
Margaux Ty
Denise Marcela Ugarte
Omar Francisco Urbina
Jozette Aileen Urtiz
Dianna Urzua-Rios
Vilma Valdes
Angel Susana Valdez
Jessica Marie Valdez
Joanne Flor Dasil Valdez
Veronica Valdez
Aryanna Jeanette Valencia
Elizabeth Valencia Avalos
Dominic F Valentine
Jacob Lemus Valenzuela
Toni Raquel Valladares
Dianna Ramirez Valle
Alejandro Vallejo
Emma Jo Van Hoy
Lauren Elizabeth Vance
Ilya Ray Varga
Jessy Vargas
Marissa Vargas
Rita Vargas Calderon
Jazmin Violeta Vasquez
Rosy Estella Vasquez
Sylvia Crystal Vasquez
Dianna Vasquez Rivera
Jhadeeja Shahida Vaz
Isabella Rose Velasco
Tracy M Velasquez Brenes
David Josue
Dea Adamari Velazquez
Jennifer Paola Veliz
Owen Paul Veloz
Madison Rose Venegas
Lill Milagro Ventura
Denis C Vezina
Mia Loren Vienna
Hannah Rose Villalobos-
Christine Amanda Tiguelo
Madeline Raquel
Ashley Elizabeth Vintero
John Thomas Von Arx
Angela Ngoc Vu
Kelvin Vu
Tam Q Vu
Elisabeth Burkey Wallace
Emily Jane Wang
Arthur R Washington
Darienne Watson
Hallee Watson
Salina Elizabeth Weiss
Mariano Job Wemiz
Kevin Wen
Marvin Roy Whitehead
Brandon Micheal Whiting
Ariyha Marie Williams
Graeme Francis Gerard
Jack Spencer Williams
Kayla M Williams
Raevyn Micole Williams
Sydney Anne Williams
Marguerite Williamson
Stella Jo Wilson
Caroline Milagro Wolfson
Alexander Wong
Cassandra Wong
Diana Wong
Elijah Keenan Wong
Hailie Jade Wood
Lily Denise Woods
Zaria Lee Woods
Qingmei Wu
Janae Wyche
Leilani Xicotencatl
Kaojay Melody Xiong
Minako Yamada
Samuel Chul Yamasaki
Xianhuan Yan
Jerrine Rebeche Yance
Alejandra Yanez
Malik Yates
Mikayla A Yee
Yared Yemane
Yeonseong Yi
Daniel Chong Hyon Yim
Gabriel Spencer Yoo
Wyatt Tadashi Yoshika
Daphne A Young
Henry B Yu
Jackey J Yu
Tiffanie Victoria Yu
Zhishan Yu
Madelyn Anahis Yukich
Karen Zamudio
Dafnie Sofia Zaragoza Arriaga
Zachary Ace Zavala
Bianca Rubi Zelaya
Xenia Yesenia Zelaya
Grant Michael Zemella
Aijian Zhang
Hannah Mckenzie Zolezzi
Guadalupe Janette Zuniga
Melissa Zuniga
Cinthya Michel
Zuniga Quistian
Candidates for graduation
with honors
Maelk Mohammed Abugharib
Raymius Cruz Aguilar
Meena Ahmadi
Ismaeil Al-Aeli
Danya Alazzeh
Reem Zaid Algahmi
Yasmine Abdulwahab
Raschid Mahmoud Al-Kurdi
Lillian Rae Amaral
Stephanie Amezcua
Marissa Marie Angulo
Fatima Eriselda Araica
Jairo David Archila Vargas
Juan Carlos
Jacob Glen Asuncion
Enham Baqain
Edward Barquero
Andrew Arellano Bautista
Anthony Itoralba Bernardo
Lindsey Loli Binay
Dylan David Bockholt
Jordan Burton
Christian L Camano
Joanna Paola Campos
Valerie Estelle Tan Cantor
Hue Tam Cao
Jose Maria Gabriel
Jayavan Mackayla
Carandang Tadas
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Jaydee Cean Aficial Caranto
Petra Cardoso Zuñiga
Kate Carrera
Honestie Boupha Chan
Daniel Jeremy Chang
Jooho Chang
Vanessa T Chang
Cody Chen
Remyian Shaun Chinn
Gowoon Anna Choi
Megan Elizabeth Chow
Yelena Yuan Chow
Patricia Marilyn Christopher
Alyssa Mei Yen Chung
Clarence Chun Hin Chung
Briena Nicole Clark
Courtney Alyssa Conley
Gabrielle Balce Cordero
Josue Cruz
Tyler Cabading Cruz
Benjamin N Dang
Jia-Wei Thi Dang
Edgar Mauricio De Anda
Arianne Camille Delos Reyes
Elena Diyanova Dimitrova
Hamed Djouadi
Vi Thi Tuong Do
Cecilia Doan
Theodore Aaron Olmsted
Lara Arianrhod Dy
Nermeen Talal Elsaghir
Marishka H. Filio
Christian-Patrick Gonzaga
Zayra Maria Galvan Duran
Joe Angela Mai Dionglay
Olivia Marianne Glinski
Alina Gomes
Vince Matthew Gonzales
Victor Gutierrez
Andrew Oliver Elvin Harris
Eric Henerlau
Heleyah Mone' Henley
Kailin Huang
Sunny Nguyen Huynh
Taylor J Kelly
Mariam Khabazashvili
Mathew Khalili
Justin Val Kleyman
Madeline Anna Borucki Kuhn
Jessa Laboissonniere
Vy Lam
Payton Mackenzie Landre
Breeyn Bobbie Lasit
Nelson Lee
Nicholas David Lee
Gaven Lejano
Loretta Vivian Leung
Ada Lin
Zuley Lingan
James Liu
Andrea Lopez
Hailey Michelle Lopez
Benjamin Lui
Williston Allen Luo
Rayan Madjidi
Shannon L Magnin
Jessica A. Martin
Jasmin Martinez
Michael Bien Belda Martinez
Meliza Ibeth Matute Sandoval
Christina Mcguire
Erich Irwin Miller
Nisa Mostarshed
Jade Caitlyn Gonzalez Murao
Amy Nguyen
Laurie Nguyet-Que Nguyen
Jose Cresencio Ochoa
Stephanie Pach
Keezean Giron Paguio
Natalie Tan Paler
Issa Beatriz Ochangco
William Pan
Shannon Hawk Pauline
Soroosh Pazouki
Denise Peng
Yan Peng
Jacqueline Perez
Milagros Guadalupe Perez
Naomi Alexandra Perez
Devin Nicholas Peterson
Michael Petrossian
Angelo Lance
Reintegrado Quetua
Arthur Nicole Ramos Reyes
Aidan Patrick Reeves
Lennart Richter
Vanessa Robles
Sarah Marie Rozaner
Nezar Suhail Saba
Irwin Carracedo Salamanca
Galilee May Lupine Samuels
Yvonne Sanchez
Isahi Sanchez Angulo
Francisco Javier
Sanjuan Pimentel
Maria J Sarabia
Yoshiko Satake
Leilani Semana
Gabrielle V Sembrano
Skylar Kennedy Shapiro
Dongrui Shen
Oleksandr Shmyhun
Andrew D Stabell
Samantha Keiko Sung
Haolin Tan
Timothy Santos Terreros
Zehao Tian
Nicole Jean Towne
Theresa Vu Tran
Brianna Tsang
Dillon Wayne Tucker
Adele Mizuki
Juliana Deborah Mcclure
Ever Stewart Vasquez-Portillo
Rita Belu Velazco
Zanett Velazquez
Kiara Verdin
Jacob Daniel Verduzco
Kayla Rose Villalobos
Kevin D Vo
Ahmad Shah Wahidy
Zernaz Naibkhil Arghandewal
Lan Wang
Joaquin Nguyen Warren
Julia Wied
Annisia Milana Williams
Audrie Bao Wong
Brandon Christopher
Yantong Wu
Chuchu Yang
Trinity Sage Yates
Ho Man Yu
Jason Guocheng Yu
Aziz Zalouk
Lirong Zhang
Jieying Zhao
Aiying Zhen
Jasmine Zhu
Emma Ly Ho Ablao
Amanda Isabel Aguilar
Madison L Algarin
Amarely Janeth Almaraz
Bian Abdulfatah Alowdi
Deborah Altamirano
Catherine Michelle
Alvarado Lamig
Jaiden Chukwunonyelum
Zacharia Sina Angha
Gabriella Joy Dungo Arcilla
Karl Xavier Layco Arcilla
George Anton Atallah
Hannah Jolie Bailey
Emily Rose Barbour
Amanda Marcela Barraza
Jana Andrea Baula
Brianna Tolentino Baxter
Brenda Becerra
Daniela M Blancas
Zachary Bransgrove
Sarah Jane Braun
Kaylor Alexa Brumfield
Ma. Jennylou Cabanag
Sandra Cai
Yamilet Camacho
Jessica Heidi Cardenas
Justine Clyde D Carino
Brianna Castro
Malaiya Mercado Catimbang
Isabella Sofia Ceja
Chen-Yi Chang
Tzung Che Chang
Hsin Yu Chen
Jiayi Chen
Xiao Hui Chen
Chih Lin Chien
Steven Choi
Yu Ting Chou
Dariana Lisseth
Coca Gonzalez
Brooke Azaria Coleman
Ibonie Clairsa-Marie Collins
Citlaly Correa Galindo
Margarette Louis Olan
Kyla Keith Ilaw Cuenca
Mohammad Ahmad Dahbour
Nadim A Damlaj
Sophie Davidson
Elizabeth Davis
Daryl Joseph De Lemos
Ronald De Leon Mazariegos
Natalie De Santana Enders
Mohammed Deeb
Benny Isaac Deloera
Mariana Diaz
Bianca Arielle Dominguez
Lauren Alexis Dunn
Warda Fuad Ahmed Egeh
Zoellen Mae Eichen
Rayann Elsarrag
Zoe Elianna Valiente Enriquez
Donavon William Evans
Ezzat Ezzat
Kathryn Elaine Feng
Elam Marie
Vincent Ivey Floyd
Kaitlin Ashley Fong
John Michael Fox
Airah Joyce Vital Franco
Gabriela Crystal Franco
Shiyi Fu
Ryan Justin Fuentes
Johnny Fung
Connor Robert Galvin
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Elijah Luke Manjarrez
Nina Nicole Castro Marcelo
Minette Mitzi Guzman
Darvyn Octavio Martinez
Joshua Martinez-Recoder
Deannakayte Dizon Marucut
Ryan Thomas Mcfadden
Lauren Amelia Medeiros
Emily Hope Monson
Elizabeth Guadalupe Montano
Leila Elizabeth Mor
Yureyci Moreno
Drew Munechika
Chand Nadeem
Jasmine Lily Navarro
Amy H. Nguyen
Mark Nguyen
Shasta Nourian Bentley
Nadelia Elisa Ochoa
Hannia Ojeda Deniz
Morgan Marie O'Malley
Alberto Alamillo Ornelas
Juan Ramon Osorio
Willem Parsons
Joanna Orquidia Patterson
San-Yu Peng
Ricksel John Penullar
Cristina Grace Perazone
Camila Perez-Quintero
Kaitlyn Truyen Khantali
Hsu Yee Phyo
Bhuvaneshwar Shanil Prasad
Ashleigh Nicole Rawson
Ezekiel Mauro Campana Rico
Andrew J Rojas
Jiselle Aiza Saavedra
Haseebullah Sabur
Fayeeza Shaikh
Ubaid Shaikh
Kylie Marie Shea
Olivia M Shelton-Smith
Cara Kathryn Shetzline
Shahrukh Hasan Siddiqui
Alvino Miguel Silva
Ellena K Simental
Amandeep Singh
Ekaterina Slyutova
Parker Alan Smith
Sima Souzangarzadeh
Daniel A Standley
Taylor Ann Sullivan
Albert Chayle Cunanan Tactay
Tyler Tam
Nicolas Xern Hung Tan
Vincent Tang
Chaw Mya Hay Thi
Chloe Christine Thornton
Yna Jasmine David Tongson
Adriana Gissell Torrez Reyes
Sarah Lynh Trac
Hoang Anh Tran
Austin James Valentine
Zachary Thomas Vallesteros
Miguelangel L Vargas
Allen Joshua Ventura
Kris Andrea Vicencio
Isabella Yasmine Vieyra
Stephanie Hanh Vo
Daphne Gaia Vollom
Jeffrey Vuong
Jacquelyn Waliszewski
Madison Brooke Whitestine
Supakit Wiriyachinnakarn
Christopher Thomas Wong
Ethan Lik Hung Wong
Jayden H Wong
Rachael Kaylee Wong
Ada Wu
Jaden Wu
Kenia L Xicum Montiel
Gwenivere Hanako Yagi
Yingshi Yan
Elena A Yee
Alisa Kiana Yu
Andrew Ga Shing Yu
Jalena Leanne Zapanta
Eden Adafre
Abraar Mohamed
Ahmed Aldahmi
Mozhgan Ahsant
Akram Ahmed Al Raeeini
Sarah Isabella Alcala
Cynthia Citlali Alcala Marquez
Anhaar Mohamed Aldahmi
Yousef N Alghethy
Rashaad Amzad Ali
Karina K Alvarado Mendoza
Mimi Eileen Anderson
Gabriel R Angeldones
Marco Antonio Anguiano
Rene Antoun
Hamza Areiqat
Chloe Alexandria Arnold
Jessica Avila Vasquez
Darien Thuan Banuelos
Virginia Kay Begakis
Leila Marie Bellis
Michelle Benitez Santiago
Anthony Joseph Benjamin
Alexis Bernal
Victoria Lee Bialorucki
Anaya Japiera Block
Sage Blomquist
Kevin Lew Boie
Molly Erin Bolt
Azia Jordyn Brown
Alyssa Bailey Burtis
Tyler William Busa
Andy Byeon
Carissa Jude Capinpin
Raul Cardenas
Ysabella Therese Castillo
Naomi Michelle Catania
Eunice Angela Gatpandan
Guillermo Cazares
Annabelle Nicole Cervantes
Ian Jacob Chan
Katie Chang
Jiahao Chen
Zhiyuan Jaron Chen
Denny Wan Ching
Wilson Edmund Chiong
Samantha Cristi Chiu
Henry Chu
Christian Phillip Collins
Kobi Cook
Aran David Cox
Carolyn May Cox
Louis Alberto Cucalon Cruzatt
Heaven Lee Cullins
Omar Dajani
Jennifer D'Ambrosio
Chrizamelle Baptista Dancel
Shriya Raghavendra Dandin
Devin Joshua Dean
Michael James Decker
Caryna Angela Dela Cuadra
London Uriella Jane Deutsch
Sambodhi Shyam Dhaware
Rebecca Megan Dikun
Ruth Besrat Eskias
Jordan Falconer
Kamillah Teresa Felix
Kristy Lisette Flores
Ashley Yamileth
Flores Barrientos
Diego A Flores Flores
Christy Janine Fong
Daniel Robert Fournier
Uki Fujiwara
Michael Bisquera Gaerlan
Daniela Ivonne Gamez
Yuiel Abrham Gebredngl
Collins K Gichohi
Leslie Gomez
Joshua Castro Gonzales
Richard Vincent
Paul A Gonzalez Castro
Laura Beatriz Gonzalez Diaz
Adam Jason Greer
Aida Mussie Hailu
Jorge Garcia Rodriguez
Edwin Anthony Garcia-Huezo
Sandra Garduno
Emma Katherine Gilchrist
Naseebh Gill
Katherine Grace Gillum
Avery Rose Girard
Frankarlo Gonzalez-Osorno
Haoran Guo
Yahan Guo
Rachel L Henderson
Carlos Samuel Hernandez
Erin Espiritu Hernandez
Kathleen Riana Herradura
Avery Grace Hodge
Angel Thomas Hom
Osprey R Horneck
Kangli Hu
Samson Huang
Nelson Hum
Irene Jandt
Jeawan Jang
Devora Jimenez Domingo
Gabriela Camila
Jimenez Guardado
Ysabelle Jiana Medina Jose
Rahul Julka
Rashmeet Kaur
Hannadi Maged
Khader Munoz
Lila Victoria Khazeei
Misato Konuma
Bobbi Joanne Kuivinen
Amanda Lam
Christine Joy Lao
Tina Le
Anthony Lee
Danica Marvi Nolasco Lee
Lydia Daphne Lei
Yna Marie Pedres Leonardo
Qiao Li
Xiaoqi Li
Leslie Ann Aragon Lim
Abby Lin
Tong Lin
Kailyn Marie Lindaman
Mary Marjorie Gapasin Lintag
Krysta Kathryn Little
Adam Jun Ho Liu
Chih Yi Liu
Allison Lo
Sergio Alexander
Lopez Quinteros
Heydi Susana Lopez Rivas
Kristin Kay Louie
La Dol Ly
Fuyao Aixinjueluo Lyon
Elaine Yiyi Ma
Sonal Maharaj
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Deron (Dj) Carter Hallman
Xiaoying He
Suzanne Heikal
Cindy Fatima Hernandez
Blanca Michelle
Hernandez Garcia
Cedric Lamarr Hicks
Gia Linh Ho
Zijun Huang
Jedine Ellah Hudson
Bouncy Chigozirim Igweka
Kotaro Iwanaga
Madison Jaffee
Dahyun Jeon
Joshua Danilo Profeta Jiao
Isis Nayeli Jimenez
Evelyn Jo
Esha Kadakia
Neer Rajesh Kalaria
Grishma Kc
Kayla Kelly
Kyler Kosta
Karell Kouakou
Hayden J Krawl
Conor Joseph Kuczkowski
Karen Kwan
Angel La Shore
Lillian Mei Lam
Jasmine Lau
Wai Hong Lau
Han Nguyen Ngoc Le
Thao Ngoc Thach Le
Amelia Rae-Taylor Lee
Benson Lee
Chae Joon Lee
Samuel Leon
Man Chak Leong
Wee Brendan Leong
Ella Josephine Lerissa
Destinee Unique Lewis
Sloan C.I Lewis
Andy Li
Yitian Liang
Khai-Chuan Liew
Bin Lin
Jasmine Denise Linares
Chun-Kai Liu
Huiyi Liu
Monica Amanda Liu
Qingyi Liu
Sandy Liu
Elizabeth Loya
Linda Ma
Hannah Ryan MacDonald
Jacquelin Rose Maerina
Fabian Alejandro Frias
Rani Radhika Maharaj
Justin Mai
Anthony D Makhmudov
Annie Loch Maldonado
Maria De Jesus
Malta Martinez
Mikaela Cerna Manalastas
Erick Martinez
Jazmyn Janai Martinez
Marlon S Martinez
Ramiro Martinez
Alexis Martinez Carreno
Diana Martinez Hernandez
Michell Fernanda
Martinez Rios
Scarlett Vanessa Martiniano
Naomi Alexandra Matthews
Wesley Antonio Mcintosh
Angelina De La Rosa Medeiros
Arlett Mejia
Alyssa Marie Melendez
Julisa Denise Miller
Marwa Miry
Irfan Muhammad Mirza
Genisee Montalvo
Alexcia Montes
Jasmine-Arielle Flores Moore
Dax Morgan
Audrey Lin Moulton
Darren Mui
Lauryn Kyoko Murata
Nancy Ndunge Mutunga
Xitali Naranjo
Aleia Yh Natividad
Yuto Eugene Natori
Melissa Negrete
Aria Rose Neiman
Julia M Nercessian
Ashley Avei Ng
Vinh Phuc Ngo
Ngan Thi Thuy Nguyen
Khanh Minh Nguyen
Steven Bao Nguyen
Aidan James O'Connor
Artin Oghabian
Brianna Lee Okonek
Kyle Edmund O'Rourke
Jesse Armando Ortiz
Hana Oshima
Mary Posadas Palaad
Alicia Palafox
Jimmy Pan
Amber Marie Parrish
Melanie Joy Evangelista
Dhruvinkumar Jigneshkumar
Jay Chiragkumar Patel
Mimi Simone Pelletier
Julia Penno
Esmeralda Garza Perez
Jacob Ferdynand Marquez
Quyen My Phan
Sai Wuu Phet
Miles Williams Phillips
Ricky Rothynak Plang
Emily Ann Podzunas
Anshu Poudel
Lea Rose Pyeatt
James Apar Quintos
Kazi Ruslan Rahman
Esmeralda Ramirez
Guadalupe Ramirez
Yasmeen Kate A. Ramos
Mario Alejandro
Renderos Diaz
Jullianne Gario Reyes
Rhonda Reyes
Guadalupe Aguirre Reyna
Francisco Jose Rico
Mariah Cecilia Rios
Kendrick Alexis Rivas Garcia
Sean Conge Rivera
Jeane C. Robis
Lillian Elena Rodriguez
Megan Rose Rogers
Oscar Uriel Rosales
Caimin James Rybolt-O'Keefe
Jackeline Nayeli Sandoval
Uriel Ivan Sarabia Oleta
Siena Carmela Scoppetta
Rushin Saurabh Shah
Faheemah Aamina Shaikh
Tina Sharma
Pasang Dawa Sherpa
Ryan Simon Shim
Austin Homing Shiu
Zahara Sifaf
Stefano Silvia
Claire Renee Skinner
Misa Onoyama Smith
Gloria Sunuwar
Sophia Alyssa Swigart
Smriti Tamang
Nicholas Tang
Phung Boi Tat
Erica Imani Tate
Vanessa Tejeda
Carly Terry
Chaw Hsu Thuzar
Ryan H Tong
Nicole Katarina Tontz
Carlos Songaben Torio
Anh Thu Tran
Krystal Lee Tran
Nhi Thi Phuong Tran
Tho Huu Tran
Conrado Trevino-Oceguera
Audreana Dieu Truong
Joey Tse
Lomana Asena Tuakalau
Reylina Ung
Diego Valdez
Gary F Valle
Daniel Adeser
Laisha Rafaela Vera Fajardo
Lujia Wang
Minyao Wang
Yi Lin Wang
Yindi Wang
Isabella Mimi Warford
Elliot Jay Warren
Hansley Wijaya
Sophia Wolf
Alena Wong
Jillian A. Wong
Matthew S Wong
Christopher Desean Wood
Jiayue Wu
Kevin Xu
Natalie Isabella Yam
Maria Fernanda
Yanez Honorato
Julie Yang
Man Kit Yeung
Amanda Kaitlyn Yu
Arianna Yuan
Heyam Walid Zaghoul
Juliana Zepeda-Lopez
Hongyi Zhang
Jianhua Zhang
Coco E Zhao
Vicky Xiaowen Zhu
David Grant Zinneman
Mohammed Majdi
Nehal Jelani Abdu
Andre James Zabat Aberin
Subinu Abulaiti
Megan Acharya
Micheal C Acholonu
Kimberly Faye Acosta
Elizabeth Chiamaka Acquaye
Daryl Acuna
Carlos Armando
Acuna Melendez
Mario Roberto
Acuna Melendez
Brooke Rochelle
Adams Starcher
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Ashly Aniciete Castillo
Candace Mercedes Castro
Cassandra Castro
Vanessa Salgado Castro
Alexis Lusero Catalan
Nataly Guadalupe Cauich
Fernanda Cazares
Asusena Cendejas
Karina Centeno
Alyssa Nicole Cervantes
Melinda Maya Chacon
Zoe Chakos
Yazmin Chamu
Alan Chan
Chunyin Chan
Jason Chan
Jerrick Matthew Chan
Jonathan Sean Chan
Samantha Chang
Randy Chao
Carolyn Le Chau
Mario Roberto Chavac Gomez
Itzel Felicitas Chavarria
Julio Cesar Chavez
Madeline Chea
Chuting Chen
Bishan Chen
Britney Chen
Edward J Chen
Ethan Chen
Jessica Homand Chen
Lihua Chen
Rachel Chen
Weimin Chen
Xiaobing Chen
Yunsi Chen
Divya Cherukuru
Douglas Cho-Chak Cheung
Eric Chia-Chun Cheung
Lynnette A Chhumao
Sungmu Cho
Westley Ki Cho
Conrad Clark Dae Sung Choi
Emely Adely Choto Cruz
Laifu Chow
Crystal Choy
Kennan Choy
Amy Manese Christensen
Leif Elijah Christensen-Kent
David Chu
Jonathan Chu
Ramir Kristian Chuatico
Jacob Joseph Cilia
Amaya Kendal Mitchell Clark
Jessica Jordan Cohen
Robert Martin Cohen
Jermaine Collins
Brian Antonio Concepcion
Edgar Ivan Corona Gobea
Adekemi Victoria Adebisi
Adeboye Adeyumiwa Adeyemi
Sumyeha Afzal
Bryan Martin Aguilar
Deyby Aguilar
Elvis Jason Aguilar
Jaquelyn Alejandra Aguilar
Paulina Aguilar-Rosil
Emely Aguirre
Cameron Ahmad
Jason E Ajquejay
Mohammad Tareq Alajlan
Cameron Nicolas Alamdari
Robin Alexander
Alarcon Rojas
Marwan Alawdi
Sesen Alazar
Christina Lynne
Alberigi Donaldson
Shirin Tariq Hilal Al-Busaidi
Guillermo Alcantara Ventura
Hanean Aldalaly
Kyle Matthew Alfaro
Ysidro Alfaro De Leon
Hashed Algaheim
Hanan Ali
Eason Magtangob Alim
Muath Naif Alkathiri
Ahmad Maher Alnubani
Geaty Alokozai
Ali Ghazy K Alsharif
Marcos Altbaum
Perla Alvarado
Ricardo Alvarado
Lizette Nathali
Alvarado Lamig
Alexis Alvarez
Ilyich Elmer Alvarez
Manuel Alejandro Alvarez
Melissa Alvarez
Omar Hamdi Alzghoul
Leslie Daniela Amaro
Christian Amaya
Maricela Amaya
Fahim Amiri
Lauren Marie Amoroso
Zoe Marijane Anaya
Alyssa Andrade
Ulises Ángel Juárez
Ethan A Angeles
Miguel Angeles Anaya
Luis Bryant Angeles Tavera
Ralph Wyatt Antonio
Irena Antoun
Ismael Ernesto Aparicio
Ron Patrick Samson Aquino
Izayah Terrell Archuleta
Keyly Arcos
Kristin Jaylyn Mapote Argarin
Alondra Lizbeth Arias
Audrey Armas
Gregory Luke Arruiza
Anthony Vincent S Artille
Isabella Remy Ascencio
Thomas Robert Ascheri
Kimberly B Attiya
Hein Aung
Liudmila Avagimova
Fausto Avila
James Avila
Alexis Michele Ayala
Leeah Christina Ayon
Adnan Ayub
Abdarrahman Ayyaz
Ariana Hasia Azami
Narau Azimkhan
Austin Sebastian Babcock
Kelvin Ramos Bachicha
Snehal Bade
Stacey Seung Baeg
Yesica Balam Nic
Andy Mondragon Baldovino
Jennifer Barajas Zepeda
Kelly Andrea Barberena
Correll Erik Barca-Hall
Maricela Malia
Barcinas Seronio
Urian Barraza
Jose Salome Barrera
Ely Lee Barrientos
Israel Barrientos
Ixhel Barrientos Gonzalez
Erica Nathaly Barron
Shreejana Bartaula
Rebecca Emily Bartels
Julien Zachary Basa
Shahin Bashiri
Justin Li Baskin
Michelle Batan
Azzaya Batbileg
David Baugh
Aislinn Bautista
Justin Steve Bautista Lopez
Bujinlkham Bayarkhuu
Kamryn Rae Beall
Andree Sebastian Bedoya
Alexia Xiana Bejarano
Brenda Beltran
Fredrick J. Berry, Jr.
Kendra Renee Bertucci
Skye Katrina Bettencourt
Avitaj Singh Bhangoo
Maryam Hashim Bharoocha
Guangbin Bi
Diane Bilse
Isaiah Joseph Blas
Robert Boardman
Robert Anthony Boese
Luis Alberto Boggiano
N'Kosi Sevin Bohannon
Esau Bojorquez-Medina
Jonathan Bolinao
John Laurence Bendol Bongat
Kimberlin Botello
Damiughn Jasmine Bradley
Litzi Amayrani Bravo
Ronnie Antoine Bridgett
Sean Britain
Alyssa Noel Broman
Ethan Dylan Broms
Kyle Michael Brown
Xylia Arlin San Juan
Ngoc Huong Thi Bui
Joyce Espinoza Bulatao
Rusty Puentenegra Bule
Elliott Maxwell Bullard
Justin Alec Burnett
Nicolas Robert Burns
Carina Rosario Burruel
Allen Sigua Bustos
Jallah Reine Butler
Axel Christian Adolor Cabato
Julieta Cabrera
Leslie Adriana Cadena
Yi Tian Edwin Cai
Alina Eva Calautti-Bostanci
Jose Alfredo
Melina Alejandra
George Michael Callacna
Karlene Anne Calma
Cameron Lee Campagna
Jaqueline Campos
Maria-Lucia Campos
Victoria Campos
Carlos Campos Lozano
Campos Mendoza
Eric L Candias
Megan Cantiller
Olga Carabez
Giselle Anicia Cardenas
Steve Cardenas
Kathy Cardoza
Brianna Marie Carmona
Isabel Carrillo
Luis Giovanni Carrillo
Michael Gustavo Carrola
Aritza Yadira
Casas Dominguez
Danilo Abisai Casco Irias
Kevin Lander Cassman
Isabel Angelina Castañeda
Leslie Olvera Castellanos
Angelica Castillo
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Andre Daniel Corrales
Bryan Cortes
Heinrik Velasco Cortes
Kaitlyn Melanie Cortes
Sebastian Cortes
Juan Carlos Cortez Guerra
Isaac Dylan Cortez-Avila
Isaiah Lamar Coston
Matt Craig
Kendall Kanoelani Cram
Vianna Cramer
Byanka Jeanette Cruz
Claudia Poleth Cruz
Nayeli Aidee Cruz
Yuly Porlet Cruz Castro
Brandon Domingo
Cruz Miyake
Melanie Mayela Cruz Ortegon
Jacqueline Cuellar
Maryruth Clarenz Montoya
Cassandra Claudia Cueva
Justine Cullinane
Julia Leigh Currier
Meilat Dagnew
Maher Dahud
Deanthony Dailey
Sophia Dalman
John Augustin Jimenez
Giahuy Dang
Kim Dang
Minh Quang Dang
Connor Darigo
Dustin Darrah
Chloe Simone Dasilva
Ahja Jahari-Kay Daugherty
Hope-Marie Dunning David
Aliyah Alize Nyshanae Davis
Julan Davis
Jezreel Gellecanao
De Guzman
Brianna Faye Mariano
De La Cuesta
Cesar De La Parra
Marcella Decoud
Ethan Ryan Deguzman
Jany Michelle Del Angel
Destiny Amber Dela Cruz
Genevie Kimoden Dela Cruz
Ray Ashford Dela Cruz
Nastassia Delarosa
Felix Deleon
Alexis Delgado
Matteo Della Santina
Deon James Demby
Desiree Anastasia Derting
Shankar Deuja
Angela Rose Lacanlale Devera
Peter Deyi
Gurpreet Dhaliwal
Savjot Singh Dhillon
Harsimran Singh Dhindsa
Israel Jacob Diaz
Sarah Marie Diaz
Alondra Marcela Diaz Bonilla
Phillip Diec
James Diep
Revilo James Mora Dimabuyu
Benjamin Quang Dinh
Kenneth Dinoy
Athan Do
Huong Thi Minh Do
Tai Xuan Doan
Ethan Robert Dodd
Gilbert Dodson
Kimberly Alma Dolcini-Ramos
Patrick Xavier Dold
Sean Melvin Terrado
Sean Yuta Donaldson
Meiraf Donofrio
Felimon Marquez Doria
Erica L Dornath
Jack Drey
Claire Rosemarie Duarte
Jack Ajay Duckers
Agustin Alejandro Duenas
Abigail Evangeline Duerr
Anosh Malcolm Dumasia
Blake Dumlao
Jimmy Duong
Vincent Duong
Kaya Dawn Duran
Gino Mariano Duya
Nicole Delores Eastman
Gione Dijoun Edwards
Nyah B Edwards
Allison Lianne Eichelberger
Ariana Elder
Luis Alfonso T Elequin
Josef Kennedy Elguhiem
Samuel Elias
Daniel Enriquez
Jarred Enriquez
Ariunerdene Erdenebileg
Amanda Escobar
Santiago Escobedo
Rahman Eshpari
Kevin Almeida Espagna
Tanaz Espari
Bruce Esquivel
Luis Emilio Eusebio Puente
Griffin Evans
Tyesha Shakira Fadlin
Martha Lizeth Faisal
Bonnie Fang
Khaled W Farah
Adil Fardeheb
Esther Fatoye
Ricardo Santiago Dorado
Christopher Felix Quintero
Lily Aurora Rose Fenex
Shubert Fernandes
Mauricio Fernandez
Monica Andrea Ferrey
Jessica Jordan Fetanatnia
Marshall Theodore Feuer
Katina Anna Fictum
Isabel Figueroa
Peter Andrew Figueroa
Raul Enrique Figueroa Ortiz
Sabrina Firpo
Mark Todd Fisher
Ennag Fua O' Kaleli Fisi'Ihoi
Isabella Brianna Fitzgerald
Jayda Marisol Fletcher
Jordyn Adrianna Fletcher
Judith Florencio
Adam Xavier Flores
Austin Mateo Flores
Brandon Isaac Flores
Clarisse J. Flores
Kyle A Flores
Natalee Leyah Flores
Luis Gustavo Flores Bautista
Abraham Nehemias
Flores Burgos
Walfre Flores Castellanos
Zayra Araceli Flores Navarro
Perla Jazmin Flores Vega
Itzel I Flores-Yanez
Juan Carlos Fong
Nathaniel Jafeth Fonseca
Gabrial Davina Forrester
Alexandria Fortuna
Alyssa Shyann Fraizer
Steven Viernes Francisco
Louis Gabriel Franco
Victor Daniel Franco Ramirez
Jireh Raine Marquez Fuentes
Julia Francesca Fumo
Aaron Fung
Wing Sum Fung
Vivian Aniya Fuqua
Yesenia Galindo
Carisia Alejandra Gallegos
Jason Gallegos
Ruby Elena Gallegos
Citlalin Olivia
Galvan Hernandez
Oscar Galvez
Cole Barrett Galvin
Isabelle Christina Gama
Francine Gamboa
Sanjay Ganapavarapu
Jiahui Gao
Deymi Yanneth Garcia
Jacob Christopher Garcia
Joshua Mark Garcia
Julia Patrice Cancel Garcia
Moises Alejandro Garcia
Noah Ray Garcia
Maritza Esmeralda Garcia
Ingrid Maryoly
Garcia Escobar
Jennifer Garcia Lara
Paul Garnica
Amelia Joi Gatus
Semehal Eyasu Gebersamual
Rakebe Debebe Gebrekidan
Kenneth Michael Gee
Jacob Austin Gerales
Fadee Daniel Ghiragosian
Gebriel Tesfahunegn Gidey
Jairo Diego Gijon
Kenneth C Giovannetti
William Earl Gipson
Elane Yemane Girmay
Dheebarajan Gokilavanan
Tyanne Amelia Goltz
Ryan Gomez
Salvador Gomez
Teresita Gomez
Divino Loayon Gonzales
Alejandro Gonzalez
Jesus Gonzalez
Jose Gonzalez
Leslie Gonzalez
Luis Alberto Gonzalez
Sergio Gonzalez
Victor Issac Gonzalez
Stanislav V Gorobets
Mariah Alyssa Gorsuch
Zane Allan Gottlieb
Jecinta Roselyn Gounder
Zobar Gowhary
Jillian Kay Graham
Natalie Paola Granados
Cornelius T Grant
Bella Angel Graybeal Escobar
Jordyn Catalina Greene
Hamneet Grewal
Kamaria Antionetta
Elizabeth Grivette
Anja Aloisa Groess
Parker Riley Gross
Kevin J Guan
Steven Guan
Jaime Guardado
Fernando R Guevara
Julian Isaac Guevarra
Guilherme Guimaraes
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Manik Gulati
Zarah Gulzada
Dibora Mesfin Gurmu
Sajan Gurung
Mathies Adam Gusman
Adithya Krishna Gutala
Esperanza Gutierrez
Hernando A Gutierrez
Moises Alfredo Gutierrez
Nicole Y Gutierrez
Jonathan Gutierrez Gonzalez
Jason Guzman
Joshua Lazo Guzman
Karma Kelsang Gyalpo
Sanjith Raghavendra Hadagali
Yasson Haddish
Sonann Hakimi
Reem Halabi
Hinal Halani
Derek Handa
Andrew Merrill Hansen
Ahmed Haroun
Shabree Harris
Bryce Harrison
Oliver Wendell Harrison, Jr.
Teanna Marie Hart
Courtney Hartjoy
Karl Matthew Hartleb
Azhaar Shahrukh
Elli Shirley Haugen
Cameron Jacob Hecht
Matthew Paul Hellfeier
Kayla Henderson
Trevor Allen Henrich
Christian Henriquez
Alexis Hernandez
Angel Hernandez
Carlos Manuel Hernandez
Christian Hernandez
Christopher Hernandez
Emily Ann Hernandez
Emily Hernandez
Jose A Hernandez
Kathy Natalie Hernandez
Matthew Xavier Hernandez
Melissa Hernandez
Nataly Hernandez
Raymond Felix Hernandez
Salomon Eduardo Hernandez
Ariadna Scarlett
Hernandez Gonzalez
Ruben Alexander
Hernandez Pacheco
Paola Herrera
Benjamin J. Hilmer
Ethan Alexander Hinojosa
Collin Tadashi Hiramoto
Ethan Ho
Jordan Curtis Ho
Ananda Thanh Nguyen Hoang
Celeste Linh Chi Hoang
Jadon W Hoang
Gabrielle Willow Hodson
Kaitlin Charlize Balneg
Dominique Michelle Hollis
Justin Vinh Hong
Kapewa William Rodrigues
Thomas Hopper
Rhoda May Hora
Fazliddin Hotamov
Louis Roque-Apiag Houston
Kaung Nay Htet
Tina Xq Hu
Amy Shi Man Huang
Eric Huang
Ethan A Huang
Kyle Adrian Marapao Huang
Ronnie Y. L. Huang
Xiaohong Huang
Yue Huang
Zi Yi Huang
Ahmar Huda
Estrella Yvonne Hunter
Nikki Hunter
Ibrahim Sabir Hussein
Taylor Hutch
Maria Consuelo Ibarra
Sean Ibarra Diaz
Ryan Ibasan
Alexander Uzoukwu Ibekwe
Gieselle Imperial
Santino Palma Inferrera
Elijah Casey Ingersoll
Ja'La Jacqua Ingram
Dahlia Jae Inis
Mikala Nikia Keambre'
Kavya Lena Jacob
Ada Jacques-Leahy
Chelgis Jahanfard
Jasmine Sharron James
Jonathan Jaramillo
Ulziijargal Jargalsaikhan
Maurice Guo Jiang
Andrea Jimenez
Jacqueline Jimenez
Carlos Jimenez Alvarez
Gansinee Jirasiriphat
Kylie Johanson
Ian R Johnson
James Thomas Johnson
Montel James Johnson
Seamus Patrick Johnson
Adam Jonathan Johnston
Monica Michelle Jones
Steven Deon Jones
Christian Lapuz Jose
Jessica Julian Cuevas
Vasav Ketan Juthani
Enzo Kanoa Kalaveras
Pavan Kalyan Kalla
Constantinos Kallenou
Arvind Kandasamy
Mihir Kant
Aavinit Kaour
Aldina Karagic
Kiranpreet Kaur
Komaldeep Kaur
Lovleen Kaur
Navpreet Kaur
Christian Kelleher
Daijah Kent
Ruhama Samson Ketema
Trinh Kha
Gurwant Kaur Khabra
Anish Khadka
Jamila Khambati
Khadija Khan
Muhammad T Khan
Rana Khodor
Brandon Khuu
Isaiah Raymond Kidd
Chaeyeon Kim
Dalvin Kim
Flora Kim
Gavin Patrick Joseph Kinahan
Jordan Marie Klein
Talia Joy Klein
Nicholas Michael Charles
Kaitlin Sachiko Koessel
Jyotsna Koirala
Anson Kong
Sheena Kong
Taylor Kong
Judy Kongmany
Haval Kotrush
Christina Vera Kruglikov
Christian Andrew Kuan
Xikun Kuang
Keith Kumar
Michael Samuel Kuperman
Saarth Sanjay Kurle
Austin Miana Kuykendall
Hyok In Kwon
Amanda Kwong
Krishan P Lad
Derek Bryant Laferriere
Fransabella Aliyah Lago
Stephen Ignatius Lam
Vera Lam
Sachit Lamichhane
Raul Landaverde
Joely Langford
Jared Creed Lao
Adrian Castro Lara
Taylor Nicole Latona
Nicole Laudani
Matthew Laurico
Cyrus Hossani Lavassani
Claudia Elena Lazaro
Hao Nguyen Minh Le
Kristy Ngoc Thuy Le
Tommy Le
Truc Linh Thi Le
George Elias Lebbos
Cameron Mitchel Lee
Dongkun Lee
Gwangwoo Lee
Jalen Aaron Lee
Joseph Han Lim Lee
Ryan W Lee
Thomas Joseph Lee-Miyaki
Isabella Lemay-Eder
Diana Lisseth Lemus
Chak Sing Leng
Adriana Leon - Betancourt
Erika Beatrice Lepe
Johnson Leung
Julia Dieu Leung
Praxis F Lewarchick
Maxwell Lewis
Armando Leyva
Benson Wen Li
Eric Li
Phoebe Li
Vivian Li
Haomin Liang
William Liang
Yingyin Liang
Wenfeng Liao
Brandon Liao
Brittney Leigh Liberati
Boaz Lin
Chia-De Lin
Hilary Lin
Timothy C Lin
Yuhong Lin
Joseph Andrew Lindemann
Remia Jaliana Lindsay
Gerald Quan Liu
Joshua Liu
Lihua Liu
Trista Beth Livermore
Sydney Taylor Nicole
Angie Llamas
Emily Elena Llano
Isaiah Jose Lomeli
Darren Loo
Adrian Ceja Lopez
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Bianca Angelique Lopez
Cesar Rolando Lopez
Edward Catarino Lopez
Evelyn Victoria Lopez
Gerardo Josue Lopez
Heylin Mariah Lopez
Jenna Marie Lopez
Nicholas Alexander Lopez
Sofía Daniela López Contreras
Laritza Lopez Lugo
Brian Alexander Lopez Rocha
Christopher Lopez Vasquez
Luis Gerardo Lopez-Martinez
Jennifer Lopez-Pena
Timothy Keit Lor
Eduardo Loza
Raquelle Ybona Lozada
Viclarie Lozoya
Andrew Tyler Lu
James Lu
Jeffrey Lu
Ping Jui Lu
Jacob T Lucas
Adrian Bernard Luciano
Günter Ryan Lugo
Kevin Benjamin Lui
Terry Luo
Viet Thanh Binh Luong
Morgan Margery Lutje
Langdon Luu
Emily Ly
Tyler Joseph Ly
Keira Cailyn Lyman
Andrew Lyon-Lee
Phillip Ma
Erick Macall
Francesco Resurreccion
Sergio Librado
Cindy Amairany
Nattaporn Mahana
Fnu Mahnoor
Pragati Vipulbhai Makani
Bryan Alexander Maldonado
Nola Jane Maley
Saida Malik
Shaakir Abdul Malik
Michelle Alice Maloy
Joseph Joaquin Manahan
Jonah Elijah Dela Cruz
Sureena Mann
Tarandeep Singh Mann
Michael Manno
Delfin Glenn Docena Mapote
Renee Clariz Molina Marapao
Danica-Yvanne Mariano
Emily Aribel Marin
Baltazar Marquez
Jazmil Briana Marquez Pulido
Andres Alejandro
Marroquin Alegria
Stephen Martel
Jessy Martinez
Jose H Martinez
Kevin Choi Martinez
Ysenia Liliana Martinez
Elaine Monserrat
Martinez Lara
Shamin Mashalkar
Dafne Dzoara Mata
Megan Melissa Mateo
Jackelyn Matthews
Kris Patrice Mattison
Kemper L Matz
Kaung Sit Maung
Joshua B Maxion-Conway
Ariel Mcallister
Montgomery Whiteside
Selah Ashanti Mccabe
Jaden A Mccaffrey
Mitchell Dennis Mccahey
Kyle Mcclanahan
Frances Mcgill
Jasmin Delrosio Medina
Katrina Rachelle Mallari
Embeat Zewdu Meharie
Emilio Ashok Mejia
Carlo Alexis Mejia-Lopez
Michael Alexander
Melendez Perez
Manuel De Jesus
Melendez Siliezar
Ivana Renee Mena
Victoria Mena
Angeline Joyce Lawes
Marlenne Mendoza
Rocio Catalina Mendoza
Noemi Mendoza Naranjo
Oswaldo Meraz
Giovanny Ernesto Mercado
Hailey Lauren Mercado
Jonathan Mercado Ledezma
Dustin Hansen Meza
Jose Dagoberto
Meza Ontiveros
Xi Miao
Carlos Michel
Yulian Mikheev
Babak Milani
Cameron Miller
Ronald Romo Miller
Chanelle Shin Milton
Terence Mims
Frederick Jeremiah Mineta
Benjamin-Rafael Noel Mingoa
Lena Nasreen Mirzada
Rebecca Diane Mitchell
Nathaniel John Mittan
Hajime M Miyazaki
Hassan Khaled Mohamed
Mohammed Mohamed
Aarzu Mohammad Ali
Nilofar Mohammad Ali
Tanisha Neha Mohammed
Arash Ahmad Mojaddidi
Katherine Camille C Molina
Haley Molinari
Sara Money
Jaime Emmanuel Montejo
Andrew S Monterroso
Darlina Monica Yap
Travis Earl Montgomery
Alicia Montoya Hernandez
Sergio Mora
Arman Moradi
Mariah Morales
Ricardo Morales
Karl Christopher Moreno
Mariela Veronica Moreno
Brenden Morgan
Mosenior Cardenias Moses
Arthur Amir Motorino
Aaliyah C Muhammad
Kavisha Devindi Munasinghe
Elias Rafael Munoz
Lilian Izabelle Munoz
Devin Xavier Muñoz
Rosmery Munoz Arreola
Cynthia Stephanie
Muñoz Cortez
Yessveth Berenice
Munoz Garcia
Umid Muradli
Maurice Murillo
Pedro Miguel Murillo
Alondra Murillo-Negrete
Nour Musleh
Carlton Mwalili
Kali Thi Myers
Kendrick Justin G Nacnac
Alec Joshua Nagal
Catherine Nagel
Nallan Chakravarthula
Jorge Narez Rodriguez
Ashwinni Nathan
Aymeth Naupari
Jake Naval
Jazmine Alejandra
Navarro Rodriguez
Camilo Navarro-Torres
Taminya Nawabi
Assal Rose Nazari
Jocelynn Nazarit
Charles Nelson
Bayarjargal Nergui
Karina Jade Ng
Kwok Cheung Ng
Alexander Ngo
Celeste L Ngo
Halle Ngo
Angelian Nguyen
Angelina Xuan Uyen Nguyen
Anton Nguyen
Cathy Hong Nguyen
Christina Nguyen
Daniel Tuananh Nguyen
Elaine Lam Nguyen
Huy Nguyen
Justin Minh Nguyen
Kenny Nguyen
Kent Khanh Duy Nguyen
Luke Duy Nguyen
Manh D Nguyen
Sean Nguyen
Sharon Nguyen
Victor Kinhvi Nguyen
Vy Khac Nguyen
Caroline Grace
Kylee Rebecca Nielsen
Omar S Nijem
Sara Nikbin
Alexander Kent Nikols
Jaden Zacaria Nixon
Zachary Thomas Noble
Taiga Noguchi
Daniel Isai Nolasco
Abigail Victoria
Arnel Michael Noquez
Austin Joseph Noriega
Iris A Notario
Avani Lena Nunez
Gerardo Nunez Quintanar
Fernando Ramiro Nungaray
Nicholas Obriadtchikov
Mitchell James O'Brien
Diana Abigail Ocampo Benitez
Gabriel Ochoa
Evan Michael O'Farrell
Grace Ogunfunmi
Brenna O'Leary
Marilucia Xavier Oliveira
Rodrigo Taguatinga Oliveira
Clara Oliveira Cortinhas
Neal Alcantara Olorvida
Trinity Socorro Siobhan
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Luis Manuel Ramirez
Steven George Ramirez
Charlene B Ramos
Ivan Junior Ramos
Joshua Bautista Ramos
Jovanny Ramos
Niles Christopher Ramos
Sean Edwin Ramos
Yelitza Ramos
Daniela Carolina
Ramos Reyes
Mohamed Rashad
Madison Rene Raub
Marielle Louise Tesorero
David Rebuelta
David Omari Regis
Ethan James Remmers
Karen Azusena Renderos
Jose Rendon
Zuriel T. Respicio
Emmanuel Joseph Bruan Reyes
Erandy Reyes
Mariella B Reyes
Robin Lyle Bayudan Reyes
Julio Cesar Reyes Tena
Guillermo Reyes Yanez
William Reyna
Ronaldo Rayala Reynoso
Hyago Ribeiro Mesquita
Lauren Richard
Kevin Connor Richardson
Kiernan Matthew Rickard
Gloria Vanessa Rico
Viridiana Rico
Katina Pich Rieng
Travis George Riker
Karla Beatriz Rincan
Sochilt Marcela Rincan
Monica Rios
Aaliyah Marie Rivas
Ron Elijah Rivera
Robert Tristan Rivera Sillona
Aurora Melia Roach
Noah Alan Roberts
Gabriel Roca
Breiner William
Rodas Vasquez
Erika Juliana Rodriguez
Giulian A Rodriguez
Ileana Jade Rodriguez
Nicolas Rodriguez
Vanessa Rodriguez
Wendy Rodriguez
Leslie Montserrat
Rodriguez Pamplona
Melina Rodriguez Rios
Brenna Roe
Tanvir Sufian Rohan
Joliene Danielle O'Neill
Jennifer Giselle
Orellana Castillo
Julia Ariel Ornelas
Elias Orocio
Ana Mireya Orozco
Edgar Ernesto Orozco
Jessica Livier Orozco
Oscar Omar Vizcarra Orozco
Riel Orque
America Liliana Ortega
Isabel Virginia Ortega
Yazmine Marie Ortega
Joshua Ortiz
Megan Yada Ortiz
Elsy M Osorio
William Otlica Montes
Juan Antonio Ovalle
Quiani Dajah Owens
Trevor Thomas Oxios
Gerardo Pacheco
Cristobal Padilla
Jerome Andrei Padilla
Jomara Padilla
Nicholas Pagcanlungan
Emily Janelle Palacios
Samantha Palacios
Joseph Dale Palanca
Cristobal Palencia
Distefano Palma
Jiawei Pan
Kenneth Pang
Isariya Pankaew
Andrew Pantoja
Diego Ricardo Paredes
Joseph Jookwang Park
Sungbum Park
Pablo Partida
Jerisa Ynez Pasco
Riyan Pasha
Maya Vinod Patel
Mili Patel
Shenali Aisha Pathirana
Jared Patino
Isiah Alfonso Paul-Mcglothin
Jake Michael Paxton
Kayla Marie Payan
Madelyn Adele Payton
Jasmine Pelayo
Ralph Irasusta Pelto
Gabriel Marcos Pena
Janelle Adrienne Yumul Pena
Casandra Peña
Francesca Isabelle Libiran
Mariela Penaloza
Denzel Jacob Penullar
Katherine Mary Penullar
Alexis Ariana Perea
Kathy Azucena Pereyra
Eva Perez
Jacquelene Perez
Xochitl Nicole Perez
Maria Perez-Gutierrez
Magali Perez-Leon
Janette Perez-Rubio
Benjamin Antonio Persinger
Tonya Lorien Peshel
Anna Katrina Petroczky
Aaron Hoang Pham
Chi Quynh Pham
Nhung Pham
Van Anh Pham
Joann Phongboupha
Mya P Phyu
Gloria Piedrasanta
Caitlin J Pierpoint
Donald Matthew Ambas
Christian Alexander Pilapil
Rachelle Bonilla Pineda
Elizabeth Pinedo
Leanne Jhaelyne Pinto
Cleveland Louis Plonsey
Kripa Pokhrel
Dominic Gabriel Polito
Nicholas Portolos
Leilani Alisa Powell
Nikelle Marie Powell
Priya Pradeep
Jazmin Kiara Prado-Perez
Yashvi Chintubhai Prajapati
Cindy Preciado
Kathleen Matilda Provence
Keana Maleka Pukahi
Nyawargak Puoch
Gerry Setijadi Putra
Hera Qayyum
Francis Quang
Catherine Pacariem Quero
Ralph Quiambao
Mark Quicksall
Ana Karen
Quinones Monsivais
Gabriela Quiroz Navarrette
Roel Bradley Mauricio Rafael
Ryan Keegan Rafferty
Ahsan Ur Rahman
Tashi Kumar Rai
Shaibah Angel Raiyan
Vijya Vaishnovi Raj
Ayush Jayeshbhai Ramani
Eduardo Ramirez
Ivan M Ramirez
Jason J Ramirez
Juan Giovanni Ramirez
Julia Ramirez
Kevin Camacho Ramirez
Kevin Enrique Rojas
Brianna Rojas Lobos
Julia Elizabeth Rolls
Dennis Romero
Jose Benito Romero Estrada
Jeanette Romo
Lesley Veronica Romo Gamez
Jessica Christine Layo Rosero
Jake Chung Rossiter
Madison Nicole Roth-Alvarez
Aaron Joshua Rubio
Kirk Istvan Ruble
Arden Clark Rucinski
Saul Ruvalcaba
Sean Michael Ryan
Christopher David Saavedra
Kao Muang Saephan
Ameen Safi
Mousawer Safi
Eirik Salas
Janissa K Salazar
Michael Adam Salazar
Oscar Salcedo
David Christopher-Azucena
Asaleh Saeed Muthana Saleh
Bremy C Salinas
Seinkosal Meas Salm
Aria Samandi
Devyn N Samson
Vincent Lopez San Diego
Analisa Raquel Sanchez
Claudia Kristel Sanchez
Gisselle Lidia Sanchez
Jennifer Isabel Sanchez
Karen Alejandra Sanchez
Karen Esmeralda Sanchez
Joe C Sand
Elissa Irene Sanders
Mikayla B Sanders
Anmol Sandhar
Lalinder Singh Sandhu
Kiara Mileisy
Sandoval Ruballos
Matthew Thomas Sanford
Rafael Sant Ana Leitao
Emily Rose Santa Croce
Esquivel Santana
Angela Canares Santelices
Dhezyric C Santiago
Bryan Misael Santos
Estrellita Cabusao Santos
Gabriela Dinorath Santos
Ashmita Sapkota
Kylie Kristina Sapp
Allyson Nichole Sarabia
Jane Saunders
Nataniele Valentine
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Andrew Schmidt
Hans Scholtz
Brandon Taylor Schroeppel
Emani Secret
Andrew Dariush Sedigh
Angelina Yin Sefton
Abraham Valenuela Segura
Senia Sellami
Ashly Sempe
Tamer Saeed Senan
Vannesa Sepulveda
Ana Clara Serra
Noah Dane Seto
Abel Eskinaz Seyoum
Lajja Rushabh Shah
Sarah Shahbazian
Muzaffar Sharapov
Ratish Sharma
Marquez Shaw
Nathan Moe Zawlwin Shee
Raymond Shieh
Ferido Seifudin Shifa
Maximillian Rei Shigeyoshi
Margaret Alice Shiple
Emily Shirvanian
Tenzin Thoesam Shrestha
Anthony Silva
Ashley Silva
Gursimran Singh
Jamie J. Singh
Kamaljit Singh
Krishan Singh
Parampal Singh
Ramanjot Singh
Vikram Singh
Madison Sink
Wei Nian Situ
Kelly Siu
Wyatt Jude Skeie
Leslie Rachel Slade
Maurice Slade
Trevor Bryce Small
Latricia Smith
Madison Ryan Smith
Riley Smith
Madeline Kate Smith-Morton
Mikayla Juline Snyder
Young So
Kianna Chloe Castillo Soledad
Hannah A. Solomon
Yerusaliyem Mehari Solomon
Jennifer Alexandra Solorzano
Nmachi Som-Anya
Meichan Song
Zeyu Song
Lola Spina
Christopher Paul Stephens
Taylor Paige Stephenson
Diego Jaasai Suarez Lopez
Pamela Suastegui Cortes
Jonathan Andre Sum
Erina Sumaiya
Katrina Joy Serrano Sunga
Paula Tunque Sunga
Jezebel Elizabeth Sura
Malieka A Sutaria
Bilal M Syed
Kyle Julian Tabas
Cyrus Dominik Angel Tafoya
Simran Taher
Danial Tahir
Kyle K Takeuchi
Brandon Tam
Katie Tan
Zicheng Tan
Pinkal H Tandel
Lok Mei Tang
Alecca Adrea Ambalong
Elena Tapia-Silva
Arlon Taruc
Benjamin Nyls Tavianini
Jazmin L Taylor
Devadip Tejeida Palacios
Nicholas Patrick Tekeli
Daniel A Tesfay
Alexa Thapa
Tyler Minh-Chau Thayer-Pham
Omar Thiongane
Sidney Michel Thomas
Cole Alexander Thompson
Cameron Tiedeken
Ronald Tieu
Alani R Tilly
Adrial Kar Hai To
Laurence N To
Tommy Wing-Tung To
Gabriela Alejandra
Tobias Galan
Robert William Togia
Seth Tom
Milton Jonathan Tomasino
Tin T Ton
Tanner N Torgerson
Aiyana Torres
Gillian Leigh Torres
Jose Manuel Torres
Jonathon Ray Torres Samayoa
Jake T Tozer
Alvin Hoan Tran
Mindy Gia-Linh Tran
Lauren Ashley Trejo
Ruben Anthony Trevino
Peter Vinh Truong
Ricky Gia Truong
Thuy Thi Truong
Tommy Truong
Yoni Tsafnat
Tsz Hei Tsui
Khang Minh Tu
Jesse Noel Tuchez
Sahej Tuli
Rieannah Faith Ulloa
Karen Milena Umana
Anshav Upadhyay Nepal
Omar Francisco Urbina
Christianne Lucia
Urbina Calderon
Stephan Utsumi
Warisha Vahidy
Adriel Valdez
Emilio Rougilo Valdivia
Jacob J Valdivia
Christian Valencia
Lizbeth Valenzuela
Rizza Ray Herrera Valenzuela
Aaron Valladares
Andrea Renee
Valladares Bonilla
Ana Maria Valler
Ciera Paige Van Quick
Josefine Van Reenen
Drashti D. Vanawala
Alice Annette Vang
Lewis Vang
Eduardo Vargas
Vanessa Vargas Gutierrez
Carmen Vargas Velazquez
Katherine Vasquez
Veronica Amparo
Vasquez Sanchez
Rafael Vazquez Gonzalez
Cameron Alexander Vega
Nancy Vega Chavez
Mariela Vega Ramirez
Kevin Vekaria
Graciella Fantonia Velasco
Leslie Velazquez
Naomi Velez Perez
Ubika Reddy Venna
Grecia Ventura
Nico Leonardo Vera Mendoza
Jose Angel Verdin
Kyle Daithan Vergara
Dulce Elvia Vicente
Jacob Victorio
Kevin Arthur Viera
Jennifer V Vilaysouk
David Manuel Villanueva
Joshua M Villanueva
Karen Vanessa Villareal
Nora Viola
Anton Johan Visola
Dat Vo
Tommy Vo
Ryan Santino Voltattorni
Brian Vu
Thanh Vu
Ivy Y Vuong
Prasanna Wagle
Justin Wang
Alexann Wangeline
Adam Benjamin Warpinski
Zijian Wei
Zachary Robert Weinstein
Nevaeh Blu Welmas
Gabriel Wence
Zoey Lilac Westrate
James L Wiggins
Sean Wiley
Shay Wilkins
Daniel Brian Williams
Joseph-Ahmed Williams
Marcus Anthony Williams
Noni Jennell Williams
Kreeley Ryanne Wilmoth
Victoria Abiola
Alison Windsor
Diana Wong
Emily Yu Wong
Quayin Charles Wong
Rachel Wong
Russell Tyler Wong
Jessica Wood
Victoria Faye Wood
Jeremy Michael Woodling
Lei Alexandra Woods
Tatiana Rosa Louise Wright
Henry Wu
Huishan Wu
Jonathan Keith Wu
Junhao Wu
Michelle Qinghua Wu
Yu Miao Wu
Zhenting Wu
Japheth Clinton Wun
Junhao Xie
Shiting Xie
Kimberly Young Xu
Anna Sofia Yadao
Noah James Palma Yamsuan
Dechen Yang
Shang-Hsi Yang
Jayden Christine Yates
Alvin Ye
Alexander De Leon Yee
Jonathan Samuel Yee
Justine Ting Yee
Terry Yen
Kenny Yun Xi Ying
Cristopher Phillip Yldefonzo
Brandon Micheal Yocham
Tsering Yangchen Yonzon
Lebert Michael Young
Harry Zihang Yu
Class of May | August 2024Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Kangpai Yu
Zein Walid Zaghoul
Umber Zaheer
Baraah H Zaher
Johary Zamora
Sam Zandiasadabadi
Moncerrath Yasmin Zavala
Congcheng Zeng
Kevin Zeng
Jasmine Zepeda
Victor Tiger Zhang
Yeyi Zhao
Yanting Zhen
Wilson Zhu
Yimin Zhu
Candidates for graduation
with honors
Andrew James Lipuma
Ailing Zhao
Him I Chan
Joshua Monson
Noah William Alcantara
Heidi Danielle Ross
Bridget Eloisa Altez
Aeraseth Balam Alvarez
Aaron Jerico Rocco Balot
Felix Gershwin Cave
Alina Sue Eckstein
Hannah Ewell
Malaya Victoria Cruz Gabriel
Maxwell William Gibbs
Ryutaro Tomizawa
Class of May | August 2024
Ixchel Antonia Acosta
Sara Melinda Aguilar
Simaan Akbar
Aidan Bruce Alberts
Rachel Alschuler
Hadya Amin
Stephanie Shiran Amir
Dimitri Orestes Angelidis
Bruna Aoto Franco De Lima
Robyn Nicholle Applon
Teah M Ardoin
Sergio Arroyo
Angelique Sanchez Aspacio
Nikitha Bachala
Andrew Bailey
Alicia Baires Rios
Andrew Devin Bass
Ronny Batista
Madelline May Beckham
Olivia Belman
Araceli Denise Berry
Katie Best
Rashmi Bhuyan
Ramiro Anthony
Biondolillo Ram
Julia Lorraine Birdseye
Darya Bolgova
Melchor Octit Bongato
Naazley Boozari
Sarah Brauer
Dalyce Brown
Malia Byrne
Baladad Cabanero
Shawn Edward Calhoun
Wendi Sue Calton
Jada R Campbell
Jacqueline Ann Cao
Gina Renea Caretti
Paul Carmody
Veronica Medina Caro
Charlene Velasquez Cayanan
Brenda Natalia
Cazares Pacheco
Jasmine Elizabeth Cervantes
Sabrina Marcy Chamberlain
Luis Rafael Chavez Ayala
Kayla Jia Chen
Rachel Chen
Ursula Renae Choice
Quinn Coats-Fitzhugh
Golsanam Compani
Phil Coren
Erin Cotter
Andrea Nicole Cruz
Tanya S Daly
Caitilin Cairns Damacion
Jeanelle Dyan Daus
Jupiter Jordan Davis
Emma Elise de Graaf
Amanda Carin Deigan
Rosalie Alicia Del Toro
Pierre Derbier
Hannah Louise Dillingham
Molly Downs
Reynaldo L Dulaney
Aaron Eberhardt
Abirami Muthuramalingam
Benjamin James Edwards
Tyrone Chokwe-Lumumba
Catalina Andrea
Lilian Esquivel Cauich
Alize Keanu Evans
Ziyan Feng
Madison Fishtrom
Donna Fotoohi
Zack S Frailey
Keenan James Fry
Crystal Marie Fuller
Anastasia Garcia
Cynthia Gisselle Garcia
Ivonne A Garcia
Ma. Anneliese Clare Maranan
Jasper Elmer Garcia Medina
Desiree T Garrick Jackson
Jonathan Andrew Gaydos
Allyson Genger
Cristian Carlos Gomez
Sonia Ezmeralda Gomez
Theresa Rose Gomez
Jaylene Gonzalez
Ryan Goodwin
Kellie Gorman
Moquds Shafique Gorsi
Kimberly Gough
Elizabeth Ann Gravelle
Lorry M Guastalla
Jennifer Guerrero Sandoval
Laura Juliana
Gutierrez Correa
Aidee Guzman
Israel J Hakim
Lashall Darece Hamlin
Cindy Tien Hang
Irene Yseulte Harmos
Marilyn Patricia Mae
Sean Michael Hennigan
Mai Foua Her
Abigail V Heredia
Adrian Alberto
Hernandez Rodriguez
Abel Isac Herrera
Rudolph George Herrera
Zahava Heydel
Yuka Higashino
Andrew Hoang
Ashley N Holguin
Kelsie Anne Hoppes
Julia Keiko Horibe
Kamrea Horne
Matthew Michael Hoyt
Yi Hu
Eleanor G Hulse
Rose Ngoc Huynh
Elizabeth Rose Iconomopulos
Sabreen Khairy Imtair
Amelia Inouye
Hinako Ishikawa
Cepideh Sona Jaberi
Rachel Michelle Jacobs
Veronica Cortes Jardeleza
Angelique Danielle Johnson
Annaya Donnel Jones
Yeonwook Jung
Nicolette Isabella Kafetas
Rachael Kayla Kahn
Sam Kahn
Fatima Ashraf Kamil
David Kang
Rafe Abd Al Illah Kassim
Clarissa Naomi Katko
Jessie Kaur
Manpreet Kaur
Fiona X Keenan-Grice
Connor Kelliher
Sage Mckaela Keyner
Qudsia Khalid
Karinuelle Krisdiva
Jessica Lynn Kuhfal
Saoirse La Wivre
Kalysa Marie Labuga
Christopher Thomas Lahey
Joseph E Larse
Phuong Kim Le
Jing Liang
Victoria Ann Liechty
Bianca Ling
Kevin Percy Linn
Jennifer Little
Nina M Lockshin
Lux Velveth Loya Soto
Janelle Ryan Maglione
Ruchira Mahendra
Maura Elizabeth Mallon
Karla Mandujano
Justin Christopher Manek
Camille Marshall
Andrea Martin
Luigi Maruani
Zun Pwint Maung
Marni Mcmanus
Jason Carl Meintjes
Brianna Valeria Mejia-Carreno
Cecilia Mellieon
Emma Mink
Helen Miranda
Athziry Molina
Anissa Montelongo
Francesca Monti
Raquel Moral
Daniel Felipe
Moreno Mendoza
Dylan Stephen Morgenroth
Ariela Morgenstern
Nicole Leola
Kyrene Maria Riva
Narciso Castaneda
Rex Retuya Nario
Habib Nawbary
Jenny Ng Chen
Carissa Chloe Nguyen
Elizabeth Nguyen
Brooke Niemer
Andrew Nunez
Alexander Obenshain
Anika O'Donnell
Anthony Chinedu Okeke
Class of May | August 2024Master’s Degrees (continued)
Brandon Vance Osborne
Marquis Overton
Hector Madera Palmeno
Melanie E Patterson
Perla Michel Pelayo
Sierra Brennan Pell
Ruby Pena
Giselle Milagro Peralta
Ashley Nicole Pereira
Paige Marie Peterson
Domenico Piazza
Mysia Brook Pierce-Lewis
Pietro Giacomo Poggi
Sarayu Polkampally
Rachel M Potts
Stella Marie Price
Jeff B Quevedo
Yaneli Quinonez
Luke Quinton
Athena Ramirez
Amie Elizabeth Ranum
May Lynn Reese
Carina Mai Richardson
Shannon Lee Richey
Sadaf Fatima Rizvi
Azayla Rodriguez
Andres Rodriguez Galvez
Marcela Ivonne
Rodriguez Navas
Felix Rojas
Andrew Gabriel Rose
Kristin Denise Rose
Yian Seng Saechao
Leanna Kealoha Saelaw
Merced P. Sanchez Rocha
Erica Karina Sandoval
Tan Sang
Adrianna Denise Scalzo
Kylie Alora Schneider
Shari Denise Schoenfeld
Katie Sellergren
Aakash Shah
Pratima Sharma
Yashleen Sharma
Trinity Sines
Chloe Siu
Kyreesha Smith
Jessica Solis
Rocio Milagros Soto
Julia Susanne Stahura
Hallie Stark
Catherine Anne Stauer
Kai Arri Stephens
Griffin Edward Stevens
Nicole Kasandra Stibbard
Taylor Stone
Vanessa Fox Stubbs
Christopher Yone Suen
Paul Sulpice
Renee Marie Suttner
Saramanda Nell Swigart
Anoushka Caroline Takla
Erli Tang
Karen Joanna Tarango
Tara L. Taylor-Mcdonald
Hannah Siobhan Terry
Joseph Harold Thomas
Richard Tian
Macy A Tolleson
Elodie C Townsend
Julie Tran
Christopher J Trujillo
Zenia Mao Yee Tse
Mandy H Tu
Michelle Tu
Sarah Tucker
Shelby Anne Urbina
Shannon Grace Vaccarezza
Raven Gitana Valdivia
Bayley Lewis Van
Maria Fernanda
Vargas Galindo
Ruth Elizabeth Varghese
Margaret Hoover Vashel
Jonathan P Vasquez-Ferreira
Constance Vazquez
Raghav Menon Vijayakumar
Finley Marco Walker
Madison Wang
Leah Marie Wargo
Alecia Ann Warren
Andrew Ruiz Watkins
Samantha Westelman
Breanna White
Cassandra Ila Wichelhaus
Gianna Lucia Wiley
Akayle David Williams
Zachary Wilson
Eric Ashton Winslow
Denise Janet Won
Monique Francine Wood
Hui-Yu Wu
Magali Yanez
Shudan Yang
Xin Ye
Kevin Andrew Young
Jennifer Lynne Yow
Ramtin Zamiri
Miusotic Lorena Zaragoza
Liu Zhang
Yingran Zhang
Fengxia Zhou
Judy Especial Abuel
Ishank Aggarwal
Jessica Merritt Agnos
Mohammed Salman Khurshid
Gilbert Fabian Alarcon-Cruz
Noa Eliana Albaum
Amanda Alcala
Jameel Ali
Jordan Sara Altshuler
Sequoia Rose Andrade
Victoria Ruth Angel
Chisom Gloria Anyanwu
Richard Frank Argueta-Xiloj
Edward J Ash
Syed Hassaan Azam
Justine Consuelo Baker
Aarthi Balasundar
Jane Concepcion Balmediano
Heer Nidatt Barot
Dorsey Bass
Diego Benjamin Bautista
Ankhjargal Bayar
Songhong Beng
Genessa Ellyn Benton
Jarren Bachiller Berdal
Joseph Bailey Bonin
Maxwell Joseph Boshaw
Marina Bozinovic
Caryssa Cheyenne Brandt
Payton Hayley Bush
Derrick Kamuela Cabral
Florence Anne Romero Cadiz
Peter Junior Camacho
Isabella Cecilia Carbonara
Armonie Jaszlyn Cartier
Jucali Darae Casas
Hannah Marie Ceremony
Allysa Rothana Chin
Emily R. Chiswick-Patterson
Kayla M Choi
Rinnah Clark
Josephine Catherine Collier
Katherine Erica Colver
Leslie Amelia Contreras
Marisol Graciela
Contreras Cervantes
Jay D Conui
Marco A Cordero
Jennifer Marion Cowles
Samuel Cuevas
Rutwij Sanjay Daptardar
Kiauna Rene Day-Smith
Jasmin Marie Banila De Leon
Lan Huong De Vera
Angela Dean-Baham
Adan Deeb
Kevin Danilo Diaz Chim
Huy Do
Tri Thai Minh Do
Golzar Ejadi
Alberto Javier Elias
Omar Basem El-Kurd
Carlos Esperanza
Luis Miguel Esquivel
Hector Ariel Estrella
Joanna Dejesus Fadrigo
Caroline Elizabeth Pratt
Marisol Guadalupe Fermin
Miranda Reed Figueroa
Krista Renee Fisher
Brenda Flores
Brittany Kristal Flowers
Theo Thibault Carlson Frazier
Ginzu Fung Guan
Jonathan Austin Gale
Isabel Garcia
Alycia Victoria-Janet Garza
Kameron D Gausling
Qin Geng
Veronica Marta Gernhardt
Jessica Godinez
Anyce Florencia Godoy
John-Paule France Gonzales
Princess Verica Barrameda
Valerie Lynn Gregorash
Jasee C Grubb
Jimsher Gubeladze
Gautami Gudla
Wenye Guo
Shalom Gutierrez Diaz-Henry
Emily Rose Ham
Nicolas Hamlin
Chelsea Roseanna Hamnes
Julia Handy
Trevor Rylan Hart
Salma M Hayter
Marissa Ann Head
Melissa Abigail
Garrick Ho
Sam Ho
Michelle Kim Hoang
Keiko Lauren Hokeness
Joseph Holdreith
Angel Nicole Holmes
Patra Kathryn Holmes
Alexis Gail Christina Hooper
Christopher Huber
Kaitlyn Zoe Huey
Class of May | August 2024Master’s Degrees (continued)
David Huynh
Elena Huynh
Yoshimasa Iwano
Pavan Kumar Jaliparthy
Kody Jones
Blanca Yesenia Juarez
Kunal Julka
Pooneh Shima Kalhori
Taylor Karst
Anudeep Katukojwala
Kentaro Kawasaki
Syeda Maryam Kazmi
Mona Issam Khoury
Dhara Parmanand
Hyo Hun Kim
Peter Hyunjoon Kim
Daniel Ethan Knapp
Krizzia Gomez Koh
Claire Komori
Paige Nicole Krinks
Sudhanshu Pravin Kulkarni
Arjun Kumar
Astha Kumar
Sanjana Reddy Kuraparthi
Joseph Antonio Lagano
Myline Idylle Lam
Arielle Michaela Laner
Sze-Shun Lau
Kim Long Le
Jijeong Lee
Yasmin Lee
Youngsuk C Lee
Patrick Levin
Yan Yan Ley
Shuqing Li
Lifeng Liang
Saul A Lima
Raymond Nho Loc
Aileen Verlanni Lopez
Courtney Nicole Lopez
Iveth Lopez Obeso
Sheran Se Lan Low
Loi Huu Ma
Saul Hernandez Maciel
Ryan Phillip Macko
Alexandra Mariscal
Michael James Martin
Erika Martinez Delgado
Jaycee Anne Warit Mateo
Travis L Mccreary
Jennifer Magdalena Medal
Paul Ponte Medeiros
Isabel De La Luz Medina
Bianka Mendoza
Jerson Issac
Mendoza Sanchez
Punit Sunder Mestha
Christye Miliace
Kira Miller
Evelyn Diane Morataya
Leisha Moroney
Saksham Motwani
Ankita Mukherjee
Geoffrey Murakami
Dinakar Sathish Murthy
Diana Neacsu
Emily Neff
Alexander Ness
Pranjal Prafull Newalkar
Mikayla Newsome-Rouse
Ben Ka Wing Ng
Christine Ng
Connie Ng
Cassidy Nguyen
Patrick Bernard Nicholson
Lauren N Nieraeth
Sydney Cruz Nirona
Natalia Nodal
I'Frica Jalai Norman
Rafael Nathaniel Nunez
William James Kahula O'Brien
Janeth Ochoa Birrueta
Mayowa Sarah Ogunmakinwa
Kaitlyn Bryce Olivares
Joseph Andrew
Su Ilayda Ozcan
Alexander Nicholas Pacheco
Alexa Chanel Padilla
Yasaman Pakdel
Brian Pan
Zoe Rivka Panagopoulos
Breanna Paredes
Cheryl Bhargav Patel
Mahisha Harshad Patel
Devanshi Miteshbhai Pathak
Eva Jacqueline Paz
Danielle Andrea Peterson
Max Enrique Portillo
Niranjana Ramesh
Victoria Alejandra Ramirez
Karla Vanesa Ramos-Suarez
Eric Jose Randall
Elexus Seferina Reyes
Kaitlin Ancajas Ridad
Marisol Abigail Rivas
Gabriela Guadalupe Soltero
Dustin N. Robinson
Duccio Rocca
Loriel Roman
Brit'Ne Monae Ross
Beatriz Rubio De Chavez
Justine Kelly Saligo
Aaron Sanchez
Michael Sano
Jonathan R Santos
Talita Teixeira Santos
Kshitiz Sareen
Hruthika Saripalli
Kartikey Sanjay Sarode
Claire Scannell
Hiromi Sekine
Jessica Eileen Sendejo
Christopher P Seng
Pankti Nayan Shah
Polat Shamyradov
Parth Sharma
Piyush Sharma
Reshma Rabhaji Shelke
Trent Michael Sherman
Maaz Uddin Siddiqui
Sophia Irene Simmons
Susan Somporn
Jane Southwick
David Stewart
Dalice Mariah Stogden
Jessenia Suarez
Shannon Summers
Jessica Takemoto
Mark Tong Kio Tam
Haoyuan Tan
Melika Teimouri
Tori Marie Thomas
Katelyn Michelle Tran
Tammy Tran
Linh Linh Hieu Trinh
Steven Anh Truong
Alice Truong
Jonathan Tsegaye
Ashley Tupin
Gabriela Estefana Turcios
Chevez D. Turner
Vishakha Tyagi
Victor Uong
Florentine Hester Van
Gianluca Maria Vandenberg
Amanda Marie Vasquez
Tanya Velasco
Manuel Verdin
Kunal Avdesh Verma
Thanh Duc Vu
Chia Wang
Christopher Wayne
Ninette Westendorff
Zanley Kayingi Liuz Widjaja
Sasha Danielle Wojcik
Amy Lynn Wong
Emma Wright
Cui Ying Wu
Foley Wu
Zhuowa Wu
Prince Yadav
Hou Ying Gilbert Yau
Tullia Dong-Wei Yu
Jose Zavala
Dan Zhang
Alaa Al Dubaie
Asma Barak
Whitney Blankenberger
Madison P Cecilio
Paulyn Cha
Michael Ciraulo
Daniel Jacob Cortes
Nora Espinoza
Benjamin Tyler Horton
Marc C Johnson
David Gregory Kelly
Youngsu Cho Kwon
Christopher Francis Lau
Madison Catherine Lawrence
Zi Lin
Matthew Didier Liu
Chi Chon Lo
Janet Ching-Yin Lo
Francisco Machado
Emon Mojaddidy
Byron Gichana Momanyi
Miliene Amanda Morales
Dana Nakhipova
Marie Anne Nitafan Quan
Nicholas Dupree Oellein
Jose Alfredo Oropeza
Jessica Lynne Rasmussen
Rosemary Annadele Reese
Brad Leonard Reinke
Cecilia Romanus
Nicholas Patrick Ruppe
Laurence Stephan Santy III
Jessica Obloy Suchanek
Kathryn Swearingen
Feifan Wang
Jordan J Williams
Lila Zermeno
Pedro Zorraquin
Class of May | August 2024Master’s Degrees (continued)
Chelsea America
Angelina Marie Bidema
Jonathon Emery Bout
Morgan H Butler
Michaela A Chairez
Celeste Chan
Megan Keith Chenot
Gretchen Cion
Kirsten Ann Olivarez Dualan
August Edwards
Quinn Fairchild
Lisa Ann Fraser
Enrique Garcia
William S Gong
Wei-Ting Hung
Xin Jiang
Christopher Edward Jones
Tadeh A Kennedy
Lizann Keyes
Karla Myn Khine
Leah Koransky
Agnes Lurli Lucero Librodo
Lucia Moreno Nava
Marco John Morrone
Morgann O Nieto
Anne Pancak
Estrellita Yesenia Ruiz
Jessica Natalie Sanchez
Andres Jesus Serrano
Jacob H Shapiro
Marissa Angelica Vidales
Joseph Vance Wadlington
Josephine Marlene
Alice Kubo
Xiedi Li
Leo Steven Nava
Raisa Alam
Julianna Christina Callahan
Consuelo Cardenas
Crystal Cervantes
Joana Raquel Bettencourt
De Sousa
Ayumu Ishida
Mark Everick Jackson
Forest Thoreau Kerstetter
Sally Jia Yng Mei
Karent A Novelo Chan
Danielle Leilani Pulizzano
Joy Karen Bendzinski
Jaline Chan Chable
Brianna Nicole Guardado
Eleanor Leigh Hayden
Shea Alexandra Hazarian
Dayanne Liseth
Herrera Suarez
Jacquelynn Hoang
Tiffany Wing-Yun Lee
Monica Utumeimoana Pahulu
Monique Scott
Edelweiss Emeline Vaovasa
Sebastian J. Zepeda
Bianca Gisell Beverina
Rosa Linda Camacho Oviedo
Ryan J Campagna
Krista Marie Confetti
Kiara Jaliyah Eastman
Sierra Monet Espinoza
Ziheng Feng
Kathryn Galsterer
Monica Michelle
Halloran Sanchez
Qianya Huang
Serina Rene Jackson
Vanessa Charlene Kamekona
Anna Killian Stofle
Maurice David Flacks Klatch
Elizabeth Le-Man Landon
Zephyre Faeryn Lynx Lee
Alejandra Patricia
Leon Garcia
Colette Susan Liu
Sabrina Elizabeth Mahoney
Shana Shiufei
Christian Morales
Tracy Ka Yan Nguyen
Veronica Nunez
Madelin Mahealani Makai Orr
Quynh Ngoc Phan
Rachel Pinkelman
Alexandra Teresa
Porras Tomasek
Hayley Renee Preston
Phillip Benjamin Mitchell
Tatiana Rabon
Vanessa Jeanette Rodriguez
Bridget Bustillos Rudolph
Alberto Saavedra
Helen Seely
Megumi Shiomi
Tania S. Shul
Amanda Rose Solar
Caroline Vurlumis
Kaitlin Macmullen Wahl
Julia M Williams
Melania Winslow
Melanie Yadegar
Derek Juwoon Yi
Peien Yu
Class of May | August 2024
The Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership degree is awarded by the Board of Trustees of the
California State University.
Nodelyn Montes Abayan
Maria Jose Bastias
Christopher Chu
Kesha L. Emmendorfer
Ericka Erickson
Cynthia Carolina
Jerez- Martinez
Adriana Lopez Lobovits
Allison Mok
Wendolyn Muro
Shanice Nicole Robinson
Tracey Runeare
Kassandra Harris Talbot
Ruby-Asuncion Nebres
Sanjyot Pia Walawalkar
Shamawn Wright
Alexander Castro Aragon
Brigette Guadalupe Arroyo
Viviana Barrera-Ortega
Morgan Barrowcliff
Teresa Maria Bliven
John Elijah Boncato
Francesca Casaccia
Olivia Grace Cobb
Sierra Juliana Cunningham
Ky Dang
Ieasha Mangru Dicabral
Isaac Hakeem Falley
Benjamin Leopold Fanjoy
Anastasia M Gallardo
Diana Garcia
Sarah Ghannam
Clara Guinevere Godfrey
Belize Belgin Gonden-Cruz
Jenna Graziano
Akiko Danielle Green
Yanqin Gu
Molly Hamilton
Karen E Hernandez
Harvey Harrison Hightower
Crystal Hu
Aaron Panganiban Igno
Amane Britney Ikeuchi
Denise Joice Javillonar Janolo
June Lee
Adam Liu
Paula Chan Low
Samantha Luo
Alessandra Mia Lynn
Peilei Ma
Sophia Ann Madoni
Brooklynn May Mcpherson
Jesus Eduardo
Darwin Mendioro
Jeffrey Murray
Yana Nikolaevna Nemkova
Tina Nguyen
Emma Grace O'Leary
Moon Siew Hong Ong
Jennifer Nicole Palacios
Tyler Ranique Phillips
Carlie Samantha Pulido
Jeanea R. S. Ramirez
Manny Ruiz
Laine S Russell
Lilia Sakai
Ayla Makenna Stocker
Loan My Tran
Trinitee Anne Turner
Cassia Ureta
Catherine Megan Medicielo
Carlos Enrique Wadkins
Emma Leslie Weissensee
Caitlin Pacita Williams
Jiejun Xiong
Yingyi Ye
John-Andrew Zacharakis
Krystal Zhao
Linnea Grace Aasland
Haleigh Roque Aguilar
Amanda Marie Aguiniga
Kelsey Marie Airoso
Kamilo Alvarez
Arturo Joel Avila
Daniel Sato Ayers
Logan Riley Barr
Drake Barrett
Rosalie G. Bidar
Zurich N Bisoso
Larry Joe Brown
Anthony L Broz
Carolina Cabri
Kelly Acosta
Julen Xavier Chavarria
Tzu Wei Chung
Sindy Paola Davila Cordova
Dylan David Decot Ferris
Evan Kincaid Filarca
Cassandra Raquel Garcia
Ana Karen Gonzalez
Jasmine Gabriela Gonzalez
Roxanne Louise Hankinson
Kacie Haser
Eduardo Daniel Hernandez
Holly Marie Hughes
David Elijah Jones
Marissa Reianna Ledesma
Alistair Lee
Nya Bevc Lewin
Shuying Li
Class of December 2023
Falcon Benjamin Magana
Madeline Mainer
Ginger Carmela Malea
Noremi Marin Ramirez
Cale Nolan Matsumoto
Barbra An Geliberte Mendoza
Emily Elizabeth Margaret
Cooper Chloe Michael
Isabella Sophia Minnis
Rebecca Isabel Munoz
Lexi Kay Omlor
Carly Ortega
Estefany Maria Oxlaj Zarat
Sarah Rose Peters
Jaaziah Pope
Joseph Anthony Porrello
James Alwyn Douglas Renouf
Kian W Schureman
Ellie Ray Scott
Sara Shaie
Mollie Ann Smurthwaite
Alexandra M Sosa
Dania Monee Stevenson
Daniela Alejandra
Villaran Cruz
Zhuobin Wen
Rachel Wu
Jisselle Guadalupe Yanez
Sandra Zamora Gomez
Anandadhara Zulkarnine
Layla Ali
Christopher Ivan Alvarez
Nigel Samuel
Josella Marie Bautista
Alexa Avelar
Valentin Ayala Negrete
Skylar Barnes
Jocelle M Bautista
Samantha Julia Bellusci
Kelly B Bohannon
Tamer Donovan Bohatch
Noa Michael Brady
Shelby Madison Brown
Ybarbo Yarden Cabrera
Rogelio Campos Garcia
Andrea Cano Arellano
Claudia Carbajal
Samantha Lee Carroll
Sienna Celeste Chilton
Ryan W Chow
Natalie Alana Creech
Julius Davila
Matthew Gregory Decamara
Dinuk Sheshan Dehigahalanda
Lauren Delgado
Katrina May Delos Santos
Julian Alexander Diaz
Angela Silvestre Domingo
Kenneth Nacnac Domingo
Katelyn Donnelly
Anna-Lisa Fajardo
Anika Damian Furgan
Carmina Rabe Garcia
Israel Jerome Garcia
Nayeli Garcia
Michelle Garcia Luna
Faith Martin Giron
Karina Godinez Lopez
Aaron Gonzalez
Andres Gonzalez
Alejandra Gonzalez Rodriguez
Stephanie Aubrey Gray
Janessa Guzman
Viviana M Hernandez
Mimiko Ogawa Hopper
Zachary Horovitz
Kelsey Leigh Hotchkiss
Leighanna Mylinh Huynh-Lee
Shay Ingelfinger
Natalia Jimenez Garcia
Anna Faiz Kaid
Grayson Gustav Kohary
Siu Yeung Ivan Lee
Avalon Lillian Lone
Amani Mambetzhanova
Erica Jemima Mejia Pastora
Alexis Miranda
Brier Leonie Misiluti
Amarilis Carolina
Monroy Cabrera
Robert Russo Montoya
Lisa Marie Moreno
Diana Elizabeth Navarrete
Willy Ngo
Allyson Nguyen
Jackquelyn Maria Nguyen
Thembelihle Ziningi Nkosi
Nancy Palacios
Class of December 2023Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Yuan Ming Pan
David Yw Park
Samantha Pearce
Sebasthian Andree Perez
Giovanna Perrone
Melanie Quero
Wyatt Esteban Ramos
Valentina Reetz
Regina Rivera Ramirez
Maya Rosenberg
Angel Daniel Sanchez
Priscilla Lizbet Santamaria
Kobi Monet Serrato
Anthony James Smith
Zenayda Xochil Soto
Jogre Aaron Suasin
Chloe Brianna Sullivan
Desmond Swan
Ikenna Salim Tanaka
Spencer David Taylor
Maria De La Luz
Tellez Rodriguez
Sophie Todd
Nina Isabelle Torres
David Matthew Toston
Samantha Jo Tringali
Daniel Urias
Johnny Dagner Valencia
Meg Kathleen Venter
Cynthia Vanessa Vera
Jessica Wenhardt
Zaki Ra Atum Willis
Ashley Ek Wong
Mason Thomas Yeh
Jonathan Zaks
Marcelina Leon Zavala
Lucia J Zepeda
Xianqing Zhao
Shuwen Zhu
Eliana Jackeline Acevedo
Melissa Acevedo
Jacob A Ackerman
Zaineb Aftab
Andy Manuel Aguilar Morales
Jennifer Aguilar-Ceja
Guimely Yaxenni Aguilon
Keylla Freitas Akins
Angelica Joy Alberti
Alyana Eloisa Alcala
Mahlon Aldridge
Angelica Alexandria Aleman
Jacqueline Alfaro Roman
Hussin Naeem Alibrahimi
Jessica Alikhani
Alan Jordy Alvarez
Haylee Alvarez Di Leo
Oru-Soso Amatoru
Sean Jordan Apellanes
Vinicius Araujo
Christopher Enrique Arauz
Ian C Ardell
Eileen Gisselle Ardila Lara
Michelle Arroyo Solorio
Angelique Arvizu
Dustin Carl Jean Aubry
Mark Kynan Ang Ayson
Marjan Iman Azami
Cody Suwanrat Azumi
Cheyanne Sky Bachmeyer
Lillian Cathryn Ball
Destiny Amor Granados
Frances Isabel Baronian
Lis Sandra Barragan Reyes
Kevin Quinn Bathrick
Isabelle Miranda Bautista
Arthur Beckman
Halle Farah Belafkih
Ivy Beltran
Mia Elizabeth Benitez
Jenna Rose Benson
Grecia Bernal
Meghan Bernardez Balolong
Ari Bluer
Max Bond
Sahiti Krishna Bondelepati
Maria C Bonifacio
Theodore Bonifacio
Jakob Cedric Anthony
Renee Rose Bradford
Delaney Elizabeth
Nickolas S. Brandl
Lloyd Tomas Brase
Jaden Briesach
Saidy Jennifer Brizuela Navas
Fallon Cherie Brown
Jack M Brown
Liam Garrett Bucsko
Christian G. Byers
Char C
Edy Cahueque
Brandon Anthony Callejas
Rafael Javier Campos
Ulises Abraham Canchola
Alondra Esmeralda
Cano De Leon
Jazmin Guadalupe
Carbajal Torres
Jaime Cardenas
Sabryna Nicolle Cardenas
Katherine Steffany
Cardona Castillo
Karina Alejandra Castaneda
Nadia Shannel Castro
Natelie Chaidez
Harmone Monique Chatman
Savauna Isabel Chatman
Diana Chen
Michelle Cheung
Terry Cho
Hanna Marie Conover
Dulce Milagros Contreras
Sonia Maritza Corea
Guadalupe Fernanda Cornejo
Maria Jose Coronado
Alejandro Avelar Corral
Miguel Isaiah Cortes
Luis Ivan Cortes Ortiz
Paulina Marie Cortez
Yeimi Rubi Cortez
Adrian Cota
Reese Michael Crabtree
Devon Rae Crook
Diana Laura Cruz
Jeffrey Isaiah Cuevas
Divina Davidds-Garrido
Oliver Samuel Garcia Davis
Taijah Korrhyn Dearmon
Jordan Jimenea Del Rosario
Alexis Deng
Amell S Dharhan
Franklin K Diala
Hillary Drake
Andrew D Duggar
Marvin Canayon Ed
Ruby Elyse Eddo
Danisha Erving
Bryn Roberto Escalante
Justin Paul Escalante
Jesse Reed Escobar
Rut Espinoza Patzi
Tyler James Esplana
Angela Monserrat
Estrada Martinez
Rafaele Eusebio
Adriel Jafath Evaristo
Joshua Bryan Felix
Adrian Jose Fernandez
Kimberly Morelia Ferreira
Edwin Fung
Romy Gabriel
Alejandra Garza Gallardo
Eusebio Gallegos
Alondra Melissa Garcia
Carlos James García
Shaun R Garlick
Joaquin Godinez
Bradley Elliot Goldman
Marcus Juan Gomez
Moises Gomez
Jeremy Francis De Las Llagas
Naomi R Gonzales
Citlalli Eunice Gonzalez
Ricardo Gonzalez
Lorena Gonzalez Garcia
Markesha Alegria Grant
Aubrey T Gray
Timothy James Gray
Jasmine Jada Janay Green
Zachary Greenberg
Fiona Gregory
Jennifer Carrigan Griffor
Cynthia Guillen
Isaiah V. Guirao
Jonathan R. Gutierrez
Thomas Samuel Haenlein
Tanaz Harooni
Megan Katherine Harper
John William Harrell
Samantha L Harris
Walter James Hart
Natalia He Wu
Derek Justin Hernandez
Guadalupe Hernandez
Idalis Marie Hernandez
Yaretzi Hernandez
Francisco Jesus
Hernandez Ramirez
D'Angelo Hernandez-Fulks
Alfredo Hernandez-Ortega
Ariel Lorin Hewitt
William Charles Hinds
Niara Imani Hollins
Lena Naoye Hosaka
Domonique Savanh
Breyon Zebaniah Jackson
Laelah Sabree Jackson
Arjhan Andrew
Sanum Jami
Austin R Jenkins
Ying Jin
Zihui Jin
Simron Kaur Johal
Beau M. Johnson
Tyler Nathaniel Johnson
Vanessa Ruth Johnson
Juan Cortez Jones
Dominique Jones-Torres
Gio Jung
Mason Micheal Kealy
Seanan M Kenney
Briana Imani Keys
Khuram Khan
Soniya Khatiwada
Ayanna King
Stephanie King
Class of December 2023Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Maxwell Alexander Michael
Ariel Perkins Koch
Kristian Michael Kocherga
Peter Patrick Kotoivatoa
Sophia Kraten
James Raymond Krischke
Anna Michelle Kugler
Lucy Chen Kwok
Clinton Kelii Dean Ladouceur
Hanna Michele Lafever
Hannah Adelle Lambinicio
Olivia Frances Lamont
Edward Lansing
Layla Karina Laos
Nelson Ernesto Lara Mancia
Brianna Jessica Ledesma
Hanna Lee
Jacob Brendan Lee
Ashanti Emily
Ronald Leung
Kinga Marianne Lewandowski
Hobby Li
Danea Lideros
Angela Chhaya Lim
Jaztyne Tan Lim
Siying Liu
Yisi Liu
Zhidong Liu
Jarrett Andrew Longo
Karina Edith Lopez
Stephanie Analisa Lopez
Kevin Antony Lopez Pardillo
Tyler Benjamin Lowe
Doris Rachel Lozano-Chavez
Anthony Scott Lucas
Chloe Isabelle Luk
Delmar Josue Lule
Honghun Frank Luo
Brian Ly
Mana Jewel Macaraeg
Suzanne Katherine Maclay
Princy Madhotra
Jamie Magpoc
Patrick Todd Maguire
Alicia Nicole Maldonado
Saif Hasan Manburgh
Nikoo Marageh
Madison Maraspini
Michael Marin
Hazel Marie Marmolejo
Alyzza Chantal Martinez
Christina Lorraine Martinez
Evelyn Joanna Martinez
Jacqueline Linqey Martinez
Alejandra Sarahi
Martinez Rodriguez
Angelina Martynova
Selina Mata
Michaela Gutierrez Mateo
Armon Matthews
Natalia Severina Maya
Madeleine Maya-Cardona
Angelique Victoria Mayer
Santiago Arthur Mccahey
Leshaun Mcclendon
Julie Meade
Christian Medina
Jesus Alejandro Medina
Wendy Michelle
Medina Sanchez
Benyi Bartolome
Mejia Orellana
Riley Catherine Mendoza
Nicholas John-Hiro Meyers
Dulce M Meza
Setu Migao
Rumel Miller
Brianna Montserrat Miranda
Diego Montoya
Helena Dorothy Moore
Valeria Naomi Morales
La'Aina-'I-Pangai Mo'Ungaloa
Ava Marie Mulholland
Serabeth Anne Mullaney
Samantha Louise Muller
Alexia Rosario Narvaez
Michelle Nava
Christopher Scott Neal
Griselda Corcoles Neri
Alyssa Lizette Nevarez
Keana Jade Ng
Matthew Eric Ka Wah Ng
Khoa Dang Nguyen
Thy Nguyen
Lonnie Mai Nhim
Leonel Nicia
Sarah Misaki Nishide
Haoyu Niu
Kate Alyssa Norton
Christian Javier Renteria
Lyzander Noyola
Leodan Ochoa Castro
Zipporah Oforlea
Kaori Okamoto
Grace Emily Oransky
Alyssa Kristine Ortiz
Lissette C Ortiz
Eduardo Enrique Ortiz Huerta
Yassmine Lemri Oudrhiri
Alejandro Ozuna
Ernest Alfredo
Pacheco Jimenez
Anastazia Michael Paiz
Oscar Palma
Nora Maeve Palmer
Cindy Parra-Rosales
Viviana Hurtado Pass
Urmiben Piyush Patel
Giselle Chastity Padaoan
Jasmine P Pecson
David Joshua Peig
Lin Lee Pellegrini
Gerardo Peña
Carlos Perez
Christina Marie Perry
Nickalus Dimitrios Perry
Stephanie Maria Perry
Vangie Lynne Santos
Seamus Colin Phelan
Jennifer Pinon Guzman
Jessica Publico Pong
Nizam Porter
Avery Jackson Powers
Lauren Becky Pravdin
Mia Marie Primrose
Xavier Llewellyn
Matthew David Pursley
Ariana Alejandra Queirolo
Roberto Quiñones
Madeline Julia Ramos
Yona Ran
Stephanie Rauda
Jose Recendez
Kelly Ann Reed
Alina Reshtoon
Julianna Rochelle Baltazar
Joseph Robert Albert Rios
Jeané Kalati Rivera Tuitavuki
Brenda Samantha Rizo
Madison Kimberly Roach
Neil Boyce Robarge
Frances Adida Robledo
Cresanta Antonia Robles
Alfonso Rodriguez
Alyssa Faith Rodriguez
Danielle Rodriguez
Noah Christopher
Clarissa Alexia Roman
Emma Aileen Rosmando
Haley Elizabeth Rounds
Courtney Ciara Rouse
Roberto Rozada Prieto
Andres Ricardo Ruiz
Earl Brando Ruiz
Dulce Nallely Ruiz Sarmiento
Fredrick James Rupprecht
Malika Safayeva
Karla Salgado
Jose Eduardo Sanchez
Christopher Roberto
Dalissa Sandigo
Daniela Santos-Chinchilla
Keily Patricia Sarceno
Claire Kim Satuito
Sergio Manuel Sazo
Logan Tyler Schemmel
Abigail Anne Sedlar
Zephaniah Asher Seher
Valeria Servin
Kayla Shay Setzler
Jocelyn L Sevilla
Sukriti Sharma
Bahram Sherwani
Mariam Rebeca
Silverio Johnson
Kivraj Singh
Riya A. Singh
Lisa Slater
Ethan D Slaughter
Christina Marie Soriano
Rita Jean Sorrentino
Richard Winfield Starratt
Austin James Stern
Justin Nguyen Stiers
Talia J. Stroud
Stephanie Alaina Sturges
Isabel Jacqueline Sumano
Skutt G Surla
Juan Pablo Tene
Joshua Landrito Tesoro
Teya Victoria Thompson
Phurksa Vienna Thongrasmy
Samson Sum Yan Ting
Steven Tocchini
Melissa Torres
Carlos Manuel Toscano
Erica Totah
Phong Hoang Tran
Skyler Jacob Trent
Felicia Katherine Trevino
Jonathan Bidwell Uomini
Michael Camilo Uresti
Suzanna Nicole Urias
Karrina Nicole Valdez
Lourdes De Los Angeles
Shawn Vallesteros
Nohely Vargas
Anna Maria Vasquez
Emily Anne Vasquez
Felix R Vazquez
Imani A Vernon
Cynthia Lisset Villa Solis
Kai Francisco Vergara
Class of December 2023Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Mariah Leonora Villanueva
Daniel Villarreal
Luis Angel Villarreal
Chiana Zaneta Vinegar
Cindy Vo
Andrew Brendan Walker
Destiny Walker
Paul W Walker
Adrianna Mychelle
Talia Marie Hikaru Weaver
Taylor Michelle White
Nicole Wigfall
Madeline Louise Wiggins
Maya Serena Wilcher
Benjamin John Wilkinson
Olivia Jewel Williams
Jane Wong
Jason Wong
Amin Millad Yakubi
Alexis Rene Young
Christian Young
Sonia Yousfi
Simon Yu
Li Yuan
Alejandro Emmanuel
Zamora Ruiz
Izabella Estrella Zamudio
Jordan Gabriel Zaragoza
Paola Zelada
Tatiana Erlinda Zelaya
Carol Mei Ling Zhang
Jason Jinghong Zhao
Jingyin Zhong
Karen Zhu
Sarah Aiman Abusaif
Jadi Leigh Allen
Trevor Jake Allen
Marwah Abdulhakim Alnuzaili
Adrian Jenoel Ilagan Aspiras
Rawan Jamal Bakhit
Leidys Dayanna Barrios
Christina Consuelo Bernad
Eunice Margarette Dimaano
Mikayla Marie Carter
Frankie Chan
Nicholas Chan
Jingyin Chen
Lily Chu
Mariana Cruz
Bruce Wayne Davidson
Clarisse Joan
De Grano Bayani
Kimberly Elisabeth Deboer
Engidaw Addis Dessie
Maxwell Byron Driscoll
Atefehsadat Eftekhari
Daniel M Espiritu
Alexander Feng Wu
Vincent Wing Shing Fung
Alyssa Marie Gacos
Xiuyi Gao
Grace Gundy
Leanne Harrington
Sara Michelle Houlsby
Ying Huang
Kathryn Anne Huntsman
Maria Andrea M Iacobacci
Jason Arlo Respicio Ibay
Francisco Miguel
Rinkal Balkrushna Kankotiya
Mia Christine Kasamoto
Arshdeep Kaur
Navneet Kaur
Yuan Hen Kee
Kashaf Khan
Jane Soojin Kim
Kilian Kistenbroker
Julia Lee
Lydia Lee
Xuefei Li
Leilani M Lieu
Yuqin Luo
Fatoumata Ly Sissoko
Sophia Ann Madoni
Chelsea Mago
Audrey Rose Malicdem
Robert Rey Miles Maneclang
Keri Elise
Lauren Mclane
Shabnam Miry
Armando Antonio Mis Rojas
Pranav Mital
Hailey Alexis Mitchell
Katie Miranda Murphy
Juan Miguel Collado Nacpil
Konnor Nishimura
Olohigbe Jessica Osumah
Victor Panigall
Janelle Anne Vistro Pare
Giuliana Peccolo
Diana Rantisi
Severo Rodriguez
Brandon Ariel Jose Romarate
Lizette Rosete
Priyanka Sandhi
Alicia Giselle Sasuga
Shivani Sharon
Michele Joan Sharp
Kristy Seonmi Shin
Michael Owen Shuldes
Andrea Celeste Silva
Jasmine Tammy Sin
Matthew Michael Mee
Flaine Eisabel Tahil
Moi Trabado Uranga
Mia Brittney Uyeda
Melody Waje Valera
Paola Villegas
Samantha Walls
Theint Thadar Win
Lincoln Wong
Monica Wong
Mariam Abdiani
Angelika Usi Aguas
Christopher Albert
Anthony Arellano
Jasmeet Singh Bal
Justin Alexander Baltazar
Abdullahi Jinji Barrie
Isabella Beall-Garcia
Steven Anthony Betts
Carla Jean Bryan
Jason Nathaniel Budiono
Xuan Le Thanh Bui
Yan Cai
Nancy Cantor
Eleuteria Amalia
Joycelyn Chan
Emilee Cole
Danya M Dajani
Jamie L. De La Torre
Dean Antonio De Leon
Brianna Rose Dea
Aakanksha Reddy Devarapally
Zeel H Diyora
Allisa Nicole Early
Terra Finnegan-Canepa
Brandon Pierce Trigo Foley
Andrew J Ganio-Marzan
Dikshita Manga Germilla
Joseph Giannantonio
Hope Martin Giron
Jillian Lara Guevarra
Ruffa Hester Maneclang Hahn
Jiaxin He
Linh Thi My Ho
Yin Htwe
Xinting Huang
Yongyao Huang
Viviana Huang Zheng
Essa Nidal Husary
Hartly Lee Hutchings
Mariko Kosugi
Amanda Kraal
Junseo Kwon
Aaron Lai
Mark Lynnel Laroya
Camille Lavallee
Alan Lee
Shernice Lemons
Sengchhay Ly
Aniruddh Maheshbhai
Riego Miguel Quinones
Gabriel Kyle Domingo
Dayana Martinez Esparza
Rory Mcginnis
Rebecca Marie Mehrwein
Cecilia Mickelson
Delaney Myers
Fionna Ellise Caraos Naguit
Erika Ono-Kerns
Jeanette Chaeyun Paak
Moses Jackson Pippenger
Marilyn Yaire Ramirez
Delaney Shannon Eve
Jazmin Rosillo
Tristan Shackelford
Dunya Muti Shuman
Gagandeep Singh
Luna Sierra Solis
Phan Quay Su
Christopher Ta
Jessica Tamayo
Rebecca Tang
Allenah Dela Cruz Tolentino
Arin Ton
Yuchi Tung
Joseph Boyett Bosch Uson
Edward Alexander
Anahi Vargas Figueroa
Jaclyn Anna Nalani Waal
David Joseph
Kevin Wu
Lina Ye
Jian Fu Yu
Jessica Crista Aceves-Choy
Ithiel Diana Agcaoili
Abraham Alesna
Pearl Onyekachi Anyanwu
Henry James Babits
Jahkir Latrell Bailey
Adriane Alvin Ibanez Balzomo
Cyrus Bayat
Class of December 2023Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Jesse Matthew Beeson
Kiely Michelle Bernheisel
Alyssa Ann Mendoza Borlat
Jhon Cedric A. Cabrera
Yatziri Casas Camacho
Dario Andre Cetina
Emily Grace Chapman
Qin Chen
Jhoany Dexinia Chong Loo
Malai Nkaujhmoob Chue
Jake Charles Crittenden
Kristen N Dawson
Jaime Rodolfo
Delgado Valdivia
Sabrina Mae Demesa
Deep Nareshbhai Dhorajiya
Valeria Diaz
Katherine Sophia Dick
James Ricardo Donnelly
Alexandra Margaret Eccarius
Le'Ona C Eugene
Jaqueline Farias Garcia
Truman Farr
Andre Rene Flores
Sarah Kar Wai Fong
Jyseille Faith Flora Gabiola
Dillon Garcia
Christina Grace Gella
Justin Frank Marcena
Evan Michael Giampaoli
Adrian Gomez
Maximiliano Gomez
Pearl Aiesha Green
Gabrielle Grieser
Isabel Grace Grigg
Dyllan Grossman
Jamie Alexander Guevara
Ashley Guido
Melissa Monica Halim
Claudia Viviana Haro-Crespo
Lourdes Vanessa Hernandez
Nanxi Huang
Tianyou Huang
Dean Hutches
Leighanna Mylinh Huynh-Lee
Terika Chanel Jackson
Kamilton Samantha
Guangyi Jia
Jonathan Juarez
Grayson Gustav Kohary
Karen Kong
Camryn Jamie Kum
Adrian Laquindanum
Ryan Xian-Yang Li
Shumin Li
Wen Hao Kevin Li
William Lin
Yueling Liu
Nathan Casey Loo
Anayvette Lopez Chavez
Haopeng Lu
Wallace Man
Justine Abañez Manzon
Vincent Aaron Marcinkowski
Kylie Ann Misola-Abucay
Andy Nguyen
Kristine Vy Nguyen
Steven Hoang Nguyen
Thuy-Vy Nguyen
Kimiaki Ogawa
Matthias Ovie Ogege
Angelina Victoria Ortiz
Dominic Antonio Ortiz
Anuja Pandit
Emillie Cabral Panganiban
Justin Ray Paras
Dev Madhvesh Patel
Damian J Prado
Ritu Pun
Nicole Kayla Legaspi Quimzon
Joanna Catherine Sandil
Alexus Monique Ramirez
Arthur Rafael Ramirez
Hope C Ramirez
Oleander Adrian Redmond
Karima Rekibi
Jin Chul Rhim
Cristian Francisco Rodriguez
Alma Raquel Rosas
Katherine Grace Salamy
Aracely Breanna Salgado
Rebecca Mary Therese
John Schroeder
Chanyara Bella Seng
Maniesha Sharma
Supriya Sharma
Kripa Shrestha
Sheilah Anne Smith
Jack Tan
Jinwei Tang
Kealani Joie Tano
David Tran
Tiffany Dang Tran
Natalie Marie Uhlenburg
Cole Preston Valentine
Billy Veliz
Brian Joy Paguio Villanueva
Gabrielle Villanueva
Samuel Antonio
Visbal Navarro
Mitchell Wettenstein
William Wohlfeiler
Dondon Vital Yalung
Qianmei Yang
Kaiyu Yokoi
Seyedsahand Zahirazami
Jiaming Zhao
Changjie Zhong
Elias Kassa Abay
Abdoulfatah Abdillahi
Begaiym L Abirova
Jennifer R. Accardo
Jhon Raimund Suelto Aclan
Luis Carlos Acuna Mendez
Kaitlynn Mackenna
Jagger Adkins
Natalie Melissa Aguilar
Israel Aguirre
Selena A Ahmad
Michael Akay
Keylla Freitas Akins
Alaa Dafaua Elsidig Alabbas
Qaysar Alaboosi
Essa Mofleh Alashwal
Mohammad E A H A A
Sandra Aljammal
Andy Almeida
Daniel Marquis
Alridge Corona
William Ambriz
Dario Fleming Amici
Hannah Devera Anastacio
Nathaniel Christian Andaya
Nicholas M Andrew
Amir O Andrews
Mia Alyss Andrews
Benjamin See Nian Ang
Yvonne Marie Arasa
Brianna Nicole Araya
Giuliana T Arias
Brody Thomas Arnhold
Fadi Asfour
Taim Audi
Aaron Anthony Barrameda
Jacobi Ayala
Ivan Ayala-Brito
Elijah Shane Bacani
Sara Bahadori
Botirjon Bahodirov
Brandon Alexander Bahr
Melinda Marlang Balaoing
Timothy Francisco
Sara Balouch
Nathan Donald Hourt Barnes
Griffin Bayne Barnett
Muhammad Bassam
Giana Elizabeth Batozech
Trishcia Alyzza Bautista
Masen Beacham
Laurel Anne Kerner Beck
Brendon Gerrard Beliso
Milena Celine Belluomini
Huda Bham
Karma Jimba Thonden Bhutia
Aneida Guadalupe
Blanco Palacio
Elijah Josh Bobis
Younes Boudjemai
Nalani Bouillon
Catherine Bozzini
Mark Bravo
Ashley Bright
Lily Brooke Brown
Dylan Lorenzo Burns
Matthew Thomas Bush
Efecan Buzkir
Char C
Elio Alberto Calderon Bonilla
Bryan Tamalatzi Calvo
Valerie Lynne Carlese
Alexa Jonel Carreon
Justice Carter
Tory Adai Carter
Tyler Ray Casaclang
Luis Eduardo Castro
Joseph Kenneth Lee Ynzon
Krysia Carlyle Chalk
Kurtis W. Chan
Jacquelyn Beatriz
Edwin Chen
Miari Chikwelu
Angela Chiu
Sharon Grace Cho
Lobsang Chokey
Jadon S Chu
Ayden Clark
Sean Bart Coffey
Isabel Emily Cohn
Jesus Alberto Contreras
Chastine-Gail Ang Costales
John Paul Crudo
Lianna Melissa Cubias
Joshua Ryan Cuevas
Joao Cuomo Scanzi
Sean Dang
Om Rajeshkumar Dankhara
Natalie Shelby Davis
Preston Elliot Davis
Karla Jazmin
De Los Santos Guerrero
Class of December 2023Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Hannah Debono
Eric Delgado
Winnie Deng
Xavier Desanto
Prabhdeep Singh Dhaliwal
Geoffrey Thomas Diamond
Alejandra Diaz
Antonio Belmoris Diaz
Mark Ceazar Benito Diaz
Keith Zyrel Distor
Joanne Do
Sebastian A Dodds
Maxim Sergeyevich
Corey John Drevno
Kyle C Drummer
Leonel Dujardin
Win Edwards
Trevor A Eichler
Diane Simon Eid
Yesenia Alexis Enciso
Jesse Reed Escobar
Khosraw Faiz
Isabel Carolina Falcon
Justin P Falk
Krisha Fernandez
Bayisa Beyene Feye
Briana Iridian
Alyna Amelia Flores
Edwin Flores
Trinity Fodor
Dylan Yee Gong Fong
Tucker Forbes
Jeremy Michael Foulds
Danielle Enriquez Gacuma
Razel Angel Santos Galvan
Adam Garcia
Joseph Jude Garcia
Patrickdean Khinsann Garcia
Evelin Yajaira
Garibay Verduzco
Gregory E Georges
Genelle Rodriguez Gepulle
Diangelo M. Gleaves
Elon Goliger Mallimson
Brianna Janel Gomez
Ashley Gomez-Lorenti
Toribio Salvador
Britney Gonzales
Valentin V Gorobets
Logan Mack Von Greeson
Ainsley Marie Gregson
Kelly Amelia Gross
Diego Emilio Guerrero
John William Guido
Fred Joseph Gunther
Jackie Guo
Paul Benedict Gurries
Edward Gutierrez
Jonathan Gutierrez
Joshua Daniel Guzman
Claudia Yasmin
Henna Habibi
Mohammad Hamdan
Ahmad Hammoud
Salim David Hanhan
Leilani Pangilinan Hansberry
Edin Hasanovic
Mahdi Hassanpour
Joshua Hayes
Zerong He
Jeremy Alexander Helstone
Christopher Ruben Hendrix
Duncan William Herington
Vincent Jon Mopas
Lissette Rosa Herrera
Raymond Herrera
Thai Sun Hill
Jesse Hollingsworth
Nichole Alexis Holmes
Broderick Dylan Holt
Florence Dovi Houndjo-Ade
Grace Hsu
Jiajie Hu
Songyuan Hu
Micheal Hua
Haoting Huang
Jinyi Huang
Isaias Isaac Huaracha
Joshua Gerard Cay Icasiano
Aniekan William Ikpe
Kevin Iman
Jasmine Y.S Jalilian
Yara Romel Mousa Jeries
Marlon Von Johnson
Alfredo Juarez Cruz
Kyle Kalimapau
Harleen Kaur Kang
Jeel Rajeshkumar Kankotiya
Zul Karnain
Brahamjyot Kaur
Jaskirat Kaur
Saad Saleem Kayani
Mason Micheal Kealy
Devin Lenholt Kern
Jackson Paul Kerrigan
Aman Khera
Khabibullo Khujamberdiev
Jasmine Kilani
Woojin Kim
Marquis Gabriel King
Tom Kirke
Melvin M. Kneip
Eaint Nway Nway Ko
Jonathan Ko
Francisco Koep-Blanco
Vanvichny Sinnita Kong
Kyle H Kor
Antonia Sophia Kostelec
Tessa Brielle Kriechbaumer
Aileen De Bartolome Ku
Kelly Teresa Kuan Marmol
Ritvik Kumar
Tenzing Kunsang
Aaron Kuo
Richard Kwok
Farrah Lam
Kin Seng Lam
Lee Ki Lam
Alondra Landeros
Nathaniel Lara
Berenice Gerico
Matthew Lasirona
Jacob Quang Lau
Andre Locsing Lavilla
Jacob Lawrence
Melanie Gisell Lazaro
Hai Thanh Le
Mary Le
Alice L Lee
Baron Lee
Ethan Lee
Jennifer Lee
Israel Fufa Legissa
April Marie Leung
Ethan A Lew
Edward Li
Ruike Li
Zijing Li
Ailin Liang
Derrick Liang
Weiting Liao
Michelle Xuehong Liaohom
Kaela Ann Lichstein
David Linh Nhat Lien
Cody Jeremiah Lim
Banting Yee Lin
Kinsley Lin
Benny Liu
Hanlei Liu
Jerry Wesley Liu
Ray Liu
William Liu
Alyssa Terilyn Llewellyn
Favienne Danielle Severo
Jose Simon Lopez
Lionel Lopez
Jonathan Alexander
Lopez Martinez
Denis Alexander Lovato Gomez
Yanfei Lu
Andre Luis Luquin
Jonathan Luu
Andrew Micheal Lux
Sandy Luyen
Hieu Ma
Jack Ma
Terry Ma
Wenai Ma
Jovan Japheth Macias
Kenji Madden
Yosef Yohannes Mahdere
Jonah Makonnen
Maurice De Ocampo Malang
Rydell Jacob Manahan
Emilee Jean Mann
Neel Manthani
Ty Maraviglia
Matthew Mercado Marcos
Jerome Martinez Mariano
Lenimar Moreira Marques
Christian Marquez
Lamontay Andrew Marshall
Emily Martinez
Genesis Martinez
Janiel Martinez
Ruby Martinez Amezcua
Michael Ryan Mathews
Loni Renee Matthew
Ingrid Paola
Mazariegos Ponce
Adam Tyler Mckinley
Scott Mcmann
Jiecong Sam Mei
Claudia S A Melendez
Salma Nathalie Mendez
Nicholas A Mendoza
Gaspar Mendoza-Lopez
Giovanni Marco Mendoza-Ngo
Jerald Agustin Mercado
Raul Anibal Merino Argueta
Alexandra Merino Canas
Matthewjosh Arago Militante
Mark Austin Milton
Eric Adalberto Miranda
Guadalupe Miranda
Alyson Tober Mititieri
Abdulwahab E S B
Kimon Monokandilos
Cooper Moore
Musu Tara Moore
Tristan Sanchez Moore
Daniel Moorhatch
Leslie Mora Ponce
John Francis Moran
Ayshia Serene Moreno
Christian Moreno
Alexander Agagas Morte
Class of December 2023Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Malik Smith M'Rabet
Chale Matthew Munoz-Diaz
Ywun Myat Thwe
Kshithij Nagesh
Reid O Nakano
Michael Soka Ng
Andy Lap Hoang Nguyen
Jeremy Nguyen
Johnny P Nguyen
Kiet Tuan Nguyen
Sean Duc-Trong Nguyen
Kirandeep Kaur Nijjar
Zaid Saleem Noori
Anabell Norling
Xiana Alexis Nunez
Anthony Oclica
Joyce C Ojascastro
Taylor Olbrantz
Yesica Yuridia Onofre Fletes
Jovanna Orozco Lugo
Alfredo Ortiz
Juana Ortiz
Yesenia Palacios
Abubakar Hanif Palya
Dahua Pan
Khailla-Mae M Paragna
Michell A Paredes
Ishani Shyam Parekh
Kennedy Denise Parson
Aryaman Patel
Neil B Patel
Nilan Girish Patel
Ervin Jerold Balancio
Song Anh Minh Phan
Thach Kevin Le Phan
Vivian Phan
Taylor Jazmyn Pierce
Stephanie Pineda
Joseph Pledger
Kendall James Powell
Nathan Lee Powell
Leo Ren Powers
Louis Presti
Kiana Puanani Quezada
Nayely Stephanie
Quinteros Hernandez
Arjun Radhakrishnan
Gianna Marie Raiti
Anacristina Ramirez
Nathaniel Ramirez
Samantha Ramirez
Ulyses Daniel Ramon-Arvizu
Parisha Ranabhat
Sujita Rawal
Matthew Allen Reed
Asia Rene
Sabrina Escalante Revilla
Calixto Daniel Reyes
Johnny Reyes
Luis Daniel Reyes
Victoria Maria Reyes Reyes
Joseph James Reyff
Erik Reynoso
Robin Joel Yanez Rillon
Melanie M Rivas
Diego Rivera
Lattrice Anderson Robinson
Malajiahna Robinson
Karin Maria Robles
Justin Michael Rodrigo
Alexiz Romero
Jacob Romero
Taylor Marie Ross
Adnin Rudaba
Sergio Ivan Ruiz
Alejandro Ruiz Granados
Bryan Ruiz Reyes
Max Rainbow Rybold
Leo Chiam Saeteurn
Adib Safi
Rodolfo E Salgado
Riley Joseph Sallander
Epifanio Benjamin Salvador
Justin San Andres
Jonathan Jesus Sanabria
Arturo Uriel Sanchez
Christian Rosales Sanchez
Noah Manuel Sanchez
Jacquelyn Santana
Herminio Santos
Pamela Santos-Chinchilla
Edward Saxer
Jeff Schnieder
Emma Elizabeth Seiber
Tilomai Ilianna-Corretta
Michael J Sessa
Lars Michael Severson
Renee Sewak
Nickolas Robert Shackelford
Sudaba Shams
Rakan R. E. Shannan
Jason Shin
Keshab Shrestha
Sumith Shrestha
Emily Janet Sin
Aaryan Singh
Abhishek Singh
Simran Singh
Shelly Puakahinano Sisneros
Austin T Smith
Jacob Daniel Snow
Tanner Jin Sonoda
Jeff Ryan Tandoc Soriano
Mohamed Sovula
Jacob Tyler Steiger
Cody Keith Stephenson
Elijah Stevenson
Leah Michelle Stewart
Aidan Carl Stivers
Runjun Su
Sawon Subedi
Paulina Svensson
Bernice Kate Zurbano Tadique
Pinalkumar Pareshbhai
Douglas Tang
Kashish Tanwar
Jazmin Tapia
Liya Job Tesfamariam
Prasidh Thapa
Sabine Isabella Thiessen
Francine Huong To
My Thoai To
Patrick To
Vijayraj Tolnoorkar
Maureen Rose Torio
Edgar Simon Torres
Leksia Devine Torres
Anna Tran
Anthony Quoc Tran
Jeremy Tran
Lam Tran
Linh Tran
Michael Anthony Traverso
James Allen Tremayne
Diana Trueblood
Igor Tsygankov
Sebastian Jimenez Uribe
Nepthalie Ian Urquico
Geovanni Alberto Valadez
Marielle Lomanta Valderrama
Chelsea Valles
Geu Vang
Kayla R Vargas
Jerica Velarde
Dennrielle Entena Velasco
Eric Velasquez
Citlalli Vidrio
Joshua Terrado Villanueva
James Abraham Villatoro
Jochelle Viray
Brian Vo
Ethan Sanandres Vocal
Daniel Samuel Wahba
Arian Wahidi
Junyao Wang
Imani Mairae Ware
Brandon Watanabe
Hailey Katherine White
Amy Willkom
Benny W Wong
Kevin Wong
Tracy Becky Wong
Xiao Nang Wu Feng
Bailey Jean Xavier
Chaosangkhom Zena Xayalath
Jouncsen Xie
Richard Xu
Mason Lucas Yaeger
Mika Kho Yang
Sheryl Yang
Tiffany Yang
Dwight Yee
Kennedy Mason Yee
Melinda Mimi Yee
Vincent Yee
Fang-Chi Yeh
Jui-I Yen
Benjamin Wing Hong Yeung
Robin Elizabeth Yglecias
Izabella V Zamora
Airesol Yvette Zamudio
Aldo Zarazua Huerta
Alexander Michael Zarcoff
Yulong Zhang
Antonio Tianan Zhao
Haoxian Zhao
Andy Zhen
Liusen Zhen
Andy Zhou
Jason Zong Zhou
Rafael Rodriguez
Zixin Zhang
Bryan Thomas Lobasso
Leticia Abeyta
Hatem Adell
Marwa Ahmad
Mahmoud Saleh Al Shawhati
Cathleen Alderson
Laurice Alolor
Karen Lynnet
Tudor Amza
Calvin Michael Anderson
Paula Antram
Susanne Erika Appe
Isaac Enoch Arellano
Sophia Cipriana
Argueta Moran
Julian Andrew Baskys
Annanya Lakshmi Bhaskar
Daniel Kato Bisase
Alexia A. Bogdis
Chloe Mcbarron Bogle
Halli Boman
Elizabeth Kathryn Bonilla
Kristin Danielle Borchers
Jeffrey Alan Boyd
Darcy L Brunk
Kellie Nicole Burfeind
Jadelyn May Chang
Mariana Victoria
Xinyu Chen
Li Gung Cheng
Maria Tingzon Choy
Juan Cruz
Lisa Anne Cummings
Kaitlyn Emily Custer
Jessica Issam Dabit
Timothy Bruce Delavan
Kelsey Diamond
Hyejin Do
Eryn Ann Dudley
Victor E Eydus
Kara Lynn Eytcheson
Hayley Noel Fenech
Gustavo Fierros
Linnea Wyatt Fleming
Michelle Fornell
Virginia Larue Foxton
Caitlin Gear
Rachel Penalosa Gee
Irene Geivett
Juliana Gomez
Monica Noemi
Tiffany Reeder Greenfield
Emma Jean Gunst
Leila Murad Harara
West Hays
Forrest Green
Blue Hendrix
Kacie Hill
Marissa Taylor
Sing Yuet Ho
Jonathan Puthdarin Ieng
Kristin Anastasha Ikalani
Qixia Jiang
Dan Kambur
Shayaan Benjamin Karimi
Kian Kawar
Joanna L. Kidd
Linda Kim
Nayeong Kim
Ariel Kirshenbaum
Richard Klein
Devyn Bradley Kowitz
David Edward Kummer
Cynthia Colleen Lagodzinski
Caiwen Li
Bret Boyer Linvill
Mei Ling Liu
Josie Loaiza
Dalton Lobo Dias
Clarissa Maciel
Johanna D Martinez
Argentina Martínez
Yolanda Catherine
Charlie Lane Mcmenomy
Vanessa Michael
Nykki E Milano
Stephanie Grace Mohney
Leah Morales-Nunberg
Cherie Leilani Moya
Stephanie Rose Mufson
Sara J. Newman
Christopher Michael Nichols
Erin Ann O'Brien
Skye Ayaka O'Connor
Class of December 2023
Tatum Joanna O'Driscoll
Patrick Vincent O'Melveny
Joel Ifunanya Onumalobi
Brittney Quinette Ortega
Bandi Lim Park
Pamela Patino
Avishan Yunus Peer
Abigail Esther Perez
Ryan Joseph Perry
Lesley Pfeiffer
Mckenzie Phelps
Angelica Adriana Pineda
Raquel Plascencia Sanchez
Alejandro Pulido Del Castillo
Oliver Quick
Rangasamy Venkatesan
Stephanie Ann-Marie
Alondra Rios
Annie Roach
Serina Rayan
Joseph Kareem Seyedan
Jinal Divyang Shah
Liwen Shao
Frank Joseph Sicignano
Niko Elesar Sigua
Genesis Maria Sorrick
Kaitlyn Thomson
Crystal Nicole Todoroff
Gabrielle Lorein Trejo
Ruth Etta Hyde Truman
Christine Van Dusen
Laura Jean Vuskovic
Aileen Wakefield
Fujun Wang
Zhuoyang Wang
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Williams
Alanna Lin Wong
Kara Raina Wong
Kevin Christopher Yee
Jennifer Wai Mui Young
Celeste Zambrano
Xiaoyun Zhang
Chirag Chandrashekhar Adiga
Chelsea Daunes Allen
Ashwin Vinayak Arul
Arpan Avvari
Lorena Y Benitez Rivera
Alexandria Marie Bevan
Nikitha Bodigam
Guillermo Bojorge
Brianna Nicole Boose
Jillian Margaret Burns
Gabriel Andrew Cabezon
Matthew Jovanny Cardona
Dinesh Chalasani
Alan Boksan Chew
Daniel Cornejo
George Czeck
Vaikunth Uddhav Desai
Darshilkumar Pravinbhai
Alexandria Jeanne Disbrow
Prachi Dosani
Daniel Dubrovsky
Diane Udoka Durunna
Mohamed Kennedy Elguhiem
Jesse Douglas Espinoza
Yao Fang
Hunter Fu
Lucero Galvan
Shivam Vinodbhai Gangwani
Kelsey Darling Garcia
Racheal Gauley
Jacob Greenbaum
Debbie Halim
Allan Harper
Conor Harrington
Amir Hashemizad
Tarah Haslett
Melissa Hassmer
Sindhu Muralidhara Havaldar
Ahya Hindawi
Laura Pauline Horsley
Huixian Huang
Peijun Huang
Vaidhervi Kansal
Dilpreet Kaur
Tigran Kurkchiyants
Hiu Lam (Lejane) Kwan
Abigail Miranda Lavoie
Osmond Xu Li
Philip Liang
Yongyi Lin
Yusa Liu
Kai-Chieh Lo
Leonard C Lupin-Jimenez
Xingxin Ma
Class of December 2023Master’s Degrees (continued)
Akarsh Mallegowda
Emil Margolis
Edwin Jose Menjivar Figueroa
Sohail Mohammadi Azad
Win Myat Naing
Felicia Ng
Brian Ngo
Khanh Hoang Phuong Nguyen
Justin H Ong
Anass Oualla
Cassidy Yawen Pan
Taylor Grace Pantiga
Kishan Ripalkumar Patel
Renato Sebastian
Perez Gomez
Tanishq Prafulla Pradhan
Poornank Nandkishore
Prathiba Ramesh
Leonardo Stephano Rodriguez
Hassan Malik Russell
Joseph Matthew
Carolyn Schwartz
Manali Chandrakant Seth
Ferhat Seyis
Vishal Ramanand Sharma
Miho Shimizu
Tejas Shivarudrappa
Warren Singh
Morgan Alexander Stickrod
Srivishnu Swamy
Allison Caley Swart
Jessica Tsui
Ariana Velarde
Arve Villaruz
Colin Weaver
Andres L Williams
Joshua Yaldaei
Kasturi Yarra
Chenyi Yuan
Purva Sachin Zinjarde
Kajal Arora
Nicholas Bolen
Mauricio Noel Lopez
Son Hai Nguyen
Rebecca Sage Rendahl
Ariana Marie Sandoval
Shawn Sharma
Victoria Alexis Soto
Enxhi Taipi
Matthew Garret Tam
Aaron Kylie Wong
Ai Wu
Myint Thu Zar
Hailey Johnson
Adán Gama Puffelis
Hayden Royster
Buddy M. Saleman
Yasong Wang
David Leonard Williams
Peter Xiong
Reece Owens
Khaled Naser Sultan Qaran
Rany Ath
Rebecca Frances Baldridge
Genesis Alejandra Cerna
Judy Choi
Anne Jennifer De Ocampo
Kathleen Derrig
Shannon Marie Dugan
Ashley Evon Jerez
Joshua Jason Lee
Rosino Ali Legan
Annie Li
Kelsey Logan
Grant Lawrence Miller
Priscilla Elizabeth Portillo
Angela M Ralston
Mei-Ying Williams
Erica Michelle Wong
Luci Xiong
Kyle Kazuaki Naganuma
Kembrya Marvette Smith
Class of December 2023
The Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership degree is awarded by the Board of Trustees of the
California State University.
The Doctor of Physical Therapy (clinical) degree is awarded jointly by the Board of Regents of the
University of California and the Board of Trustees of the California State University.
Jacob Tyrell Adams
Olabisi Adesuyi-Fasuyi
Cookie Shatearra Renithia
Tyler James Bachtell
Marina Sasha Aguinsky
Mark Anthony Manrique
Alina Boltunova
Kaela Renea Callorina
Jimena Jazmín
Córdova Flores
Yajayra A Cortez Rivera
Martina Cybele D'Ambrosio
Catalina Andrea
Anna Gee
Kaitlyn San Huey
Jeremy Lark
Evan Munoz
Toni Marie Revelli
Jinling Ruan
Amanda Schaer
Andrew Mason Scoggins
Stanislav Shaposhnikov
Jack Peter Wong
Jillian R Andrews
Nathasia Alyson Asuncion
Jazmyn Ray Baca
Jade R Chavez
Christina Marie Chrisco
Sarah Oct Fong
Emma Grace Hernandez
Jacquelin Hernandez
James Thomas Holmstrom
Roger Lau
Marvelous M. Lim
Josephine Elizabeth Martinez
Oliver A Michelsen
Kimsean Pen
Giselle Sanchez
Damon Paul Silva
Hector Abel Soto
Runqiu Wen
Storm K White-Blount
Jianci Zhen
Deonna Patricia Aguirre
Nasr Samy Ali
Ruby Lorena Anderson-Flores
Alexander Tibig Arriola
Mariela Guadalupe Avila
Tiara Monique Bais
Simone Linda Marie Brown
Michael Douglas
Barizo Callueng
Brandon David Lucas Chase
Anthony Deshon Chatman
Jazmin Alexis Contreras
Maryory Eunice
Cordero Orellana
Brisa Lizzet Cruz
Cecilia Cruz
Bella G Davis
Sofia De La Rosa Hamilton
Jana Kaye Cruz Evangelista
Keisha Lynn Fuller
Justine Michelle Garcia
Carissa Frances Goldberg
Ivette Estefany
Gonzalez Garcia
Savannah R Guzman
Kassandra Hernandez
Mariana L Hernandez
Kenneth Marlin Janssen
Carlos Armando Jimenez
Ethan Christopher Juarez
Taylor Kaye
Keeley Christine Knight
Christine Lau
Yanhua Li
Isabelle Dominique
Loft Madayag
Austin-Thayer G Marfori
Chelsea Talia Martinez
Gabriella Margaret Martinez
Sam Martinez-Tran
Navid Mehdipour
Melanie Montoya
Jessica Morales
Allyson Muzic
Ashlee April Nguyen
Jessica Nowak
Matthew John Nuris
Andrew Joel Perez
Jaime Antonio Rodriguez
Maya Lillian Sangster Young
Sonya Raj Shepla
Priscilla Soria
Hailey Dominique Suess
Briana Elizabeth Torres
Sinead Ann Wiley
Aaron Orlando Abelon
Arian Isahid Aburto
Alisa Lynn Adanza
Rashik Adhikari
Clayton Prince Adkins
Maria Fernanda Aguayo
Gladys Maritza Aguilar Vital
Jared James Akiyama
Caridad Alvarado
Rebekah Alvarez
Sergio Alvarez
Tarik Sari Ansari
Bryanna Juliana Arce
Monica Ireth Arellano
Nayeli Jasmine Arreola
Joseph Evans Ayala
Esmeralda Ruddy Barrios
Vianey Barroso Villa
Adrian Bassir
Rogelio Antonio Bautista
Karen Elizabeth Beltran
Adeline Bender
Teresa Aliesya Benson
Shane Patrick Billingslea
Taylor Leigh Brack
Rodney Dwayne Bridges
Alajah Antanique Burns
Paola Bustos
Jared William Caldwell
Valeria I Campos
Sharon Caplan
Allison Cárdenas
Carmen Alicia Cardenas Ayon
Valeria Alexandra Cardona
Kathy Esther Castro-Alvarado
Kaila Marie Celestial
Michele Sierra
Ricardo Martinez Chavez
Hannah Chesnutt
Natalie Chieng
Esther Hae-Jin Cho
Maya Rose Clemmons
Joanna Contreras Sanchez
John Corona
Kailee Larene Corona
Victor Andres Coronel
Matthew Albert Cortez
Grace Ann Cowherd
Angelica Jacqueline
Cuellar Ruiz
Kristian Ron Noriega Culla
Daiany Da Silva Alves
Danya Nouraldine Daoud
Gabrielle Jasmine Darcuiel
Demi Del Carlo
Herbie Dela Cruz
Jorgen Bryce Denger
Ariana Diaz
Paul Francis Doherty
Clarisse Marie Dominguez
Raheil Drar
Se'Quoia Lanisha Drew
Christopher J Edmiston
Sianna Christina Escalante
Claudia Monserrat
Espino Sanchez
Antonio Luis Espinosa
Mark Anthony Estrada
Charles Villarosa Fermin
Caroline Fernandez
Erim Fidan
Rickelmy Flamenco
Leonardo Javier Flores
Ileana Fuentes
Haruka Fukushima
Lillian Adele Fuller
Jessica Galeno
Samuel Dominic Garcia
Cristy Gaytan
Kelsey Gehl
Aaliyah Mia Gilliard
Valeria Gomez
Erica Michelle Gong
Joshua Alexander Gonzalez
Nubia Andrea Gonzalez
Itzel Gonzalez Salazar
Itzell Gonzalez-Rubio
Daniel Eduardo Granados
Sierra Marin Green
Ashley Greene-Orozco
Madeline Jane Grenville
Brianna Marie Guerrero
Jowenna Cato Guino-O
Sarah Marie Gutierrez
Myranda Gutierrez-Mendez
Class of August 2023
Class of August 2023Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Martin Guzman
Regan Sofia Hadfield
Afshan Hashmi
Angela Ling Hau
Ziheng He
Leny Darleen Hernandez
Nathalie Noemy Hernandez
Samantha Trajano Herradura
Isaac Andrew Lee Hoffman
Daniel Ekko Hollinger
Samuel Lucas Hoops
Vanessa Huerta Huerta
Gene Walter Iriartborde
Evan Jamil Jackson
Julissa Abigail Jimenez
Alexia Maria Kallah
Nicholas George Kapoulas
Ayesha Rukhsar Khan
Putri Rifda Khoiriyah
Ronan Jack King
Liam Andrew Kinsella
Tayler Knight
Christian Jeremy Kok
Anni Lan
Cade Jerald Lawhead
Jenna Nicole Leary
Lillian Lee
Aaron Daniel Levy-Wolins
Gia Amani Long
Anissa Jesenia Lopez
Lisset Lopez
Jose Luna Lopez
Yuwen Ma
Cruzita Manaia Maea
Peter Magyar
Eemon Malek-Madani
Noa Tomas Mandorf
Raul Manzo
Clara Martinez
Shanda Elimra Mayfield
Savannah Luree Mccullough
Jeareiri Mejia Arenas
Susana Suyapa Melgar
Daisy Mendez
Katherine Mendez
Leonidas Mendoza
Olivia Nicole Miller
Allen James Minot
Katherine Nicole
Molina Vallecio Schultz
Cindy Pilar Montelongo Rivas
Kaylee Christine Moralez
Samantha Leilani Moran
Cynthia Jasmine Morell
Jocelyne Moreno
Skyler Gabrielle Morgan
Laura Rose Muehlbauer
Guadalupe De Jesus Muniz
Joshua Andrew Navarro
Liliana Eva Navarro Flores
Donna Nguyen
Marcus Roberto Nogueira
Nicholas Nouriani
Tariq Eltayeb Nugud
Katherine Nicolle
Nunez Castro
Samantha Madison Nuno
Jessica Christine O'Gorman
Ikeoluwa Adesiyan Oladoja
Jahnet Marie Ontiveros
Alex Ortiz
Jesus Jasiell Osuna
Maya Larajea Owens
John Ramon Oyervidez
Manasi Manish Panchal
Sangjin Park
Isabela Jo Pastoriza
Sofia Alexia Penate
Russell John Perez
Josie Phoenix
Erial Dior Pierr
Veronica Portillo
Victoria Yvonne Quintero
Alyssa Jade Rabara-Le
Alondra Ramirez
Cassia Suzanne Reddig
Esteban Uriel Renteria Iriarte
Jeffrey Bryan Reyes Infante
Cynthia Rivera
Tobias Joshua Roat
Hailee Robertson
Nely Rodriguez
Gabrielle Rosales
Ahlam Saleh
Ramon Salinas Juarez
Gabriela Sanchez
Abigail Marie Sandoval
Jordan Tia Kai Sass
Siearra Rene Scripter
Aleksandra Nikole Seiger
Varun Sharma
Spencer John Simoes
Julia Grace Smart Truco
Joshaniqua M Smith
Veronica Solis
Alea Soria
Morgan Allison Stanley
Shara Elizabeth Stewart
Jessica Joan Suico
Azzedine Alaia Putri Taka
Trinity Sayuri Takeda
Emily Barabad Tan
Jenna Marie Taylor
Lanea Monée Tolbert
April Denise Torres
Mohamed Hassan Dorgeles
Johnny P Tram
Kevin Tran
Luseane A Tutoe
Diane Tyler
Plamen Tzvetkov
Enzo Fabrizio Ugaz
Ezrahita Lorena Urbina
Martha Jazmin Valdez Penado
Erika Valiente Thompson
Vannesa Valle
Caroline Amanda Van Zandt
Violet Isabel Vasquez
Adriana Danae
Velazquez Rodriguez
Keheolani Vele
Geraldine Mercedes Viera
Isabella A Villalpando
Arianna Vizcaino
Chelsea Rae Walker
Conrad Tybalt Watkins
Kobe Lasanga Wijesekera
Jessica Gabriela Wilson
Thaddeus Wilson
Conner Michael Wong
Jesse A Wright
Kouri'Ahna Juli'Etta Wright
Anayeli Xicohtencatl
Jiaming Zhang
Jie Zheng
Jolie Elizabeth Gubisch Aban
Jasminemarie Antipuesto
Geraldine Palisoc Cabrera
Aria Zia Sophia Dill
Olivia Madison Floyd
Fatma M Hararah
Christine J'Usrey
Hoa Thai Kim
Linh Thuc Mao
Shuwan Htet Htet Maung
Zhu Hong Ng
Serena Padda
Andrew Stephen Raul
Santiago Ricci Justo
Ramil I Rodriguez
Caitlin Michele Ryman
Anna Elike Nilla Akpawu
Jazlyn Isabel Castro
Nicholas J. Dias
Umer Durrani
Ailin Fang
Juan Angel Ferreira
Giana Gaitan Naranjo
Kelsey Gee
Victoria Catherine Hicks
Nam Ho Him
Vanessa Liliana Ioane
Sophottrea Lam
Chester H Lee
Cynthia Lee
Yiping Li
Mike Tue Hoc Lu
Emily Medina
Natalie Medina Chavez
Danelia Mendieta
Monique Menezes Ferronatto
Zeena Shaiyla Mohammed
Annika Irene Moline
Isabel Marie Moreno
Anise Netterville
Seth Li Pavlicek
Kimsean Pen
Alden James Poh
Nicholas C Ramos
Alexis Giselle Rodriguez
Samantha Aleeyah Sharaf
Nelwin Torio
Steven Anh Truong
Guadalupe Del Carmen
Efe David Ahirhima
Abdullah Asghar
Janvi Nilesh Babu
Caitlyn Joy Batalla Banaag
Kimberlyn Grace Ellis Benson
Ruth Mehreteab Beyene
Maya Sarah Bigirimana
Mary Cabrera
Giovanni Elver
Carachure Ortiz
Emely Elizabeth Carcamo
Brandon Jason Carignan
Faiyaz Chaudhury
Brannon Chavis
Jonathan Jia-Ling Chen
Weimin Chen
Elisa Hsiao-Rou Chih
Brooke Conway
Twiggy Damy Bravo
Michaela Jamie Reyes David
Olivia Louise Meehan
Giovanni Navarrete Elvira
Jasmine Annette Estrada
Nicol Dennise Fajardo
Christopher Filice
Linda Godinez Cojom
Amaal R Greenwood-Goodwin
Shauntel Guinto
Brooke Angela Hinojos
Class of August 2023Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Elsie Francine Jao
Alexander Leon Konevsky
Oleg Kuravsky
Amber Laurent
Zixuan Li
Jiayi Liang
Runying Liang
Kevin Ramses Lopez Armengol
Guadalupe Mata
Trevor Scott Mccallum
Trevor James Merrell
Taiyo Mori
Derek Nolan Navarro
Tam Nguyen
Raven Jeremy Briones Perez
Kyle Salamat
Martin Jhostinnof Salvatierra
Brianna Janel Sanchez
Sara Murad Ahmed Seid
Alex Su
Nyein Nyein Su
Cory Swango
Lucia E. Tinajero
Rachel Yu-Chiao Tseng
Chevez D. Turner
Jonathan Oscar Valadez
Natalia Valencia
Connor Wilson
Zachary Wong
Khin Yadana
Cameron Michael Yee
Kayl Dane Zabala
Peiqi Zhang
Faycal Zakari Abdelli
Vida Abdiani
Mahmoud Ahmad Abedelal
Roya Abkenari
Polina Abramson
Igor Maeda Abud
Maria Fernanda Aguayo
Noemi Yesenia Aguiniga
Brian Anthony Pena Aguirre
Shahryar Ahmed
Nbeel Abdulsalam Aloudi
Abdullah Saad A Alsayari
Monia Alsena
Adolfo Angeles
Noelani-Jae Sapaen Angeles
Jhovani Manue
Anguiano Jimenez
Dominick Zander Antelo
Lam Ao
Julian Jordan Aquino
Nazanena Arghandiwal
Joel Arias-Elizardo
Frances Sophia Armas
Jean-Michael Arraki
Aisha Asif
Jasmine Kaur Atwal
Halema Aziz
Jennifer Bautista
Nathaniel Antonio Bautista
Adam Belaid
Catherine Muir Bell
Christian Humberto Beltran
Charleigh Jo Katherine
Elian Mariam Boukhalil
Ahmed Dhafer Bouzid
Brianna Marie Braine
Anna Rose Brody
Phillip Tomas Bryant
Kacie Cabrera
Ivy Cai
Madysen Caine
Kamari Amira Calloway
Tyler Stone Campisi
Ricardo Campos
Seancarlo Campos
Valeria Cardona Perez
Lennea Aaliyah Castro
Roandy Catalan
Megan Ritika Chadha
Austin Parker Chan
Debby Kuan I Chang
Gabriela Malena Chavez
Girish Chegu
Howell Matkustanen Chen
Jintao Chen
Zhijie Chen
Michael Cheung
Lindsay Cherise Chin
Kevin Chrzanowski
Antonio Matthew Cole
Crystalee Connelly
Stephanie Aileen Corona
Jurgen Corpuz
Marcus Daniel Corral
Katherine Ochoa Cortes
Taylor Lynn Cummings
Braden Matthew Dalit
Arojit Pradeepkumar Das
Gabriel Michael Dasilva
Albert Santos David
Elizabeth Socorrco Delgadillo
Destiny Desamito
Rocio Jacqueline
Diaz Hernandez
Janelle Dorado
Lawrence Du
Dat Duong
Eleodoro Duran
Menghuy Ean
Alexander David Andrew
Donovan Michael Escareno
Kathya Espinosa
Jasmine Espinoza
Michelle Esdabel Espinoza
Joselyn Anahi Espinoza Lopez
Rhea Mae Marapao Estacio
Vivian Estrada
Melecio James Estrella
Syed Muhammad Faiz
Hadassa Fakalolo
Ahmed Nabil Fara
Christopher Farnsworth
Kyle J Filippuzzi
Hanna Nicole Fleshman
Jonathan Darcy Foster
Ana Tae Fouster
Emanuel Francis
Christian Francisco
Johana Franco Osorio
Lissa Maria Francois
Cinthya Karen Fuentes
Tyler John Retiro Fulinara
Justin Hajime Furukawa
Alexandre Joseph Delacruz
Callum David Galen-Bisping
Laura Galvan
Vanessa Galvan
Destiny Michelle Garcia
Diego Nickolas Garcia
Erick Geovanny Garcia
Jocelyn A Garcia
Samantha Garcia Contreras
Devynn Marie Garcia-Hyde
Kathleen Gersztoff
Elissa Munira Gesner
Arjun Singh Gill
Karina Gonzalez
Marta Cristina Gonzalez
Vanessa Gonzalez Gonzalez
Joseph James Gorny
Yiding Gou
Courteney Nicole Greene
Abigail Gutmann-Gonzalez
Glenda Maylee Guzman
Lucy Gworek
Gamal Hadwan
Reid Haley-Rutherford
Esra Issa Hawamdah
Dominique Michelle Henry
Ismael Hernandez
Matias Nicolas
Herrera Fuentes
Emmylou Hobgood
Wilson Hong
Liangyuan Huang
Zhihao Huang
Danial Issam H Imaseeh
Victoria Deedee Interiano
Iose Puipuifatu Iulio, Jr.
Sophie Jacques
Omar Jarrad
Christalyn Lorelai Jeanne
Abigail Lily Jeffers
Edgar Jimenez
Alexis Zoe Juarez
Rahima Kakar
Zen Kaneko
Naomi Soohee Kang
Daniella Maria Kaufman
Makayla Keelin
Sean Patrick Kelly
Samantha Danielle Kerrigan
Nicole Adele Khuri-Yakub
Calvin Hanul Kim
Heather Kim
Alexandra Casselman King
Alex Kiyohara
Derrick Jin Ko
Justin Kong
Margaret Irene Koval
Janine Lana David Lacap
Shera Lam
Anahei Natalie Lara
Desmond Makaio Lawley
Denean Kim Le
Christie Lee
Ter Lee
Megan Lew
T'Kiah Lewis
Douglas Z Li
Ray Gustavo Limon
Nyan Ye Lin
Douglas Fernando
Linares Lopez
Hannah Liu
Eduardo Rodrigues Lopes
Karen Lopez
Ricardo Lopez
Roberto Lopez
Sucre E Lopez
Sucette Ivonne Lopez-Arteaga
Zachary Forrest Lovell
Victor Jozaeh Loyola
Lorena Jazmin Lozano
Brandon Joseph Ludwig
Jeffrey Ma
Jonathan Moises Magana
Colin Salim Magee
Asad Ahmed Malik
Sareyah Malik
Kim Marie Mammini
Angelique Mejia Maneclang
Zarian Arthur Martin
Kasandra Marie Martinez
Mariano Alonzo Martinez
Class of August 2023Bachelor’s Degrees (continued)
Nathan Ernesto Martinez
Nick Mastrangelo
Victoria Michelle
Calvin Dwight Mayugba
Christian Frederick Mcglothen
Avrie Skylar Mckinley-Jackson
Farid Mehdipour
Vivian Mei
Arturo J Mendoza
Nicole Marie Menegus
Lina Meng
Cesia Elizabeth Mercado
Lawrence Angelo S. Miclat
Alexis Dionne Milligan
Mohamed Mohamed
Alexander Demetri
Francisco Ivan Morales
Alexis Reed Morinini
Carolina Munoz Vargas
Jose Jesus Murillo
Marie Angelie Murillo
Than Htet Naing
Nishant M Narayanan
Christopher Nathan
Natalia Navasoli
John Xavier Alexander
Elisha Nedwick
Anthony Nguyen
Brian Nguyen
Donna Nguyen
Linda Nguyen
Travis Jordan Nuckolls
Eric John Nuñez
David Anthony Olinger
Nnaemeka Chidinma
Marcos Andres Oropeza
Edgar Rolando
Orozco Galeano
Felix Ow
Allison Mei O'Yang
Nishit Aman Pachchigar
Eric Park
Jeong Won Park
Jose Alfonso Pazmino
Veronica Alejandra Pena
Micaela Angela Cruz Penaflor
Maureen Mathea Cruz Perez
Kevin A Phan
Eric Scott Phillpott
Dhammapatipan Phoemphon
Bryan Angel Pineda
Clyde Alexander Pineda
John Michael Piper
Chadwick William Plath
Danielle Marie Ponce
Melanie Jane Poserio
Saahil Rai
Vikram Singh Rai
Amisha Rajesh
Kristel Montserrat
Ramirez Miranda
Sonya Marie Randle-Wise III
Aditya Ravikumar
Ali Razaqpur
Jake Redmond
Geraldine Renteria
Bradley Louis Rios
Beyonce Sveydey Rivera
Farwah Rizwan
Lauren Olivialyn Roxas
Gabriel Jacob Ruiz
Jeremiah Salvador Ruvalcaba
Cassidy Joyce Rydeen
Boki Muhammad Safayev
Karen Jasmine Salamanca
Natalie Salazar
Santiago Salazar
Komal Salim
Abdelmajid Samir
Maria Angela Sanchez
Ruby Sanchez
Perla Sanchez Silva
Charles Rene Santisteban II
Leslie Santos
Taglia Sophia Scatena
Ryan Steven Scott
Joshua Amar Sehwani
Berke Melisa Sever
Zarponna Noori Shaghasi
Mohammad Owais Wasim
Yatin Sharma
Jack Porter Sheets
Hang Yi Shek
Yi Shen
Aman R Shrestha
Celine Sierra
Benediction Bora Simeons
Gurjit Singh
Simran Singh
Derek Christopher Smith
Paige Mackenzie Smith
Emma Jo Smoot
Gia Marie Snyder
Tsewang Sonam
Ma'Ayan Sorani
James Lester Summers
Arielle Destyni Surratt
Livia Wilmot Tafari
Avery Louie Tam
Riley Yolanda Tan
Massiah Taylor
Sam Erik Taylor
Olivia M Teegarden
Catarina Lorraina Tegtmeier
Ei Thiri
Jeric Tianco
John Tobie
Lauren Halie Toma-Sabio
Aletzy Torres
Mohamed Hassan Dorgeles
Harold Stephen Tran
Genre Alangui Transfiguracion
Anna Mach Trinh
Anil Su Tuli
Altanbagana Uurtsaikh
Vanessa Joy Valdez
Genevieve Valencia
Austin John Valera
David Valois
Jose M. Vasquez
Oscar Joab Vazquez
Atharva Chandrakant Veer
Katrina Andrea Velarde
Francesca Ann Tangliben
Jonathan N Vicencio
Katelyn E. Victoria
Andrey Gabriel Del Rosario
Kyle Robert Wallace
Patrick Won Tou Wan
Wilfred Wandji
Declan Jackson Ward
Catherine Ware
Tyler T Wartzok
Sierra Hanly Watts
Wendi Wei
Zi Xiang Wei
Amelia Wheaton
Asia Marie Williams
Alexander Enrico Wintergerst
Aaron "Ace" Wise
Betty Wong
Kenneth Wong
Megan Roslyn Wong
Garrett Lucas Wood
Michaela Christine Worona
Yingyi Wu
Robert Alan Yabumoto
Chengkai Yang
Chloe Nicole Yates
Jiamin Ye
Alayna Rae York
Steven Matthew Young
Ali Jon Zazi
Harrick Zeng
Madeline A. Zevallos
Kelsey Marie Zhang
Karen Pei Ming Zhao
Zixuan Zhao
Yucheng Zhou
Michael Alexander
Holden Wink Aguirre
Ajil Saji
Soyeong Bak
Johnmark Zachary Bautista
Victor Jose Becerra
Gabriela Berevoescu
Felix Bishop
Chiaki Tsuchiya Borissoff
Markenya Lavon Broughton
Jordan Michael Brown
Michael Byrd
Tatyana K Dimitrova-Pelov
Alicia Marie Dixon
Emily Duenas
Naomi Denise Floyd
Julian Lancaster Fontaine
Margarita Guevara Flores
Logan Hansen
Luke Andrew Heslip
Aaron David Hoff
Sophie Grace Hospodar
Tiffany Alexandra Hudson
Taylor Colette Jackson
Ariana S Khateeb
Fanqi Kong
Connor Loehde-Woolard
Gail Anne Manalastas
Edee Moore
Ion Nami Murata
Morgan Nguyen
Marissa Janae Ng-Williams
Melissa B Nuila
Maxwell I Oginz
Adrienne D. Oliver
Lekha Priya Patil
Maria Larsson Pedersen
Alvaro Ernesto Ramos
Gena Christen Rinaldi
Mitra H. Salmassi
Margot Serra
Jenny G. Shao
Jenna Anne Soule
Graciela Urias
Ian X Wallace
Xiaoxuan Zhao
Preet Jigneshkumar Agnihotri
Salma Mohamed Ahmed
Emma Alejandra Alvarez
Gerson Ariel Ascencio
Tyrine Thi Bailey
Faven Bethlehem Berhane
Ana Karen Biviano
Daniel Anthony Capule
Rohit Chopra
Cheng-Yu Chuang
Steven Daniel Corley
Huy Duc Do
Matthew Dominguez
Hisel Virginia Esquivel
Angela Marie Evenich
Ricardo Flores
Vandana Ganesan Kaushik
Sebastian Gomez
Shea Hunter Grady
Sojin Han
Mandy Lanae Hansen
Lucia Hau
Xinwen He
Evan Ho
Easton James Honaker
Peter Hyacinth Nwadiaru
Mehak Jain
Kewei Jiang
Mariam Khan
Elizabeth Kirschner
Abbigale Koenigsmark
Jiayu Luo
Yuriah Lydon
Yuselin Guadalupe
Martinez Nino
Priyam Subhashbhai Mavani
Anne Rowan Mc Pheeters
Emily Mcfarland
Ezra Mendales
Brian Molina Merino
Jocelyne Isabel Milke
Donald Nguyen
Quoc Hung Nguyen
Clara Gisel Nungaray
Elleanor San Roque
Rachel Parsons
Lorena Pereda
Patricia Petrova
Nicolas Provenzano
Francisco I. Sanchez-Vasquez
Fiona Senchyna
Julianna June Smith
Mathias S. Sorensen
Cherrilyn Lacambra Starkey
Mohseen Fathima Syed
Sultan Mohideen
David Wayne Umbertus
Saumeek Sandeep Upadhyay
Joshua Ccori Vargas Luna
Joshua Von Nonn
Katherine White
Chenxi Yang
Jiadong Yu
Yaqoub Yusuf
Zakariah Nader Zarei-Escobar
Zun Zhou
Christine Borja
Quinnshanta Starr Dixon
Bradley Ryan Droubay
Dominique Lorraine Flores
Arian Golbakhsh
William Li
Diego Munguia
James Patrick Ryan
Alejandro Rios
Matthew Joseph Rodriguez
Darrell Anthony Stewart
Kelcie Lauren Thomas
Andrew Tsao
Devon Kendall Wright
Haley Seppa
Alec Robert Smith
Susan Cook Martin
Jordan Craig David Beck
Amanda Birk
Justin Robert Singh
Niyat Teferi
Kyle Williams
Nicholas Marek
Maraea N Master
Class of August 2023
Zachary James Mclaughlin
Zerrick Jesus Santos
Class of August 2023
The Doctor of Physical Therapy (clinical) degree is awarded jointly by the Board of Regents of the
University of California and the Board of Trustees of the California State University.
San Francisco State University has made every attempt to include in this program all persons deserving of
recognition. Please note that this program contains only the names of graduates who applied for graduation
by the program deadlines. If there have been any errors or omissions, please accept our sincerest apologies.
Corrections should be directed to the Registrar’s Office at 415.338.2350.
Clara Althaus
Sergio Alvarez
Leslie Amaro
Vessela Anguelova
Angela Aragon
Angelique Aspacio
Emma Auer
Monsur Awadalla
Natalie Ayala
Gabriel Bata
Julia Birdseye
Oliver Bishop
Brenna Boss
Kylie Brandt
Jacquelyn Cabrera
Oscar Calderon Perez
Jessica Camacho
Laura Camacho
Alexis Carbajal
Rose Chalfin-Wakeley
Nicholas Chan
Jack Chase
Rachel Chen
Minyi (Katie) Chen-Li
Zachary Crowley
Leslie Cuevas Bracamontes
Hannah Cummons
Mia Cunnan
Gregory Dagger
Anna Dagum
Matthew Dalton
Alana Dangel
Amy Day
Cerina Diesh
Eli Dinkelspiel
Lillian Dittes
Jacob Duran
Anthony Ray Elevado
George Endrawos
Everett Estkowski
Malik Evangelatos
Luna Fakhouri
Brianna German
Jose Gil
Theresa Gomez
Ulysses Gonzalez
Hind Griner
Kristie Halaufia
Lara Haller
Eleanor Halloran
Saddia Hasseeb
Sormeh Hazrati
Beatrice Hickox
Sasha Hnatkovich
Kamrea Horne
Rubi (Yi) Hu
Victor Ibekwe
Ji Jin
Zihui Jin
Tierra Jones
Marisol Juarez
Sabrina Jusino
Jada Kelly
Kunie Kikunaga
Juhuhn Kim
Mei Kwan
Matthew Lambert
Susan Lang
Maelynn Le
Harry Liao
Jonah Lindsey
Kevin Linn
Chi Lo
Dylan Love-Russom
Shufen Ma
Xiumei Ma
Morgan Malley
Matt Manfredi
Olivia Manzanares
Lauren Medders
Cecilia Mello
Laura Mendieta
Lee Miller
Faith Molinari
Jasmine Motley
Alejandro Navarro
Sara Newman
Andrea Ochoa Sanchez
Ceren Kurt Olgun
Lia Ouyang
Maya Owens
Alondra Padilla-Garcia
Zoe Pantera
Sophia Panzarella
Melanie Patterson
Isabella Perez-Flores
Malia Potter
Classes of August | December 2023
and May | August 2024
Yi Quan
Eliana Ramirez
Patrick Ramirez
Larwrence Rogers
Ivonne Romero
Michael Rumery
Samantha Saavedra
Jordan Sass
Eugene Schilder
Colin Schildhauer
Lydia Schnitta
Savannah Scott
Hector Segura
Amelia Shawley
Shaymaa Shukryia
Benjamin Siegel
Nicole Snow
Sydnee Solomon
Rebekah Stepner
Kyle Takeuchi
Brian Thoi
Gabe (James) Tomey
Oscar Villagrana
Melanie Waechtler
Cole Weber
Katherine Wethington
Zachary Wilson
Cary Wong
Courtney Wong
Jessica Wright
George Yip
Diana Zambrano Alcaraz
Cihao Zou
*Credential candidates concurrently earning their Master of Arts degree are listed in the MASTER OF
ARTS section.
Guests who enter the playing eld or who throw
(or attempt to throw) objects in the stands or
onto the eld are subject to ejection and criminal
prosecution. They will also be held liable for any
nes and/or damage.
The elevators at the Willie Mays Plaza and 2nd
Street Plaza provide access to all levels of the park.
The elevators at Lefty O’Doul Plaza and Seals
Plaza provide access to the Promenade Level
only. In addition, at Willie Mays Plaza there is
one escalator which will move guests up before
the ceremony and change direction after the
graduate procession to bring guests down after
the ceremony.
The First Aid Station, located on the Promenade
Level behind Section 132, is open during the
ceremony to provide evaluation and treatment
to guests for minor medical needs. Dignity
Health physicians, nurses and emergency
medical personnel staff the First Aid Station.
King American Ambulance service is available
for medical emergencies.
Guest Services personnel are available at the
Guest Services Desk, located behind home plate
on the Promenade Level, for wheelchair requests,
lost and found items, information about public
transportation, stroller check, lost or found
children and parents, and a variety of other
services. Concierge personnel are available to
assist guests on the Alaska Airlines Club and
Oracle Suite levels, near the Willie Mays
The Commencement ceremony will be
livestreamed for guests joining us o-site. A link
can be found on the Commencement website:
If a guest has lost an item during the ceremony,
they should contact the nearest Ballpark
Operations or Guest Services sta member for
assistance. Found items might also be turned in
to Ballpark Operations or Guest Services sta.
Items will be held for one week. Unclaimed items
will be donated to charity. To report or claim a
lost item during or after an event, please visit the
Lost and Found section of the Giants website at
We know this is a special day and that families
and friends of graduates want to take
photographs. Because of access restrictions, this
is not possible. A professional photography
company will be taking photos prior to graduates
entering the ballpark. Graduates will receive
order forms directly from the company.
Commencement occurs in a public venue and
will be recorded and photographed for
distribution through various SF State outlets. All
audience members (or parents/guardians of
minors attending the event) acknowledge that
they may appear on these recordings and
photographs by virtue of their attendance at or
participation in Commencement, and agree to
SF State and their partners use of photographed
or videotaped materials through the University’s
websites, applications and other channels of
For safety reasons Oracle Park does not allow in
and out privileges.
There are 52 public restrooms (21 for men, 21
for women and 10 family) located on all levels
throughout the ballpark. All public restrooms
are accessible. Restrooms on the Promenade
and View levels are painted yellow for easy
identification, and all contain baby-changing
Field: Section 108, 119; under Bleachers at
Section 142
Promenade: Sections 107, 126, 131, 116
(by Willie Mays Tower)
Alaska Airlines Club: Sections 204, 213,
218, 226, 234
Oracle Luxury Suite: Suites 6, 33, 55
View: Sections 305, 313, 319, 324, 330
Field Level: Sections 110, 124; Bleachers at
Section 142
Promenade: Sections 110, 123, 133, 116
(by Willie Mays Tower)
Alaska Airlines Club: Sections 204, 213,
218, 227, 234
Oracle Suite Level: Suites 10, 30, 58
View Level: Sections 305, 311, 321, 328, 331
Field Level: Section 113
Promenade: Section 107 (exit area to Lefty
O’Doul Plaza), Sections 126, 142 (near
center field scoreboard area)
Alaska Airlines Club: Sections 213, 229
Oracle Luxury Suite: Suites 10, 48
View Level: Sections 313, 319
Baby-changing tables are available in all public
restrooms at Oracle Park. A mothers’ privacy
area, open to all mothers, no matter their seat
location, is available near the Alaska Airlines
Club Guest Services desk adjacent to the Willie
Mays elevator lobby on the third oor. Services
desk adjacent to the Willie Mays elevator lobby
on the third oor.
Sign language interpreters are available. There
are reserved seats for guests needing this service.
Guest services can guide you to the available
seats. In addition, the large screen will feature
open captioning.
In accordance with San Francisco city ordinance,
Oracle Park is a smoke-free facility with no
smoking areas. Smoking is not permitted
anywhere in the ballpark. Electronic smoking
and any other vaporized smoking is not
permitted anywhere inside Oracle Park.
This publication is available in alternative formats upon request. Contact Strategic Marketing
and Communications at 415.338.1665 or visit
The University Corporation, SF State is pleased to host San Francisco State Universitys One
Hundred Twenty-Third Commencement, Friday, May 24, 2024, San Francisco, California.
Oracle Park Map